Jericho torpedo

I never suggested slowing it down, i suggested slowing TURN RATE down, so it can’t arc as sharply around corners

Point, misread it.

+1. Make them pay my ship repairs.

I agree with ThatOneDude - “It’s just as annoying to those who are shooting their torpedo and you get too close to their target.”


Of course players shouldn’t torpedo targets that already have friendlies getting too close, but when flying a torpedo the player has very limited vision, if you swoop in from behind it is your own fault and should pay attention to those torpedoes flying toward the enemy.


Friendly fire can also be avoided if the torpedo is detonated to one side so the blast radius will only encompass the enemy(s). Score penalties could be interesting, as some torpedo players really don’t care, or… I’m sure in most cases don’t even realize. Whichever the reason, a message popping up to say they lost points would remedy that.


As I have mentioned however, the players who get too close to these torpedoes can be just as inconsiderate and the level of maturity demonstrated is even more shocking,


FlyingScorpion - “they should allow friendly fire for all weapons so you can return the favor.”


This would hurt the team even more. If players cared about the team, damaging team mates ships (and in turn the chances of winning) should be enough incentive to try their best to avoid it.


My solution:

  • Throw up a big fat message to the torpedo pilot that he inflicted team damage
  • A message in the chat box for the team to see - name and shame
  • Increased visibility/warnings of friendly torpedoes
  • Perhaps also a credit penalty for repeat offences or deaths resulting from the FF.

I never suggested slowing it down, i suggested slowing TURN RATE down, so it can’t arc as sharply around corners

 Yet they don’t turn that well either… I may have miss stated my first… It’s just as annoying as if not more annoying to those shooting the torpedo, At an enemy (JUST AN ENEMY), and a friendly flies in and gets in the way. 

 I have many times flown right past, so as to not damage my team mate, and he/she fails miserably and dies (thus allowing the enemy to get away); where’as if I hit the enemy with my torpedo, then the team mate went in to finish them off… SUCCESS!

 Since getting to T3 it’s a lot better. I also have practiced blowing it up on the opposite side of the ENEMY than in the middle. 

although you cannot counter for the really bad INTERCEPTORS who fly CIRCLES around, instead of just staying behind.

 Torpedo Blast Radius - 550maxish

 Average Short Range Weapon - 1500sufficient range

 Point is, you have 1000m give or take a few to play around and not get hit.

What everyone should be looking at is this… 

  There’s careless people, and careful people

Torpedos should probably have the AOE dmg dissipate the further out from the blast radius.

 A possible message “Incoming Friendly Torpedo” so you can GTFO if you feel the need.

 This is a game of Team Work, Strategy, Tactics, and Brains.

If you lack any, feel free to hit the bricks. I surely hope the DEVS don’t change the game for a few whiners. This will be WoW in space again.

 If you don’t know the story of WoW. It used to be a Hardcore game… then people whined, and they made it easy mode in like mid '06 right before the BC expansion came out.

Don’t ruin this beautiful game by not using your brains.

Sorry ThatOne, but you come across as “I do my thing and everyone else can die”. Intys NEED to hug their targets or risk getting 6 lasers in their face, optimum range has nothing to do with it, doing as you suggested would result in a dead inty pilot more often to enemy kills than friendly fire. Seems that there is an operational disconnect between you as support and the risks your team mates are facing as interceptor pilots. I suggest a few hours in an interceptor so you’ll know why they hug so close instead of just killing them because “they deserve it for getting in my way”.

Actually im flying my interceptor at my rapid plasmas 1500 meters, for i know how annoying stupid pilots are hugging their target and force the torpedo user to get past a target, i already stopped caring for bad interceptors getting too close to a frig, dance well and the 1000m behind it are the best spot as the frig cant just hump you to death with its massive hull

Just remove the friendly fire from it. Poor thing needs a buff anyway.

I have to say when i’m flying as an interceptor my distance will vary and in some situations I will be flying in more of an oval to cut across the enemy and stay at his rear. Despite this, I try to keep the distance at 900-1200 (as this does the most damage) dependent of active modules (some have 1000m range). With a decent rig lasers shouldn’t touch your shields especially with a weapon inhibitor. If your shield can’t handle their weapons, and you cannot stay behind to avoid being hit, move on to another target. For the slow turning targets it is very easy to stay out of harms way without getting close or zooming in circles. Again, active modules can be a great benefit, slowing or freezing the target.

 Yeah i’m getting fed up whit all the torpedo spam going on indiscrimenetly in the cluster xxxx. I play whit a buddy ( empire fighter pilots ) and our main job is getting as quick as posbile in the frey and making sure the enemy team cant overwhelm us in the key points - or flank the enemy captain and do suicide bomber run for the win.


 And you know what i fear the most of the battlefield ? Friendly torpedos… They normally come from my blind side ( my rare ) and i dont have awareness of them as i do for the enemy torpedo’s. Also i think most torpedo spamers just dont give a xxxx about what they hit as long as they get there kill. I cant tell you how many times i will jump on two enemy ships overpower them and right before i drop one of em and go on to the second one - a friendly torpedo will blow all of us up… It pisses me off to no end especialy considering i’m flying a very powerfull and toght empire fighter that can go 1v2 most of the time.


 Now i read all the suggestions for “torpedo” warnings - sounds cool. Now i will have to keep a bleeping sound awarnes for not only enemy missiles , torpedos , locks but also for friendly torpedos coming from my blind side. Anything else ? Maybe i dont multiprocess enoght but i already have my hands full whit all teh stuns and debuffs going in the game.


 Also - " keep 500 meters away from the target so you wont get hit by the blast " - sure mate - show me a torpedo user that go for a direct hit and not for indirect splash hit and i will do so. Also you mind telling the devs to buff puls lasers range to 3k and also ask for them to double my hull and shield points ? Couse you know to use the blind spot of a fighter or a frig you need to be - almost on top of it - otherewise he can rotate and blast you whit all his weapon nodes…  And i think frigs already have it easy siting 10k away from combat and not having to deal whit all the xxxx going on in the middle of the map so they can at least keep and aye where they are shooting.


 So - put a penalty of 50k credits on friendly kill and 25k credits on friendly hit greater then 25% shields or hull and let’s be done whit that crap.

Sorry ThatOne, but you come across as “I do my thing and everyone else can die”. Intys NEED to hug their targets or risk getting 6 lasers in their face, optimum range has nothing to do with it, doing as you suggested would result in a dead inty pilot more often to enemy kills than friendly fire. Seems that there is an operational disconnect between you as support and the risks your team mates are facing as interceptor pilots. I suggest a few hours in an interceptor so you’ll know why they hug so close instead of just killing them because “they deserve it for getting in my way”.




I had previously Stated

There’s careless people, and careful people

Torpedos should probably have the AOE dmg dissipate the further out from the blast radius.

 A possible message “Incoming Friendly Torpedo” so you can GTFO if you feel the need.

 This is a game of Team Work, Strategy, Tactics, and Brains. 

If you lack any, feel free to hit the bricks.

 I guess we have our answer for you at least. 

 P.S. You should read some of my other posts on these forums. I play interceptor and frigate as my two mains… Thanks KK? GG! bye bye.

ThatOneDude your just not all that you say you are, for one you need to use your main weapon and not your special ability ALL the time. That goes for Empire frigs too. Wish I could use my empire fighter ability over and over and over like a nub, and by the way see you when you get to tier 4 Honey Boo Boo.

Lol Tac, don’t feed the trolls.

That said, hugging frigs is hard to do, I usually end up flying right by them.

Draconas I can help you with that drop by the TS server and join the NASA channel.

Maybe at some point. I usually prefer my frig for front line, but inty’s have a certain… Flair.

Please do something about this as I am really tired of being bombarded by my own teammates.

I don’t know how often I am sitting on a beacon capturing it only to have a missile explode and take out my entire shields as an Interceptor.  Please, please, stop doing that.  It’s really sucky especially when you’re winning a dogfight in a 1v1 and a random ally missile takes you to like 1/4th life and then the enemy’s missile happens to land right after… and…


It sucks.

Why is this the only friendly fire in the game basically?

It’s not, plenty if other scenarios, take collisions for just one example.

If FF stays (which I suspect it will) it’d probably be a good idea to add a warning notice BEFORE detonating the torpedo. It’s no use if it pops up after because the deed is already done - your ally is ruined or dead and there’s little you can do about it except maybe say sorry - and where does that get you? The black-and-white cam makes it extremely difficult to tell which side a ship is on, and unlike ship-usage the torpedo guidance is first-person, so torpedo users often have a bad case of tunnel vision… with little to no awareness of what else is in their immediate vicinity.


Thus, a nice big /!</u> FRIENDLY SHIP(S) IN RANGE /!</u> notice across the top of the screen above the crosshairs ought to help those who actually care about not nuking their allies. But even then, there will be people who don’t care, or don’t pay attention to that.


So for those who don’t, there’s always a -100/-200/-300 penalty per team-kill. Scale it with the ally’s score and add ‘negative’ medals to boot - so for instance, if you Killjoy a high-scoring teammate and interrupt his killing spree, then you get a much greater penalty. Divert a small portion of the TKer’s winnings to their victim and that’s that.


The problem here is you can’t be too ham-handed, because accidents happen. Punish the people who genuinely don’t give a rat’s xxxx about TKs and rack up lots of them in one match, but don’t screw over the people who make one mistake because they weren’t aware of some tissue-paper half-dead interceptor zipping through the torpedo blast radius behind their field of view.

Frankly TL;DR as in I skimmed it. I believe I got a pretty fair idea of what the points in this thread were. Here are my thoughts:


#1 A clear HUD indication of whether an ally is in the torpedo blast radius, similarily to the proximity indicator if you’ve locked onto an enemy.


#2 Slight point penalty for hitting/killing own teammates. Slight because sometimes killing your own teammates can be a tactic which is advantageous to your team (e.g sacrificing one ally to take down several enemies or killing the enemy bomb carrier/captain). However since all of these actions give a lot of points, the slight reduction wouldn’t make people hesitant to use this tactic when needed, while the reduction itself will defineatly make them think twice about blowing up an ally (in some cases it might even alert the person that torpedoes can do friendly fire. Believe it or not, a lot of people don’t know that.


#3 A proximity indicator for the allies around the torpedo, warning them that they are close to it and might want to back off.

Was just in a match with 5-6 friendly fire deaths on my side alone. Not only torps, they spammed nukes and deathrays on a beacon with a dogfight going around it. Damn lunatics, you NEED the FF penalty now or they’ll just kill everything on either side.

If they don’t charge us for repairing our ship, it would be unjust if we charge them for destroying it   :006j:

Joke aside: don’t expect perfect teamwork with a pug. If they kill a bunch of friendly than the problem is the player not the skill.

Give them a -1 kill and/or assist if they kill a friendly, with that they would not nuke randomly, but don’t get so much penalty that they don’t use it in the right places (if i’m in the middle of 3 ceptor feel free to nuke me)


off topic:

every time i see an incoming nuke’>this song comes into my mind.