PvE Tier Limit

JP has to admit he wants easy, no effort games, not games where he sweats and swears at his fellow corpmates! 


Then you can solo T2, you don’t need a 4 men stack in T2 to have easy games with no effort required…



But before going T2, I will quote what your CEO just said me minutes ago:


I remember all pansies staying in T2 because you couldn’t handle T3.


So think twice or you will be fired  :Dwop

Then you can solo T2, you don’t need a 4 men stack in T2 to have easy games with no effort required…



But before going T2, I will quote what your CEO just said me minutes ago:




So think twice or you will be fired  :Dwop


Exactly. Hence I will suffer for the Corp. Its the only way. And you will see me in PVP T2 is when I’m squadded with my friends, and new corp mates! Thats it! 


And sometimes Tac scares me…Haven’t seem him in a while but I know hes watching, lurking, hiding in the shadows. 

Tac scares me…


He is always angry!

When I was still moving up the tiers I hated nothing more than having T5’s in my teams. It’s not like they work at finishing missions as fast as possible, either. They farm structures for efficiency for reasons their own.



It seems most people have yet to realize those “structures” are what kills your team half the time…getting rid of them in the beginning of the round is just the smart thing to do.    For example the small turrets in round 2 of Hidden Maint Shop.   They do around 500 kinetic dmg per shot…and thats if you use hull kinetic resist modules.   Almost 1100 PvE games under my belt, and teams still blatantly ignore the obvious turrets 100m away killing them.


You really want to know why we do low tier PvE in T5 ships?   I’m tired of the no common sense “aces” in T4 PvE failing 9/10 times wasting my time and money.   200k for a full repair on a T5 ship is not cheap by any means.

He is always angry!


That would actually be Mustacho…you should hear him rage sometimes in vent lol

Someone who manages to die to the turrets in HMS is hardly an asset to the team worth saving. Besides you’re denying your guards the 25% phase shield damage buff by removing them.

Ignore the turrets, let the bads die and finish the mission 3 minutes earlier…

75% of the time the other 3 people are all bads anyways.  Guards can easily proc their dmg boost from all the EM and Thermal damage you take in that mission.   A guard might get that buff but will an engi?  How about a gunship?  What about command?  The guard isn’t the only person getting hit…everybody is taking dmg.


  What’s so hard about taking your time to clear the turrets…people used to do it first thing back in the day.    Yet another reason to clear them…they absolutely need to be gone by the 3rd stage…or now you’re getting dmg from both big and small turrets + adds.   People think it’s the adds killing them when really it’s the small turrets doing most of the work.      


Thinking…seems not many people do it these days.

Because it’s easy to not get hit by the turrets, that’s why.

I ask you this:how come when i was in a squad for pirate base after the game i only earned 350k credits and they earned 500k? No license or anything

Pilots arguing against pilots when the solution lies with a completely different group.

“Divide and conquer” as the proverbial saying goes…