Jericho torpedo

Punish for team damage. Those things are everywhere in my t2 games and none of the idiots that use them care much about the friendly fire they are doing. I doubt all the assists and kills they are getting are helping out with the balance of the damn things.

I had a post up that was asking for this, but for some reason i got taken down. It was in this subforum, so I have no idea. 

Just give the things to all the damn races then it will be even. (Totally off topic but it is true) I really don’t want to have to pay to get a sniper ship. 

An alarm would be nice as well. 

collateral damage :lol:

I say removal of friendly fire on that thing should do the trick, im playing all classes rather equally depending on siutation and team and i cant count the number of times a friendly frig toasted me as well as some idiot interceptor deciding to cuddle with my missile

No, removing ff will make this supremely op. I say increase ff ramifications to dissuade tking.

No, removing ff will make this supremely op. I say increase ff ramifications to dissuade tking.


I agree. Perhaps paying for damages + extra when doing damage to allies with missiles.

I agree. Perhaps paying for damages + extra when doing damage to allies with missiles.

Yes. That is what I had in mind. I know it can be accidental, but would be nice if those missiles had a ff buffer at start if battle.

Ur in your Jericho frig, and you launch your guided missile. As you wind it through asteroids, you find a vulnerable fighter healing from a past encounter, of course you can’t let the poor guy heal. As your missile is about to hit, an ally flys out of nowhere and you kill enemy but do severe damage to allied interceptor. Allowing a 1 or 2 time leeway might be nice, but hitting more than 1 ally with a single missile bypasses this?

Your thoughts?



Mind you it’s getting worse. I used to see some Empire frigates at least but now I see one for every 10 jerichos and it’s even worse for the fed frigates. This thing needs to be fixed. Hell I can’t remember the last time a team managed to take a beacon without torpedos exploding around them left and right and killing most of them in the process, friend or foe.

No, removing ff will make this supremely op. I say increase ff ramifications to dissuade tking.


No it won’t, its dps is to low, by far especially compared with the sniper, not to mention you can easily counter or evade it.

I’ve been extremely annoyed by this. They seem to 2 hit me in any of my ships, and most of the time its friendlies doing it. Hell one in every 3 or so scenario matches there is one idiot jericho on my team who ends up team killing because he just spams the cap points. Also in capture beacon game modes it is stupid OP. Everyone rushes a beacon to cap and 5+ torps fly in from each team and wipe out pretty much everyone… This stuff needs fixing.


I also play all ship types on Federation… Which I think their frigates need a massive buff… stupid drones die the instant you’re hit with any explosive, or fast when taking fire anyway and I’ve not yet seen one shoot down a missile despite them having that ability.

Sounds like you are playin T2 or T1 games, my T3 or T4 badly scratches’ a frigate and by the time I hit him the 2end time he is almost at a full shild.

I agree that the torpedo might be op in T1-2 games but above its inferior.

But a torpedo in t3 hiting my interceptor turn me in dust

But a torpedo in t3 hiting my interceptor turn me in dust

I’m not sure if I should comment it…


But you realize the interceptor is the fastest and most agile ship in-game, while the torpedo is relatively slow and clumsy for a weapon. If you get hit by it, you are doing something wrong…

If you get hit by it, usually your not paying attention, or your busy with something else.

Can’t you shoot and destroy the torpedo if you see it?

I say reduce the turn speed of the missile so people can actually benefit cover seeing as they no real counter for the missiles

I’m not sure if I should comment it…


But you realize the interceptor is the fastest and most agile ship in-game, while the torpedo is relatively slow and clumsy for a weapon. If you get hit by it, you are doing something wrong…

Relatively slow? Yea, slow as in beats my T2 Interceptor, tuned for speed, using afterburner by at least 100m/s. The warning you get is “incoming missile” which doesn’t tell you from where, while in theory it is possible to outmanoeuvre them that doesn’t matter if you don’t know from where they are coming, and of course, even if the missile does miss the one firing it will just blow it up after it missed and catch you in the explosion anyway…

Raven, slowing speed would be pointless. It already takes about 10-20 seconds to get missile to location. That is a lot of time for a battle that could be changed by your missile being over, and on top of that you think slowing it would be beneficial?

Sorry, I severely disagree

I’m not sure if I should comment it…


But you realize the interceptor is the fastest and most agile ship in-game, while the torpedo is relatively slow and clumsy for a weapon. If you get hit by it, you are doing something wrong…


try escape from a torped and 3 bandits in your tail inside a furball or try outmanuver a torped when taking a beacon or a emp bomb.

Maybe you can flee from a torpedo when dogfight other interceptor or even atacking a enemy frigate(yes, the enemy will sacrifice the friend to take down you)


But the most important thing in this topic is not theenemy torpedo. The issue is the friend torpedo that hit you without warning(bip bip bip).

Even with the warning I can’t tell where its coming from or what kind of missile it is unless I see the trail of it.

Raven, slowing speed would be pointless. It already takes about 10-20 seconds to get missile to location. That is a lot of time for a battle that could be changed by your missile being over, and on top of that you think slowing it would be beneficial?

Sorry, I severely disagree



I never suggested slowing it down, i suggested slowing TURN RATE down, so it can’t arc as sharply around corners