Nerf gravy lens please

3 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

come on, who nowadays cares about WL… its all bout Pilot EloR

there is no Pilot EloR visible to a population, it has been removed 2 years ago.


5 minutes ago, millanbel said:

So you’re telling me I need to fly ECM in every fcking game? Because every game has too many destroyers on both team.

More often than not there are more ECMs in the game than destroyers on both sides.


Oh and if there are 5 black holes on the beacon and you still go in, you deserve to die, siriusly  

Just now, QACinnamonTroll said:

tbh I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t fly in a straight line in T5 ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


not that I disagree with you on matter.

That’s very true, that was phrased terribly XD  It stops me from flying in the direction I want to go, and causes me to crash into rocks and structures.

So many Whiners still…the Module is fine as it is, it’s not great against anything but Destroyers if they are dumb enough to not notice it spawning and get away. In all honesty it is just an annoyance is all, it’s perfect as it is now. Lol making it PVE only? More people trying to be Koromac now? Stop the Wahbulance and just play smart, so many ways to counter it i’m surprised it’s still an issue, i rarely bring it myself on destroyers anymore… ![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/facepalm.png “:facepalm:”) Devs won’t and shouldn’t change a mechanic just because it bothers so few, get over it lol…

If it must stay, because some guys can’t even pi** straight in the toilet, because it surpasses their skills, then the make it dangerous for both sides!

If somebody can self-torp with EM torpedo and damage himself, same should be okay for Gravi-Lens. It’s a black-hole! It’s always hungry!

Black Holes only want to swallow, they do not care, who is a friend or foe. Also, ECM’s hack on the module should not work in any case.

Also, make a white hole, when activated, it would propel your ship away from it, instead towards it!



Would want to spend 5 minutes in a ring with a man, who invented this ***** module!

Just remove it!

8 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

More often than not there are more ECMs in the game than destroyers on both sides.


Oh and if there are 5 black holes on the beacon and you still go in, you deserve to die, siriusly  

Nah, I was playing t5 last night, and every single game had the maximum 3 dessies on each team. There were possibly 2 or 3 ECMs at most. And either way like I said above, gravi also annoying when it is friendly, although the anti-capture removal is an improvement.


In beacon hunt you have no choice. And the low cooldown means it is always ready for the next beacon, so you can’t even say "oh well, I’ll just go cap the nex beacon instead. Same this in the di1do map: unless you want to go round the outside and have no cover, one or two gravi hole placed in the centre just deny any close range engagement permanently (or you need cloak) and the game end up in a long range standoff between, LRFs, 6k range dessies and 5k range eclipse/posi engies

2 minutes ago, Koromac said:

If it must stay, because some guys can’t even pi** straight in the toilet, because it surpasses their skills, then the make it dangerous for both sides!

If somebody can self-torp with EM torpedo and damage himself, same should be okay for Gravi-Lens. It’s a black-hole! It’s always hungry!

Black Holes only want to swallow, they do not care, who is a friend or foe. Also, ECM’s hack on the module should not work in any case.

Also, make a white hole, when activated, it would propel your ship away from it, instead towards it!



Would want to spend 5 minutes in a ring with a man, who invented this ***** module!

Just remove it!

Why do you keep suggesting them to remove or restrict models like that? You know they won’t because it’s downright stupid to consider it with all the people who have it, it be rendering it’s usage useless pretty much.

4 minutes ago, Marcs25 said:

So many Whiners still…the Module is fine as it is, it’s not great against anything but Destroyers if they are dumb enough to not notice it spawning and get away. In all honesty it is just an annoyance is all, it’s perfect as it is now. Lol making it PVE only? More people trying to be Koromac now? Stop the Wahbulance and just play smart, so many ways to counter it i’m surprised it’s still an issue, i rarely bring it myself on destroyers anymore… ![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/facepalm.png “:facepalm:”) Devs won’t and shouldn’t change a mechanic just because it bothers so few, get over it lol…

Please explain these “so many ways”? Only system hack can help but doesn’t remove the really annoying pulling effect so it’s not really a counter.

3 minutes ago, Koromac said:

Also, make a white hole, when activated, it would propel your ship away from it, instead towards it!

I smell a suggestion

Just now, QACinnamonTroll said:

I smell a suggestion

Fck that xxxx, no thanks XD

3 minutes ago, millanbel said:

Please explain these “so many ways”? Only system hack can help but doesn’t remove the really annoying pulling effect so it’s not really a counter.

Get away from the black hole before it spawns? Just avoid the damage all together? Be a smart player? Like you can complain about getting stuck in a giant purple hole of doom, but at the end of the day you’re the one who got stuck in it in the first place. Not hard at all to avoid it, and it can easily be turned against the user and their team if a ECM is present. It’s usage it limited pretty much in it’s current circumstance, anymore nerfs and there will be no point in even using the thing…oh DARN it’s annoying and it makes my playing experience slightly uncomfortable, suck it up buttercup. Just get over it, they won’t change it because of a few whiners… ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

4 minutes ago, Koromac said:

If it must stay, because some guys can’t even pi** straight in the toilet, because it surpasses their skills, then the make it dangerous for both sides!

If somebody can self-torp with EM torpedo and damage himself, same should be okay for Gravi-Lens. It’s a black-hole! It’s always hungry!

Black Holes only want to swallow, they do not care, who is a friend or foe. Also, ECM’s hack on the module should not work in any case.

Also, make a white hole, when activated, it would propel your ship away from it, instead towards it!



Would want to spend 5 minutes in a ring with a man, who invented this ***** module!

Just remove it!

This is a PvP game. Not reality. 


Turrets can only damage, and do not care. 

Why does my team don’t take damage when I shoot at them? 


And BTW following your thinking, then blackhole should be permanent, having an attractive power thousands times bigger, and One shoting everything that comes too close. 

3 minutes ago, Marcs25 said:

Get away from the black hole before it spawns? Just avoid the damage all together? Be a smart player? Like you can complain about getting stuck in a giant purple hole of doom, but at the end of the day you’re the one who got stuck in it in the first place. Not hard at all to avoid it, and it can easily be turned against the user and their team if a ECM is present. It’s usage it limited pretty much in it’s current circumstance, anymore nerfs and there will be no point in even using the thing…oh DARN it’s annoying and it makes my playing experience slightly uncomfortable, suck it up buttercup. Just get over it, they won’t change it because of a few whiners… ![:007_2:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/007_2.png “:007_2:”)

god damn… 


the force field makes you either continue dogfighting or leave the fight making you slower and easier target for enemies not affected by the black hole yet in the kill range. Do you see why it is so good? Any t ard can get out of the field, but making it without getting shot and targeted? now thats impossible I tell ya. 


3 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

This is a PvP game. Not reality. 

Turrets can only damage, and do not care. 

And BTW following your thinking, then blackhole should be permanent, having an attractive power thousands times bigger, and One shoting everything that comes too close. 

This also ruined PvP mode for me. Every time I see a Destroyer, I get 1,2,3 black-holes. If we can’t have 3 active pulsars at the same time from the Guard, then only one active black-hole should be present as well! 

Remember, I no longer actively play PvP anymore, mainly because of this and stupid MM changes with rank bonuses!

Just now, QACinnamonTroll said:

god damn… 


the force field makes you either continue dogfighting or leave the fight making you slower and easier target for enemies not affected by the black hole yet in the kill range. Do you see why it is so good? Any t ard can get out of the field, but making it without getting shot and targeted? now thats impossible I tell ya. 

Lol, it is far from impossible. You’re obviously exaggerating and you know it. It’s not that good at all. It makes you slow? lol wow that’s a killer huh? You can still do everything in your abilities to get out of it or just stay out of the harder dps area of the hole. Your point is not convincing me whatsoever.

2 minutes ago, Koromac said:


This also ruined PvP mode for me. Every time I see a Destroyer, I get 1,2,3 black-holes. If we can’t have 3 active pulsars at the same time from the Guard, then only one active black-hole should be present as well! 

Remember, I no longer actively play PvP anymore, mainly because of this and stupid MM changes with rank bonuses!

Then why complain about a feature that no longer affects you on a larger scale as others?

2 minutes ago, Marcs25 said:

Lol, it is far from impossible. You’re obviously exaggerating and you know it. It’s not that good at all. It makes you slow? lol wow that’s a killer huh? You can still do everything in your abilities to get out of it or just stay out of the harder dps area of the hole. Your point is not convincing me whatsoever.

From personal experience of killing and targeting interceptors only, YES IT IS


I’d like to see you getting out of a bh alive playing against me tbh.

2 minutes ago, Marcs25 said:

Then why complain about a feature that no longer affects you on a larger scale as others?

Because I want to get a free Cinnamon Roll from CinnamonTroll.

2 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:

From personal experience of killing and targeting interceptors only, YES IT IS


I’d like to see you getting out of a bh alive playing against me tbh.

Doubt it would be so hard…

Just now, Koromac said:

Because I want to get a free Cinnamon Roll from CinnamonTroll.

Probably the best post I’ve seen you make in awhile…

  1. Particle purge on 20 seconds cd is a short cd, Jaguars invis with 15 seconds cd is a short cool down, Black hole is not on a short cool-down.

  2. It is only considered effective and useful in Beacon hunt, and on a rare occasion in a Domination. It is next to useless next to always in not beacon hunt.

  3. Long wind up cycle

  4. Dmg hardly tickles even Jericho ships

  5. Pull effect is truly effective only vs very slow targets like Jericho Guards or Empire/Jericho Destroyers.

  6. System hack

  7. Module can be destroyed, but nobody really goes for destroying modules just hur-durr op


Sorry but this is more of a Git Gud type of thread than anything else. 

You dont nerf stuff because it is annoying to some people that cant deal with it, you nerf modules when they OP.