Ive only seen one post talking about it ([http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21207-wobble-in-ships/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21207-wobble-in-ships/)) and it did not satisfy me, so ill put my perspective:
The mechanics of the game dealing with ping seems bad (with higher ping you have to extra lead and “guess” where the target is going to be, and you have to make turns before to correctly drive the ship), but its better than older shooter games had (like leading to the air with instant proyectiles and only having a hit indicator that tells you if you aimed well or not…im thinking in Battlefield 2412, Gunz, Counter Strike, Crysis 1 (not totally sure about this one), etc.). I think i would prefer the latest mechanics (used by Planetside 2 or Tribes: ascend) wich bases all the client information and sends it to the server (you hit what you saw you hit in your screen and have no delay in response). Draw back is that higher ping players take more time to “deal damage”, but damage is dealt, and as you are not seing the game in real time, situations like dodging proyectiles or crashing another player will not be congruent to whats going on in your screen. In little words, the last system favors player input (simulating playing in local area network: without ping) in exchange for demanding the understanding that things are not truly where you see them at that moment (wich mostly has an impact when dodgin enemy fire). However, this system makes proyectile and ship position to be incongruous with recieved client information (means you will see yourself getting damaged by proyectiles that did not hit you) and i respect the SC
Any way, im still cool with the system Star Conflict has to deal ping, but theres something that should just not happen: ship wobble; high ping causes a ship to keep turning after the mouse is centered. That affects heavily while aiming and driving your ship (the higher the ping and turn rate, the more it looses control). I remember several moments in wich i made a turn, centered the mouse, and the interceptor kept turning around the crosshair for more than 30 seconds without any extra imput (ping: about 300). My best solution is to activate free aim, let go, activate it again to regain control. For a cov op it makes really hard to succesfully hit a standing frigate with plasma arc with 250+ ping (you can wait the ship to stop “wobbleing” and get killed by sure or deal less than 40% plasma arc dmg), and impossible to fully hit a frigate dodging it.
The mechanics cant solve the ping itself, but the way it handles it is ok, except for the wobble in ships wich i dont understand why it happens with high ping (i believe ship compensantion is controlled by the server, wich should not happen). One thing is that your ship moves with delay from input, another is that it keeps moving long after input has ceased. So, i perfectly believe that SC team can solve this “late movement compensation” and only have a delayed input.
PD: I hope what i wrote is understandable xD
PD 2: a video would be very ilustrative, but im pretty sure everyone knows what im talking about.