Terran Confederation [TTC] EX-Steel Marauders

i put in an application on ur guys website

well our ranks are almost full but we have room for a few more good pilots looking to advance through the ranks of the marauders if you are interested please go to our web site and sign up now.


Join the fight

Fight To Win



So Tealc i cannot join you guys because the corporation is full?  :sad:

no we still have a few open slots sign up through our web page and one of our officers will get you in 

I got a question, if i sign up right now on the website but i only come 12th august can i join then?

that is fine just add me as a friend in game when you are ready to join and  so i can send out the invite in game.

Okay, Thanks! Gonna add you as a friend as soon as I come back!

Remember to save a place for me in your Corp Tealc, because tomorrow i’m coming back from holidays and join you guys.

Greetings Tealc, i am now back home and playing SC, can you please invite me? I send you a friend request and please answer on it and invite me.  :salute:

welcome to all our new pilots good to have you hear 

i have been accepted through the site, can someone confirm me, im finemw1

just curious, is there still room in the corp? i just put in an application for membership, happy to join if there is

Hmm there seems to be a Line forming and I think I may be way in the back !

There’s room in the Corp no worries.


In-game corp invites make it tricky getting people in I guess. Am not a corp officer so I dunno how that works.

that makes sense lol, ive already put in application on ur website, just waiting for an officer to accept it. ur still an active corp i hope

we have peeps flying about

good to hear, then i await the decision on my application lol

Just joined up yesterday! Looking forward to flying with you folks soon. 


we have peeps flying about

And sorry to Kine, I hope the announcement that I’m one of those peeps doesn’t disappoint you too much! :wink:


Happy flying to all!

Why would it disappoint?


Looking forward to squad up and fly together ! Welcome to the gang  :salute:

I’d like to reapply, Got my own place and new computer is up and running :smiley: