Jericho torpedo

Put a alarm to friendly torpedos. i tired be killed by a stupid team mate


+1 or just make all weapons friendly fire so I can return the favor.


yeah , some times i almost killing my target and a moron friend shot a torpedo and kill me leaving my target alive :smoke: :angry:

I thought they were harmless to friendlies -.^

Nope, I’ve tagged a couple… But here’s an idea… How about instead of closing so tightly in on your enemy, and giving them a clean shot on you… Keep your distance, and not only make it harder for the ENEMY to shoot you, but reduce the chance that you’ll get hit by an incoming friendly torpedo? 

 I’m not saying that it’s not annoying, but It’s just as annoying to those who are shooting their torpedo and you get too close to their target. Most just stop caring, and go for the kill not caring if you get hurt or not… Because honestly it’s not 100% their fault.

 It shoots so slow; they’ve already picked their target out, and here you come in your fighter zooming into it to give the ENEMY SHIP a HUG… Bad ju ju for you. You don’t need to get that close >.<’’

 Once again an Alarm would be nice +1

 At the same time though watch your distance to enemy targets.

I play a interceptor, i need get close my enemy duuuuuuu.

I play a interceptor, i need get close my enemy duuuuuuu.

Pretty much this. They should allow friendly fire for all weapons so you can return the favor. And a notification if you shoot your teammates. 

Ok ThatOneDude so I guess we all will put Heavy lasers on our ship so we don’t have to “Face Hug” them to kill them. There are some weapons that only have a  1500+ range, your reply is total GARBAGE! Oh one other thing on my mind, get out of the speacial ability and use your MAIN weapons you might learn something.

There should be a bonus for killing a friendly interceptor with a missile that is called"You Monster", that being said I play an interceptor, so I know the feels, my interceptor brethren.

Just make things easier and penalize people who do friendly damage., that’s all that will discourage that practice. Let’s say -5000 for every FF accident.  

I find this torpedo ability utterly useless. As stated above it tends too hurt your own team more then the enemy. The empires sniping ability is far more effective. As a bonus the torpedo can be shoot down.

the ability should be reworked, as an aoe cc effect only effecting enemy ships. Or as a single target instankill with no or almost no blast radius. Able to take out even heavy armored frigate’s, in 1-2 hits. Withe the downside of being very slow.

I find this torpedo ability utterly useless. As stated above it tends too hurt your own team more then the enemy. The empires sniping ability is far more effective. As a bonus the torpedo can be shoot down. the ability should be reworked, as an aoe cc effect only effecting enemy ships. Or as a single target instankill with no or almost no blast radius. Able to take out even heavy armored frigate’s, in 1-2 hits. Withe the downside of being very slow.

Not a terrible idea tbh. If they just lowered the AOE a bit that would be ok too. Simply making it not hurt teammates would be better though and keeping it as it is. It is Balanced so to speak. The problem is is that the Empire sniping is a little OP in damage. Either boost the damage of Jericho torpedo’s or lower the empire’s sniping damage.


That being said, if they dont… a “Friendly Torpedo incoming” flashing on the screen would be nice.

Penalize on team damage via credits earned would be nice.

Suggestion: Have the AOE of the Torpedo do less damage the farther out from the impact point you get.


This would then require skill, and wouldnt heavily hurt your team who is caught in the blast, unless the Jericho frigate pilot is careless.


If you detonate the torpedo near the enemy, or even impact the enemy they’ll take full damage. While at the very edge of the blast radius they are taking only roughly 40-50% of the total damage. The Torpedo’s themselves dont do amazing damage, so only a reduction of 50% would be needed. But this would allow them to assist friendlies in a fight, while at the same time minimizing friendly damage, and being more productive, than counter productive to the team without changing how they work completely.

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Suggestion: Have the AOE of the Torpedo do less damage the farther out from the impact point you get.


This would then require skill, and wouldnt heavily hurt your team who is caught in the blast, unless the Jericho frigate pilot is careless.


If you detonate the torpedo near the enemy, or even impact the enemy they’ll take full damage. While at the very edge of the blast radius they are taking only roughly 40-50% of the total damage. The Torpedo’s themselves dont do amazing damage, so only a reduction of 50% would be needed. But this would allow them to assist friendlies in a fight, while at the same time minimizing friendly damage, and being more productive, than counter productive to the team without changing how they work completely.



No No No. it does only moderate damage, you lower damage of this thing and that’s it … its useless , well… its useless as is now anyway

My reply was total Garbage? Your retort was GARBAGE… 


Ok ThatOneDude so I guess we all will put Heavy lasers on our ship so we don’t have to “Face Hug” them to kill them. There are some weapons that only have a  1500+ range, your reply is total GARBAGE! Oh one other thing on my mind, get out of the speacial ability and use your MAIN weapons you might learn something.

 The Torpedo only had a max blast radius of 550m. If you’re inside your Optimum range by 1000m you’re an idiot. Maybe if you payed attention to what you’re crying about, "You’d Learn Something ". 

 Thanks sweetie :smiley: :kamikadze:

Oh P.S Honey Bunch, (that’s you TacTicalWiZard) I use my left click plenty, I’m a mobile Frigate. Thanks :smiley: Learn to play, or maybe get past T1 and you’ll see many Mobile Jericho frigates.

Nope, I’ve tagged a couple… But here’s an idea… How about instead of closing so tightly in on your enemy, and giving them a clean shot on you… Keep your distance, and not only make it harder for the ENEMY to shoot you, but reduce the chance that you’ll get hit by an incoming friendly torpedo? 

 I’m not saying that it’s not annoying, but It’s just as annoying to those who are shooting their torpedo and you get too close to their target. Most just stop caring, and go for the kill not caring if you get hurt or not… Because honestly it’s not 100% their fault.

 It shoots so slow; they’ve already picked their target out, and here you come in your fighter zooming into it to give the ENEMY SHIP a HUG… Bad ju ju for you. You don’t need to get that close >.<’’

 Once again an Alarm would be nice +1

 At the same time though watch your distance to enemy targets.

No and xxxx you. As someone who flies an interceptor most of the time my job is to be in the thick of it and sticking behind my target so they can’t return fire. The further I am from my target the easier time they have turning around and firing back at me.

Also, as an interceptor, I have to keep moving in whatever direction offers me the best avenue of escape/ambush.

You’re the one in a fire support role. You have the luxury of sitting safely away from combat and choosing who you fire at. You have all the time in the world. I don’t. I have to keep moving.

Go ahead and keep firing torps like a lazy xxxx though. I’ve killed more than a few frigs by ramming them to death and I have no problem doing it more. I’ve also hung MANY people like you out to dry. Don’t want to use your torps intelligently? I’m not going to screen enemy fighters for you.


Not a terrible idea tbh. If they just lowered the AOE a bit that would be ok too. Simply making it not hurt teammates would be better though and keeping it as it is. It is Balanced so to speak. The problem is is that the Empire sniping is a little OP in damage. Either boost the damage of Jericho torpedo’s or lower the empire’s sniping damage.


That being said, if they dont… a “Friendly Torpedo incoming” flashing on the screen would be nice.

The team damage is the only thing keeping it balanced right now. If it didn’t hurt teammates you would have entire teams of shield tanked Jericho frigates just doing whatever they want. Interceptors start swarming? Swarm of torpedoes exploding on whomever the inties are on, problem solved.

Punish for team damage. Those things are everywhere in my t2 games and none of the idiots that use them care much about the friendly fire they are doing. I doubt all the assists and kills they are getting are helping out with the balance of the damn things.