Wings in space

And then there is a Mauler


That thing looks like a flying briefcase.

And then there is a Mauler


With enough thrust applied everything can fly. 

With enough thrust applied everything can fly. 


Reminds me of KSP. 


add more rockets, and it will eventually get into orbit…Or crash. 

That thing looks like a flying briefcase.






Reminds me of KSP. 


add more rockets, and it will eventually get into orbit…Or crash. 


Single stage KSP rocket, all stock parts.



Astraal, the resemblance is uncanny  :what:







theres the inspiration! 




Yup, summed it up! 

wings can have other uses, like putting some equipment as far away from the hull as possible, mount equipment like guns, etc.


maybe it is important for a force field like a shield to be initiated at two poles on the edge of the ship so the shield really create the desired form of protecting the hull. maybe the sensor equipment needs a bit of space to create a detection cone around a ship and needs a space differential to create a stereoscopic view of the sensordata.


and maybe some smaller ships are used in atmospheric circumstances, or had to be able to operate there, since bigger ships obviously didn’t get wings. there are many explanations that could be nerdishd into it, basicly i just agree to those who say it looks friggin awesome.


also, not all ships do have wings.

Dude, if Jeb isn’t panicking, everything’s a-ok.

Single stage KSP rocket, all stock parts.



Astraal, the resemblance is uncanny  :what:


Your sure you are not on an escape-trajectory out of Kerbin yet?

Bob and  Bill are not amused! 

On the other hand: Getting Bob in Orbit without screaming is quite impossible. 

About Wings: AFAIK im still the record-holder for SSTOs in the Munlight-Challange (lightest Vehicle to Mun and back)


Your sure you are not on an escape-trajectory out of Kerbin yet?


As you can see, my fugly rocket is already on the verge of emptying its last 8 fuel tanks (out of a grand total of 48). I had another shuttle that was tiny and had negative fuel usage and thrust vectoring, so that one can go anywhere (provided I leave KSP running long enough).




About Wings: AFAIK im still the record-holder for SSTOs in the Munlight-Challange (lightest Vehicle to Mun and back)



I guess we’ve proven that wings aren’t just there to look nice.


Actually… come to think of it, Imperial fighters have smaller and smaller wings as you climb the tech tree. And on the other end of the spectrum, the Tormentor frigates are essentially wings.

As you can see, my fugly rocket is already on the verge of emptying its last 8 fuel tanks (out of a grand total of 48). I had another shuttle that was tiny and had negative fuel usage and thrust vectoring, so that one can go anywhere (provided I leave KSP running long enough).



IIRC you need about 3100m/s orbital velocity to intercept orbit with Mun. 3270m/s  for Minmus and shortly after that you leave Kerbins SoI and orbit the Sun. 

So, since you are on a speed of 3573m/s… I guess the poor fellas have to Orbit the sun for ever. 



the Tormentor frigates are essentially Blindspot

Fixed :smiley:

 the Tormentor frigates are essentially wings

Unfortunately, the Tormentor series are just a mobile moon with a single gun turret on the north pole. That’s it. The rest is just such a huge blindspot, they’re not worth flying.

Unfortunately, the Tormentor series are just a mobile moon with a single gun turret on the north pole. That’s it. The rest is just such a huge blindspot, they’re not worth flying.


Thats no moon…



Obviously wings would get some nice use in thin Mars-like atmosphere. It would look awesome: red planet, fancy ground targets, air-defenses… ofc, no trees, hehehehe.


maybe even some moon bombardment. Some day, who knows… It’s a suggestion thread, after all.

They said that they do not planned to add Atmospherical battle.

Obviously wings would get some nice use in thin Mars-like atmosphere. It would look awesome: red planet, fancy ground targets, air-defenses… ofc, no trees, hehehehe.


maybe even some moon bombardment. Some day, who knows… It’s a suggestion thread, after all.


Why only Mars-Like? 

I heared it works in thicker atmosphere (earth-like) too. 




Fuel expenditures on long flights in atmo.



You want to fly without wings.Maybe it would be good to sit in your cube and  fly.


Overrated. Thats a VTOL, too:

Why only Mars-Like? 

I heared it works in thicker atmosphere (earth-like) too.

cuz of shields, mate. And no need for Mk4 Carburetor Module :wink:



cuz of shields, mate. And no need for Mk4 Carburetor Module :wink:



I am no good at stuff like this, but why does every 2d Cycle is “empty cycle” for every cylinder?