Cheats! Scammers! Aaaaa!

give us what we deserved or…



You know who I’m talking about;

The newbies of the game! Each and every level that they gain, they get free resources like Monocrystals and even entire ship parts! When did we vets get ours while levelling? Oh, right, we didn’t. I say we band together and stare down the devs until they give us our rank rewards! Are you with me? *one person in he back goes “woo!” and three or four claps are heard.*

This has been a Rally for the Vets campaign sponsored by some Fox that seemed like he was high or something



I want my resources now. I know you want new players to be able to build ships, but I grinded a lot for them. And now I want the same materials they get. So I can build a jaguar. And a rank 11 destro. 

Holy crap. Like most of the vets here, I’ve been playing Star Conflict since mid 2013.  Over that time, I have dumped nearly $400 if not more into this game. Heck, I just recently purchased one of the six month premium packages in order to grind up the materials needed to build my first destroyer. I only have one customized ship so far.  Are you really telling me that you are practically giving all of these ships away to the newer accounts?


What about all of the loyal players who have brought in their friends, built strong corporations and practically paved the way to make this game enjoyable for Aces? Were is our thank you? Where is our parts?

It has gone so far that there are actually people starting a 2nd account and rank up because it’s easier to make a destroyer there x)

That proves some things…

My alt is R10 and has a dessy already. I’ve started to play it more recently. XD

PLS someone hear our voices …

They hear, they’re just ignoring

They hear, they’re just ignoring

So we have to get louder

That’s exactly what I say but you can tell where that’s gotten 99% of my suggestions.

Even the whales who have spent hundreds if not thousands on the game have stated their anger, and even they are ignored.


At T5, why can’t they enable some special rewards to receive these things?

ie. At T5, ore nodes are enabled at post-game (amber colored circles) that you can choose to select over the blue component junk.

These would drop various ore including neodium, but you wouldn’t get the chance of kits or iridium, but may get credits from unidentified ores and gold nuggets.

Well after seeing the numbers, I am a little p*ssed off. How is that even fair? I have done the grind, where is my massive pay day? It’s as though they don’t want us vets in their game any more. “Thanks for the money guys, now please f*ck off, and let the new people spend some money”

Where is my money? 


Damn I have spent money for license even if the only thing whort was +3 monos a day and then all those resources are for free to newbee???


Gimme back ma money!




While I support the topic, the recent Q.Q babies aren’t useful for this.

Instead of insulting/compollences behavior make suggestions.

My is:

Reach xyz synergy on Rank x/y/z to get the rank up reward.

This for every faction. So vets get the same rewards as new players, but in a way that is way more easier for them(already own the ships with next to max level/equipment and fleet strength).

Why this? It’s one thing to give just rewards out, that may was ONLY designed to speed up/attract new players. Before this new reward system were already one(I think so, because I got some Mk4 kits for R6/9 weapons + credits/mono). If a vet has started after this and now get the second rewards for no work would be a facepalm for newbies as well or?

But with the ‘aquire xyz synergy on Rank x/y/z ships’ vets can play the game as they want(NO LIMITS FOR THIS LIKE ONLY PVP/PVE) and get rewarded for already owning things. Hopefully the devs will listen.

It has gone so far that there are actually people starting a 2nd account and rank up because it’s easier to make a destroyer there x)

That proves some things…

It proves more than just some things.

it is only a matter of time, before critical awareness is reached.

They can do the right thing and they should. So, it’s all up on them. I would really be disappointed, if I would have to put out a negative review, just because of preferential treatment, which only applies to newcomers.

Imagine us. I thought that we the privileged class, but apparently those, who never attributed to anything in Star Conflict can get things for free. I still believe that you will do the right thing, like you did with the Crews in the past.


P.S.: Only solution for this is, that we get such rewards in the mail-box or by some update change, which will give us what we need, even if you fully ranked up already. We earned it.



Why bother? There are a lot of players who have already maxed out all the standard ships, would they then miss out again? I’ve only got 28 standard ships left to max out.


Also, if you implemented such a thing, then the devs have to do even more work to ensure that players don’t receive double the rewards.


They should just give us the rewards. 

Here some info you want: Amount of rewards in total per rank, if you already complain about what you don’t get, you should at least know the values.


Faction Rewards (All factions have same)

Rank 1 - None

Rank 2 - Engine Package, 50k Credits

Rank 3 - Computing System, 100k Credits

Rank 4 - Deflector Package, 150k Credits

Rank 5 - 8 Neodium plates, 250k Credits

Rank 6 - 2 Reactor Packages, 300k Credits

Rank 7 - 3 Exterior Structures. 500k Credits

Rank 8 - 10 Neodium Plates, 700k Credits

Rank 9 - Engine Package, 900k Credits

Rank 10 - 2 Computing Systems, 1,1M Credits

Rank 11 - 10 Neodium Plates, 1,2M Credits

Rank 12 - 2 Reactor Packages, 1,3M Credits

Rank 13 - 5 Exterior Structures, 1,4M Credits

Rank 14 - Deflector Package, 1,5M Credits

Rank 15 - 15 Neodium Plates, 1,7M Credits

Total rewards for 1 Faction : 11,150 Million Credits (11.150.000), 53 Neodium Plates (You need 32 for a rank 8 Destroyer), 4 Reactor Packages, 8 Exterior Structures, 2 Deflector Packages, 3 Computing Systems and 2 Engine Packages.


Take this times three…

33,450 Million Credits (33.450.000), 159 Neodium Plates, 12 Reactor Packages, 24 Exterior Structures, 6 Deflector Packages, 9 Computing Systems and 6 Engine Packages

Ship Parts in Monocrystals: 240 + 432 + 120 + 198 + 132 = 1122 Monocrystals equals 187 daily days (If you visit all 3 stations) without premium license and 125 with premium license.


I hope this cleans up some things, so you can imagine better.

How was this thought of and passed without considering everyone in the first place? I been playing for over 2 years, and have only made enough to build 2 secret ships, my second just recently, and a destroyer. I spent some money in the game, but even all that does not compare with those rewards, just wow devs please reconsider that.

Here some info you want: Amount of rewards in total per rank, if you already complain about what you don’t get, you should at least know the values.


Faction Rewards (All factions have same)

Rank 1 - None

Rank 2 - Engine Package, 50k Credits

Rank 3 - Computing System, 100k Credits

Rank 4 - Deflector Package, 150k Credits

Rank 5 - 8 Neodium plates, 250k Credits

Rank 6 - 2 Reactor Packages, 300k Credits

Rank 7 - 3 Exterior Structures. 500k Credits

Rank 8 - 10 Neodium Plates, 700k Credits

Rank 9 - Engine Package, 900k Credits

Rank 10 - 2 Computing Systems, 1,1M Credits

Rank 11 - 10 Neodium Plates, 1,2M Credits

Rank 12 - 2 Reactor Packages, 1,3M Credits

Rank 13 - 5 Exterior Structures, 1,4M Credits

Rank 14 - Deflector Package, 1,5M Credits

Rank 15 - 15 Neodium Plates, 1,7M Credits

Total rewards for 1 Faction : 11,150 Million Credits (11.150.000), 53 Neodium Plates (You need 32 for a rank 8 Destroyer), 4 Reactor Packages, 8 Exterior Structures, 2 Deflector Packages, 3 Computing Systems and 2 Engine Packages.


Take this times three…

33,450 Million Credits (33.450.000), 159 Neodium Plates, 12 Reactor Packages, 24 Exterior Structures, 6 Deflector Packages, 9 Computing Systems and 6 Engine Packages

Ship Parts in Monocrystals: 240 + 432 + 120 + 198 + 132 = 1122 Monocrystals equals 187 daily days (If you visit all 3 stations) without premium license and 125 with premium license.


I hope this cleans up some things, so you can imagine better.

WHAT. THE. F K!? I spent nearly 3 months just to get the parts together in order to make a caltrop, and even then it went to making my archon. And now, the devs have kicked us all up the xxxx just because we were loyal to them!? I know of people who have spent  DAYS** searching for neodium in open space, and yet if we had gotten these rewards when they were added I wouldn’t hear complaints of the gigantic grind wall. Heck, the grind wall is right now bigger than Warframe’s grind wall, and that’s not something to be proud of. I’ve spent only around $150 on Star Conflict so far which is minimal compared to other veterans and with having over 824 hours logged, rank 15 with 2 factions and 12 with another my voice is still ignored.


That’s just perfect.