Nerf gravy lens please

6 minutes ago, Koromac said:


This also ruined PvP mode for me. Every time I see a Destroyer, I get 1,2,3 black-holes. If we can’t have 3 active pulsars at the same time from the Guard, then only one active black-hole should be present as well! 

Remember, I no longer actively play PvP anymore, mainly because of this and stupid MM changes with rank bonuses!

You don’t have to sugar coat your super 1337 skills 

12 minutes ago, Marcs25 said:

Get away from the black hole before it spawns? Just avoid the damage all together? Be a smart player? Like you can complain about getting stuck in a giant purple hole of doom, but at the end of the day you’re the one who got stuck in it in the first place. Not hard at all to avoid it, and it can easily be turned against the user and their team if a ECM is present. It’s usage it limited pretty much in it’s current circumstance, anymore nerfs and there will be no point in even using the thing…oh DARN it’s annoying and it makes my playing experience slightly uncomfortable, suck it up buttercup. Just get over it, they won’t change it because of a few whiners… ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

No, that’s not a counter. That’s like saying the counter to pulars is running away from it. And like I said ECM is not a counter because the pulling effect from friendly gravi is still annoying as fck. And no it’s not just slightly uncomfortable, it is unplayable.

Instead of constantly repeating that I’m a whiner, please actually contribute to this discussion constructively.

well I mean, I just tried to help people getting affected by the hole. I’m pretty sure that we all know that what goes slower than 250 m/s and has a lower surv than 20k is going to die in T-approx 2 seconds.


not that bhs affect me actively, I can at least get more kills, right



and no, no cinnamon buns for anybody today.

>>>I only have one message to all of you, again!<<<

This entire thread is salt. Piles and piles of salt. And garbage.

Adapt or die. End of discussion.

5 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

  1. Particle purge on 20 seconds cd is a short cd, Jaguars invis with 15 seconds cd is a short cool down, Black hole is not on a short cool-down.

  2. It is only considered effective and useful in Beacon hunt, and on a rare occasion in a Domination. It is next to useless next to always in not beacon hunt.

  3. Long wind up cycle

  4. Dmg hardly tickles even Jericho ships

  5. Pull effect is truly effective only vs very slow targets like Jericho Guards or Empire/Jericho Destroyers.

  6. System hack

  7. Module can be destroyed, but nobody really goes for destroying modules just hur-durr op


Sorry but this is more of a Git Gud type of thread than anything else. 

You dont nerf stuff because it is annoying to some people that cant deal with it, you nerf modules when they OP.

Thanks for a good post. The only one against a nerf on this thread. I’ll try to explain my thoughts on those points.

  1. It is short enough to put one on each beacon in beacon hunt, which I can’t say the same for engineer warpgate. For me it is therefore short. Also you need to compare it to the duration of the effect. Jag invis has short cloak since it is low cooldown. The gravi hole lasts for a long time in comparison. So either reduce duration, or increase the cooldown. Either would be great.

Guard pulsar does indeed last a long time in comparision to it’s cooldown, but it is attached to the ship and can be shut down completely by ECM. Also a guard’s role is area denial, whereas destroyer is meant to suppres and provide covering fire.

  1. It is indeed most useful in beacon hunt, however in other gamemodes where there is a focus, such as combat recon or team battle (by focus I mean the two teams usually ball up and face off), and especially on small maps, it is still very efficient. I’m looking in particular at the tube map and the really small map with green alien rocks.

  2. This doesn’t matter since it is not a targetted weapon. If it only affected one ship then this would be an issue indeed because that one ship could get into cover. As such you can just fire gravi into the blob, and it will certainly catch two or three people despite warmp-up time.

  3. Yes, and that is why I did not say reduce the damage. The current level is fine. However the becon denial is bad, and relying solely on system hack yo-yo to counter that is terrible. There is no way to turn off this module completely, unlike other area denial weapons like pulsar.

On top of this there is no way of knowing which hole is actually doing damage to you!

  1. Not true. It deviates trajectories even on small ships. So while this can be used for slingshotting which is fun, as soon as there are two or more holes it just becomes impossible to predict what the combined effect on your ship will be, and you end up crashing into rocks and structures. Don’t get me wrong, I like the concept of a gravity modifier, but it should be predictable and useable.

  2. Yes. But this doesn’t fully turn it off (an enemy ECM can turn it right back against you, hence why I said yo-yo above) or counter the pull.

  3. We’ve discussed this at length on other threads, so I’ll just say that in the heat of battle when you are meant to be killing things and going for objectives, the last thing you want to be doing is travelling 6km in completely open space to try and kill one module on a destroyer which will just respawn within a few minutes. Also bearing in mind there are almost always three destroyers on each team so you have to repeat this three times.

4 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

This entire thread is salt. Piles and piles of salt. And garbage.

Adapt or die. End of discussion.

Please contribute constructively.

Everything I have said is reasonable and not salt. I have tried adapting. It doesn’t work. Would you also have said “adapt or die” to the old A1MA? No. You would have said a discussion is necessary. Well that is what I am saying about this module.

You can’t compare a module that was impossible to balance because of it’s core mechanic (auto aim) to a module that just needs some tweaks.


I don’t see any problem with BH. It’s effective only against aces that don’t understand how you should react accordingly.

Even with guards/destroyers, you have 4 seconds to leave the center of BH or use an obstacle to nullify it’s effect.


The problem isn’t BH. It’s the pull effect, which is horribly designed. Just look at how ridiculous the reaper’s gun is against frigates/destroyers to understand how stupid that mechanic is. 

24 minutes ago, millanbel said:

Please contribute constructively.

Everything I have said is reasonable and not salt. I have tried adapting. It doesn’t work. Would you also have said “adapt or die” to the old A1MA? No. You would have said a discussion is necessary. Well that is what I am saying about this module.

Here’s something constructive, and this is the last time I will attempt to enlighten all of you, because obviously all of you are so dense to the point where you won’t listen to the other side of the debate:

There are counters to using a black hole. The damage isn’t even that high and the pull is escapable in all but the slowest frigates and destroyers. If beacon denial is such a problem, bring an ECM and system hack it,or simply kill all the pilots on the other team surrounding the beacon so that they can’t cap. If you are whining about the annoying pull, then obviously you do not exhibit good steering and control of your ship and should thusly git gud.

This entire thread is based on useless criticism of a problem that isn’t even a problem. If you guys are salty about a simple pull mechanic I would hate to be on your team in Dota, since you will whine incessantly about the amount of CC in the game. And the best part is? There is no counter to some of the CC in that game other than gitting gud.


ps I would have actually said to adapt or die with the old A1MA. Don’t get targeted so that the other pilot could use the aimbot, and find ways to do so.

8 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

ps I would have actually said to adapt or die with the old A1MA. Don’t get targeted so that the other pilot could use the aimbot, and find ways to do so.

At that time, LRF with EM and IR PULSAR where soooo goood (if they know how to use guns of course).

Guys, let it be.



But srsly tho, how to evade BH? speed 150+, system hack, flying in a different direction, flying in general, disabling the caster mid-casting, keeping the caster busy if he exhibits a need to spam BH like crazy, make him trigger the BH in a wrong time and wrong place, playing the game, not playing the game (expecting quotes on zis one 3:Đ) .


6 hours ago, millanbel said:

You know me. I don’t whine without reason. This one single module is stopping me from playing t5 because I can’t fly in a straight line or control my ship

I thought that was the job of high ping.

5 hours ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

From personal experience of killing and targeting interceptors only, YES IT IS


I’d like to see you getting out of a bh alive playing against me tbh.

I used wormhole in invincible and brave for mobility, but for brave mostly to escape blackholes (since back then before the nerf it was the biggest dmg dealer against destroyers). I bought sirius and i removed wormhole since i can easily get away from BH, and im not using any speed buff asides from fed router. Ceptors barely feel the pull, and the dmg dealt in % is really low, furthermore considering resists reduce the dmg received by BH…and it takes like 2 secs to get away from the dmg area. I would say blackhole is the worst module against ceptors.

The major tenor of this thread is, that BH is an areal CC.
Shouldn’t it work so?
Note: Brokk can kill Bh or?
And the ‘Oh I have to bring a specific ship to counter’ isn’t some sort of refuse to adapt to the situation?
The ‘is good against slow ships’ isn’t some sort of balance? For me it doesn’t feel, that speed is itself of an advantage besides very specific cases(detonation). Now you get penalized for not building speedy/playing fed? How awful! Not. :smiley:

Just one thought: this is not a moba
Tnx god for that.


Grav Lens is perf fine. U nubs just dont know ho to deal with it. Git gut!


I am always happy if i fight gravy lens cuz its so easy to deal with. Free wins!


Wow, you guys got far. Still discussing salt and pepper with a nice little hint of if you dont do that then git gud. Srsly kids get your xxxx together this is awful to read. Must you make every single xxxx thread a reiteration of a trump campain?


Remove or change autoaim module in this game, we want skill module no automatic xxxx 

1 hour ago, theNoob said:

Grav Lens is perf fine. U nubs just dont know ho to deal with it. Git gut!

I am always happy if i fight gravy lens cuz its so easy to deal with. Free wins!


This guy nailed it !!  Everyone on this forum has less than 500 pvp matches.  They definitely need to get good.

If you were being sarcastic good because so was I.

1 minute ago, AdamWest said:

This guy nailed it !!  Everyone on this forum has less than 500 pvp matches.  They definitely need to get good.

If you were being sarcastic good because so was I.

Since you’re an interceptor player, I don’t get at all how BH cause you any problem.

At most you’ll be slowed a bit in a specific area. But you can just get out without any problem

I don’t think it needs to be nerfed but I do think it needs to damage friendlies as well as enemies but I feel the same about all AOE weapons.