Nerf gravy lens please

6 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

idk, even with empire ships as slow as they are, i have plenty of time to get away, i can manage but thats not the answer people are lookin for…

The gravy holes aren’t that bad. I play exclusively empire and i have no problems getting away from gravity holes. (I’ve gotten so used to countering them from the spec ops missions.)

For a ‘torp trap’ you need again specific ships…
And that don’t even work if you have smart players and builds.
So what’s the real problem? The more thinking needed or the ‘be useful in a specific case’?

Edit: Can’t even Brokk kill those holes too? Make 1 shipclass + 1 ship easy counters to this.

Nerf please.  Who really likes it. . …  not me.

i only detest the spam at beacons.

i think the beacon capturing mechanic simply is broken through modules like this, and they should maximally delay, but not completely break capture progress.

maybe make beacons targetable, giving you a better capture ray, or sth.

then i can simply ignore that module in the future, as kosty is right, for most ships the pull is weak, the damage useless. well except my r8 dread, thats dead.



PLEASE NERF gravy lens and all the other AUTOMATIC/AIMBOT weapon & modules

we DON’T want eve online, WE WANT STAR CONFLICT!!!

It’s about time that people consider their role in a game, just spectate a few games to determine what you need. Basically the human factor abuse approach, see too many BH? use system hack then… See too many lrfs? use tackler and so on, every thing can be easily countered, thats the beauty of this game, at least for me.

I gave up playing in higher tier because of this months ago.

As my prefered class is frigate, Grav completely ruins games for me as i spend more time trying to get away from the pull, than actually playing.

I’ve no problems going toe to toe with destroyers, but this weapon is just a gamebreaker, makes games no fun, and if they’re no fun, why play them

14 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

It’s about time that people consider their role in a game, just spectate a few games to determine what you need. Basically the human factor abuse approach, see too many BH? use system hack then… See too many lrfs? use tackler and so on, every thing can be easily countered, thats the beauty of this game, at least for me.

Couldn’t agree more.

This is especially true with ECM spam. Nobody gets their tacklers when an ECM or covert ops ship are doing serious damage. I would get mine, but I don’t really have any.

2 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Gravi lens is the only valuable thing on a destro asides from photon by default, i’d suggest less active time since nothing in the game goes beyond 10 sec, other than that, all is ok.

I dont run black hole on my destroyers, other mods are far more valuable. And the automatic mods are only good for T3 or PVE. IDK what you mean with aimbot weapons TiLt. The only issue i see with black hole is the cap denial, the rest is pretty meh…and i wont bring a module solely to deny a beacon cap when i can do it through other means that are much more effective for other situations as well.

31 minutes ago, Papitas said:

I dont run black hole on my destroyers, other mods are far more valuable.


Gravi + tempest is insta kill for Empire and Jericho dessies  ![:005j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/005j.png “:005j:”)


But guys, stop complaining seriously. It’s super easy to escape the BH, unless you fly something with a top speed < 200. Even a jeri guard can easily escape thanks to something called “Strafe”.

And you want to remove the damage ? Seriously, do you guys really think a 150m/s pull (considering you’re using mk4) is worth an active slot ?

As far as I know, the destro’s alien gun, or reaper’s gun can do it permanently and still have decent damages. An active slot used for only a 150m/s pull in a limited area would just be a waste of slot. Especially when you can equip items such have Photon, Tempest, or other heavy modules.

And like some said : Just ask your ECM to counter them.


As for the beacon denying, it’s far from being the only thing that can disrupt beacons. 

Torps/Guided torps/Nukes/Self destruct/pulsar/minefields/Th lith/The Empire destroyer laser/Coil mortar are great tools for beacons denying. 

So much rage. I can feel the power… Mwahahahahahahaha!!!


Anyways yeah no gravy could use a few tweaks, but not really like suggested. It should be turned in to a sort of projectile instead of a “wait and see what whappens” beam. As in a slow projectile that when it hits an object or runs out of fuel it will place a pulsating sphere for a few seconds before turning in to a black hole. Once it turns in to a black hole it should do no damage unless you are in the very center, and the pull should be -slightly- more to compensate. Good, yes?

1 minute ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

So much rage. I can feel the power… Mwahahahahahahaha!!!


Anyways yeah no gravy could use a few tweaks, but not really like suggested. It should be turned in to a sort of projectile instead of a “wait and see what whappens” beam. As in a slow projectile that when it hits an object or runs out of fuel it will place a pulsating sphere for a few seconds before turning in to a black hole. Once it turns in to a black hole it should do no damage unless you are in the very center, and the pull should be -slightly- more to compensate. Good, yes?

I… actually like that.

3 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

It’s about time that people consider their role in a game, just spectate a few games to determine what you need. Basically the human factor abuse approach, see too many BH? use system hack then… See too many lrfs? use tackler and so on, every thing can be easily countered, thats the beauty of this game, at least for me.

I wish this could be put in large, flaming red letters and pinned at the top of all these forums. Half these idiots going on the forums don’t even know how to do this yet they rage and whine about how “unbalanced” this game is.

3 hours ago, Gr0undZero said:

I gave up playing in higher tier because of this months ago.

As my prefered class is frigate, Grav completely ruins games for me as i spend more time trying to get away from the pull, than actually playing.

I’ve no problems going toe to toe with destroyers, but this weapon is just a gamebreaker, makes games no fun, and if they’re no fun, why play them

Then you need to adapt or die. You are deliberately playing classes that are countered by destroyers and complaining about it. Diversify your ship loadouts and roles that you play or you will never succeed.

3 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

It’s about time that people consider their role in a game, just spectate a few games to determine what you need. Basically the human factor abuse approach, see too many BH? use system hack then… See too many lrfs? use tackler and so on, every thing can be easily countered, thats the beauty of this game, at least for me.



tbh I’ll still fly kraken all the time cuz the difference between losing a match and winning one is so damn small its not even considerable.

8 hours ago, Mecronmancer said:

You know System Hack flips it to your side right?

I don’t care, it is just as annoying when it is friendly. And by your logic an enemy ECM can just take it right back.


7 hours ago, Ogrande18O said:


millanbel put a poll in this thread

Poll won’t work. There are too many people that love dessies and don’t want their prize ships that they payed for or grinded missions for months to get nerfed.


6 hours ago, Scar6 said:

Nah, just make it damage both teams.

How does that fix anything? Then NO-ONE can capture beacons. I hope you were being sarcastic.


5 hours ago, xKostyan said:

In the open it is only useful against Empire/Jericho destroyers, and even then dmg is meh and they can warp out of it

And it is easily System Hacked on a beacon, turning it against the team that used it.

Dmg output of the modules is extremely meh and it gives you a warning when it’s gonna be activated. It boggles me that after all this time of black holes existing, people still play in the match like they dont and act so surprised when they get caught in the middle of one, it is like complaining about tacklers have invisibility and whining that it is op since you ignore it’s existence.

Thing is though, yes I know it’s there, but destroyers can spam them like crazy because of low cooldown, and you end up with potentially six in one area on maps where there is a lot of focus (combat recon, beacon hunt, small maps like the FPS lag di1do). This means that you HAVE to go into them if you want to get anything done. and at that point it’s just stupid being pulled in five different directions, no way to compensate since engines aren’t strong enough on most slower ships, and no beacon capture.

And it is not only useful against destroyers, it is useful against all ships.

4 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

It’s about time that people consider their role in a game, just spectate a few games to determine what you need. Basically the human factor abuse approach, see too many BH? use system hack then… See too many lrfs? use tackler and so on, every thing can be easily countered, thats the beauty of this game, at least for me.

So you’re telling me I need to fly ECM in every fcking game? Because every game has too many destroyers on both team.

5 minutes ago, QACinnamonTroll said:


tbh I’ll still fly kraken all the time cuz the difference between losing a match and winning one is so damn small its not even considerable.

People with 60%+ win ratio tend to disagree 

1 minute ago, xKostyan said:

People with 60%+ win ratio tend to disagree 

come on, who nowadays cares about WL… its all bout Pilot EloR


Now when I think about it, not even PR is that important… :confused:

41 minutes ago, Mecronmancer said:

I wish this could be put in large, flaming red letters and pinned at the top of all these forums. Half these idiots going on the forums don’t even know how to do this yet they rage and whine about how “unbalanced” this game is.

Then you need to adapt or die. You are deliberately playing classes that are countered by destroyers and complaining about it. Diversify your ship loadouts and roles that you play or you will never succeed.

You know me. I don’t whine without reason. This one single module is stopping me from playing t5 because I can’t fly in a straight line or control my ship

1 minute ago, millanbel said:

You know me. I don’t whine without reason. This one single module is stopping me from playing t5 because I can’t fly in a straight line or control my ship

tbh I’m pretty sure you shouldn’t fly in a straight line in T5 ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)


not that I disagree with you on matter.