PvE Tier Limit

Use a efficiency farming ship, like engi, command, or guard with the damage reduction aura.


I don’t need the advice, but it’s not always feasible for others.

God, the majority of this thread is sickening. Of course the “top” players are going to beg to keep this system. It’s how you guys quick grind effectiveness points. How about you guys actually play the tier you’re in and leave some points for the average player? Or is this just a way to ward off new players so you can keep your top 20 corps as the only players in the game? >.> 


Seriously, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to have the PvE queue like the PvP queue. Just because it doesn’t benefit the people abusing the system doesn’t mean it’s a bad suggestion.

Agreed, I hate to Que for 5 minutes only to get into a match and just watch cause i cant get any points cause some guys bring their T5s into a T2 match, they just probably lack the skill to play in their own tier so they come down and ruin the game for the lowbies…


At the most bring a T3 ship into a T2 match to help out the low guys, but bringing a T4-5 is too unfair.

Also agreed. As I have been running through low tier ships with my corp members working on building up their ships and progressing through ranks, this practice of bringing high tier ships into a low tier match is appalling. How is anyone going to improve their skill or teamwork, even learning how to do the PvEs when high tiers come in and dominate the rounds? 


 As you go up in rank and Tier your ships get bigger, stronger and better. PvE scales in rewards and difficulty with each tier. Simple solution is to take the method used in PvP, the highest tier ship you bring is the one that decides what level PvE match you queue for. Your experience and skill should speak for its self when you play the Tier your ship is in.


I see many large corps posting here, I am surprised no one can get a squad together to do high PvEs. A squad of 4 = 0 minutes wait time. 

You people do realize that the Eff and credits you earn in PvE barely correlates to how much you earn outside a paltry amount of Synergy for blowing up mooks. I’ll have to toss up a screenshot of using the same ship, one doing nothing, and another with several thousand Eff and showing how little it changes the rewards.

I mean if you want to take 10 minutes longer to get the same amount of goodies, or even fail out and waste time, by all means I won’t stop you.

Time-reward ratio only matters to those who are ‘farming’. Most newbies in t1/2 are not farming, they are simply starting up and learning things… they’re doing it for fun and its not fun watching a high rank ship instakilling ships before you can even lock on

Agreed, I hate to Que for 5 minutes only to get into a match and just watch cause i cant get any points cause some guys bring their T5s into a T2 match, they just probably lack the skill to play in their own tier so they come down and ruin the game for the lowbies…


At the most bring a T3 ship into a T2 match to help out the low guys, but bringing a T4-5 is too unfair.

I will explain you why people bring T5 ships to Tier 2 games.


  • Synergy is the same, no matter what, and T2 mission are easier (in a T5 ship is almost auto win)

  • Vouchers are the same, so you can farm win, efficiency and beacon contracts easy in PvE, and it is easier doing it in low levels.


The only reason to do high levels is for the credits and the purple loot. But there will be one time that you will have enough credits (I have 120 million at this time, and nothing to waste that on) and purples, and the only thing you will lack is synergy for ships, and vouchers for blue modules.


Also, the queue in low tier games is shorter.

God, the majority of this thread is sickening. Of course the “top” players are going to beg to keep this system. It’s how you guys quick grind effectiveness points. How about you guys actually play the tier you’re in and leave some points for the average player? Or is this just a way to ward off new players so you can keep your top 20 corps as the only players in the game? >.> 


Seriously, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to have the PvE queue like the PvP queue. Just because it doesn’t benefit the people abusing the system doesn’t mean it’s a bad suggestion.

I don’t think you understand exactly how long the queue is for higher tier PvE. I’ve waited 30 minutes (before quitting the queue) for some T4 Blackwood before, because usually, when I’m on, Europe and Russia are sleeping. T3 queue is actually extant, somewhere around 5 minutes most of the time, but everyone dies. There’s no real T4 or T5 PvP, for quicker synergy, especially when there’s 300 people on. Now I didn’t ever go down to T2 personally, probably would have made getting synergy a bunch easier, but instead spent a couple months, as well as a few hundred thousand free synergy, getting a few ships leveled.


I understand that you don’t like the higher tier players coming in on your PvE, but there’s not much I can say. You’re not exactly learning how to play the game well in PvE, you can test your builds out in custom without an ammo or repair bill, and you’re getting almost exactly the same reward if they come or not. By the way, when I say almost exactly the same reward, I mean I’ve played in a squad where someone decided to go and get 0 efficiency just for the hell of it, and got more money than me because he had a license. It’s not costing you anything to have a high tier ally in a low tier PvE. It’d cost everyone else a whole bunch of time if they couldn’t.

Look, both sides are right, the lowbies want to have fun in PVE without farming high tier ships ruining it, and the high tier players wanting to farm and realizing that low tier PVE in high tier ships is the most efficient use of their time.

Nevertheless, this is the suggestions forum, so instead of vehemently defending the bad existing situation how about you work at fixing it for both sides?

If anything it will get worse in the future because if invasion space stays the way it is then credits and artifacts can be picked up on demand in unlimited quantities so really all that’s left to grind in PVE is synergy and vouchers.

So the reward scaling should be looked at. Also within the tiers. T1 PVE rewards seven times more credits than T1 PVP, for example. The whole system is completely bonkers.

I will stand by my suggestion of making the queues simmilar to PvP, highest tier ship in your lineup decides what level match you go into.

To go along with that suggestion, possibly raise the credit and synergy rewards for higher difficulty matches.



Also, Hidden Maintenance shop has “Easy”, “Normal”, settings, I believe Normal is tier 3 and higher, so it does not get tougher after that.

Also, Hidden Maintenance shop has “Easy”, “Normal”, settings, I believe Normal is tier 3 and higher, so it does not get tougher after that.

Easy is T2 and Normal is T4. But yeah, it does not scale further, just those two settings on that map.

  1. Synergy gain is the near same regardless of tier for PvE. 

  2. Having a T5 ship guarantees a win

  3. Would you rather spend 20 min in a PvE or only 7 and less? 

  4. Most of the time if you specifically get a squad that wants to do QUICK games regardless of the tier 

  5. Complaining about a marginal difference in score reflects your inability to realize that PVP is for synergy/credit farming. You want to have a high score? Go to PVP. 

  6. Want to gain 700k per match? Go play Pirate PVE, and then cry to me when you cant find anyone to play it. Lol. 

Ok then, if thats how it is then why are PVEs divided into Tiers? why bother doing that if all people are gonna do is bring high tier ships into low tier battles? if that’s how its gonna be then they should remove all tiered pve and just have 1 universal pve level, i personally like to earn my money and scoring high gives a sense of accomplishment if i do well, but watching a bunch of high tiers blast through a match is boring as all hell, why bother playing the game if all im gonna do is watch some other guys do it all? 

Ok then, if thats how it is then why are PVEs divided into Tiers? why bother doing that if all people are gonna do is bring high tier ships into low tier battles? if that’s how its gonna be then they should remove all tiered pve and just have 1 universal pve level, i personally like to earn my money and scoring high gives a sense of accomplishment if i do well, but watching a bunch of high tiers blast through a match is boring as all hell, why bother playing the game if all im gonna do is watch some other guys do it all? 

Higher levels give you a lot more of money and also purple and green upgrade kits.


But as I said, most of the time, when you have reached high tiers, credits are not the problem, synergy and vouchers are, because there are very few high tier games, and high tier ships need A LOT of synergy to get one level.

  1. Most of the time if you specifically get a squad that wants to do QUICK games regardless of the tier

Then get a full squad instead of ruining some lowbie players’ fun.

Think about how you would like playing T1 PVP and have some T5 guy on your team one-shotting everyone so all you could do is sit and watch. It’s the same thing, except, unlike PVE, it’s not possible.

When I was still moving up the tiers I hated nothing more than having T5’s in my teams. It’s not like they work at finishing missions as fast as possible, either. They farm structures for efficiency for reasons their own.

  1. Want to gain 700k per match? Go play Pirate PVE, and then cry to me when you cant find anyone to play it. Lol.

Easy to get except maybe in your time zone.

Then get a full squad instead of ruining some lowbie players’ fun.

Easy to get except maybe in your time zone.


Yes, full squads is usually the only time you will even catch me in PVE. 


God, my timezone is the worst to play at anyway. 400 max players on a weekday? 1500 max MIDDAY on a weekend? Hell there was one point where you could not get any T2 games with a full squad…

Yes, full squads is usually the only time you will even catch me in PVE. 


God, my timezone is the worst to play at anyway. 400 max players on a weekday? 1500 max MIDDAY on a weekend? Hell there was one point where you could not get any T2 games with a full squad…


Solution: split that full squad in 2, or even in 4, queue solo, and fight vs each other. 


Thats what we do in WPK in late night when there’re no games for us in T4, and we usually end up in 4v4 T4 games one versus others.

Solution: split that full squad in 2, or even in 4, queue solo, and fight vs each other. 


Thats what we do in WPK in late night when there’re no games for us in T4, and we usually end up in 4v4 T4 games one versus others.


Ah the classic verses friends? We do that too, but thats rare. 


NASA vs NASA matches are long, tiresome, and sometimes get so nasty you have to get up and move away from the computer. Yes you will rage!

Ah the classic verses friends? We do that too, but thats rare. 


NASA vs NASA matches are long, tiresome, and sometimes get so nasty you have to get up and move away from the computer. Yes you will rage!


Still better that not getting games, am I wrong? 


Some competitivity is good, even if it ends with rage :stuck_out_tongue:

Still better that not getting games, am I wrong? 


Some competitivity is good, even if it ends with rage :stuck_out_tongue:


But those games last too long. 


It can be 2 v 2 with bots and lets say I am facing Milf, and Mustacho. Do you know how hard that game is gonna be? How long its gonna take? How much effort it is NOT to get killed by a crazy homicidal CO pilot named Milf!? 


JP has to admit he wants easy, no effort games, not games where he sweats and swears at his fellow corpmates!