PvE Tier Limit

I hate going in a PvE and having T5er dominate the game in a rank 4-6 fight.  Their scores are nearly double everyone else’s.  Matchmaking should be made by highest rank, not your lowest ranking ship.  Anyone agree?

I hate going in a PvE and having T5er dominate the game in a rank 4-6 fight. Their scores are nearly double everyone else’s. Matchmaking should be made by highest rank, not your lowest ranking ship. Anyone agree?


Having a T5 in your game means you’re guaranteed to complete the mission.

Having a T5 in your game means you’re guaranteed to complete the mission.

and much-much faster (i.e. higher Credit per minute outcome, even if you get somewhat less at the end)

I just remembered, you can form a squad to PvE. If you have a regular PvE squad, this also ensures the quality of your team.

I hate going in a PvE and having T5er dominate the game in a rank 4-6 fight.  Their scores are nearly double everyone else’s.  Matchmaking should be made by highest rank, not your lowest ranking ship.  Anyone agree?

A great portion of your final score is the completion bonus. It doesn’t matter if you are the last one in the list, your reward would be almost the same.


In fact, the guy with the T5 ships is being given the same reward than you, maybe a 10% more. People do that to farm synergy in T5 ships because almost nobody play them, and the few one that do that, already have max syn and upgraded modules, so the difference is brutal.

Anyone agree?

I do.

A T5 guard insta-killing everything before the lowbies get a chance to even shoot it makes it a boring experience for them. Now many of us would argue that PVE is boring no matter what but there are players who enjoy PVE or those in the low ranks who are still figuring things out and need to be given that chance.

The fact that players would take a T5 into T2 PVE shows there’s something wrong with the grind system in the first place anyway.

The fact that players would take a T5 into T2 PVE shows there’s something wrong with the grind system in the first place anyway.

No, what shows is that there are very few people playing T5 games, so you need to level up your ships in PvE.


In case we were talking about pure grind, then T4 blackwood would be the logical choice. I can get more than 600k creds per game there, while in T2 is around 140k or so.


Also, in most T1 and T2 versions of PVE, enemies don’t show up in groups like in T4, so in the end it will take you a lot more time to finish.


Anywahy, last time I did the T2 pve with the cargo ships and so, I used a Minotaur to backup a newbie i had squad with, and the other two ones were very grateful that I was there giving them T4 heals.

No, what shows is that there are very few people playing T5 games, so you need to level up your ships in PvE.

I wasn’t talking about the fact that they would play PVE, but the fact that they would grind in T2 PVE with a T5 ship. As per what you stated here:


People do that to farm synergy in T5 ships

If it is worth your while to grind T2 PVE for synergy with a T5 instead of T4 or ideally T5 PVE then something is wrong. I do not know for T2 PVE, but I do know that T5 PVE gives much less synergy/time than T4 PVE, for example. So the balance is definitely off.

The fact that players would take a T5 into T2 PVE shows there’s something wrong with the grind system in the first place anyway.


No, because people do not take T5 into PvE only for farming reasons. It is a great place to try them out. Or to have a backup. Usually they are paired up with someone still beginning. T2 is just usually a lot easier than T3 or higher.


And I guess most people will not agree to this, anyway. I would not worry about the “experience being destroyed” either, that is quite circumstantial.


You can at the same time assume, it will motivate them to get higher ships.



 Their scores are nearly double everyone else’s.


The scores are not important, finishing the map as fast as possible is :wink:

As stated a couple of times in here.    You would not want to restrict an higher tiered from dropping down.


a Lower tiered player should be HAPPY to see someone with T4\5 ships ( that knows what they are doing) in the lineup in a T2 PVE   At least there is a GOOD chance EVERYONE will reap the rewards. 


There is NO advantage to play down in T2 in PVE as the rate of credits per game no matter how well you do is about a 1/3rd (150-200K)  while T3+ PVE averages 600-700K  with license.   

The syngery gained is laughable in T2.      


Why would someone bother ? …To help out mates when squaded in lower tiers.  


99.9% of the time I am in T2 PVE ( with a T4/5 ship) is to help out an lower tiered mates gain as much credits as quickly as possible.   I care less about my proficiency so many times I only do what is required to stay alive and move on.  (except killing the Boss to expedite the ending). 

I’ve gotten at least 3-4 levels off T1 PvE in my T5 cov ops.    You only get about 1k synergy less than completing a T5 PvE and in half the time.    Now imagine trying to level the same ship in T4 Blackwood…it would be a nightmare with the fail pugs, longer games, and harder enemies…I speak from experience.

I’ve gotten at least 3-4 levels off T1 PvE in my T5 cov ops.    You only get about 1k synergy less than completing a T5 PvE and in half the time.   


Hmm, interesting, hadn’t known that. Since I just had a moment I went to test that, T5 cov-ops in T1 Blackwood. Did get about 2k less synergy than in T4 PVE (without license) and basically the same amount as in T5 PVE. 80k credits for T1 compared to 330k credits for T4 or 425k credits for T5 and only one contract you can complete in T1 though, so I’d say I’d still rather do T4  if I’d grind PVE, but the balance is definitely skewed

You do T1 PvE for the quick synergy not for the money.   If you want money go farm T4 HMS or Blackwood.  On a side note, you get really good at hitting moving targets while at full speed after a while.  


I normally just use my pulse lasers for easier farm.  I think of it more as target/flying practice.   You don’t need an organized squad either for quick games, unlike T4 PvE, as most are over within 5 minutes.   Rinse repeat.

Farm somewhere else!  We are trying to GET to T4!  I hate seeing 4 ship slots in a T2 game.  In fact, there should be a penalty for starting a game in a lower tier, as in less synergy.  If you are using a T5 ship, you should be playing at T5 level.  Every tier you start out at, there is a disparity, always will be.  Keep the disparity within Tiers, not among them! 

Sorry T5ers!  Man up in your big ships!  We can take a few losses for the sake of being able to play!

Farm somewhere else!  We are trying to GET to T4!  I hate seeing 4 ship slots in a T2 game.  In fact, there should be a penalty for starting a game in a lower tier, as in less synergy.  If you are using a T5 ship, you should be playing at T5 level.  Every tier you start out at, there is a disparity, always will be.  Keep the disparity within Tiers, not among them! 

Sorry T5ers!  Man up in your big ships!  We can take a few losses for the sake of being able to play!

You already have a penalty. PvE is meant to be synergy low and credits heavy in the rewards. Playing in T2 means your credits and vouchers rewards are low, even if you play with T5.


And anyway, you should be grateful. As we already said, the reward in PvE is made of a 90% reward for completion, and a 10% reward for efficiency. And having a T5 in a T2 PvE means you will win fast and clean.


But don’t worry, finally the high tiers are being populated, so more and more players will play their ships in PvP, since is the best way to upgrade them.

Cheers for the responses guys!

The thing the Devs need to STOP doing is balancing PvE on the assumption people bring higher level ships. Trying to do T3 PvE with a T3 squad these days is a nightmare unless the squad knows the map inside out.

I suspect it’s a viscious circle. Devs released T5, making PvE easier. Devs up the difficulty, which pushes more people to bring over-tiered ships, which makes them too easy, so devs up difficulty again… And remain oblivious to the real problem.

The thing the Devs need to STOP doing is balancing PvE on the assumption people bring higher level ships. Trying to do T3 PvE with a T3 squad these days is a nightmare unless the squad knows the map inside out.

I suspect it’s a viscious circle. Devs released T5, making PvE easier. Devs up the difficulty, which pushes more people to bring over-tiered ships, which makes them too easy, so devs up difficulty again… And remain oblivious to the real problem.

The only T3 PvE that you can play is the ice one, and the last one. The others are really made for T4, even if you can play them with T3.


The ice shipyard can be done fine with T3.

The only T3 PvE that you can play is the ice one, and the last one. The others are really made for T4, even if you can play them with T3.

The ice shipyard can be done fine with T3.

i won it with a t2 squad believe it or not