why not learn from war thunder?and for why less and less people play T5

now it’s right

Tacklers started being played as a means to counter the ECM-swarm. Seems to be working, but the meta is still ECM.

Same as everywhere.


Damn, T5 endgame? Hahaha…

There are more nabs than in any other tier, come on, i had today a player in my SQ team who had 4x T4 engys on Syn lvl 1-3 and he didn’t knew how to use auras… <_<


Damn right, but if you remember our fight today in t5 pvp (not the massacre in sec. conq.), squad vs squad is actually fun in t5. The problem is the low polpulation, 'cause you know: nabs are everywhere but in t5 they are really a pain in d…

Excellent counter for ECMs

Mauler / Archdragon with 3x Mk4 Proton Wall.

Curved Beam Cannon.



Reverse Thruster.

IR Pulsar.

EM Scattering field.

Something to heal yourself.

Damn right, but if you remember our fight today in t5 pvp (not the massacre in sec. conq.), squad vs squad is actually fun in t5. The problem is the low polpulation, 'cause you know: nabs are everywhere but in t5 they are really a pain in d…

The Draw? Well it was WPK vs WPK & You…

More stuff is always in work, it just needs its time.

Tier 1: Learn the basic.

Tier 2: Learn teamwork and the use of more modules and play for fun.

Tier 3: Mix of fun and competition.

Tier 4/5: Endgame

Exactly T4/T5 is endgame which is why people get there and quit. 


There should be a huge credit boost for t4/t5 to get people up there. 

Exactly T4/T5 should be endgame but then people get there and quit.

There should be a huge credit boost for t4/t5 to get people up there.

I fixed it for you.

Btw, so many members online on the forums? Wtf…

Checked RU forums, 180 members online, XD.

The Draw? Well it was WPK vs WPK & You…



Whatever, it was fun (and “fun” and “t5” are not so much related so ofthen). 

Since we are all ranting about  END GAME :

What ever happened to our Dreadnaughts?

For some reason I thought that was the end game. Not just owning every ship.

They were suppose to be coming out in a few months, and that was 2 years ago. 

It appears to be something thats not going to happen.


Also when are we gonna see alien weapons and/or ships to work towards.

I want the t5 boss ship in blackwood or one that shoot red plasma balls. or a hunter.

These are my idea of end game. Simply owning ships is not really end game for me.

Since we are all ranting about  END GAME :

What ever happened to our Dreadnaughts?

For some reason I thought that was the end game. Not just owning every ship.

They were suppose to be coming out in a few months, and that was 2 years ago. 

It appears to be something thats not going to happen.


Also when are we gonna see alien weapons and/or ships to work towards.

I want the t5 boss ship in blackwood or one that shoot red plasma balls. or a hunter.

These are my idea of end game. Simply owning ships is not really end game for me.


A) Show me a single post where Dreadnaughts were promised within “couple of months”, the only definite answer we ever had is “in 2014” or “by the end of 2014”

B) Blackwoods boss is T5 Empire frigate frame

C) Pirates boss is Reaper frame

D) Owning all ships is not an end game, it is just owning all ships. Currently endgame is wings in Sec Con, how about you work on that? Oh wait, even your own corpmates don’t want to squad with you (mandatory Canadian: “I am sorry for you” for you)

if you want more players in T5 bring back the old reward system in SEC-CON, even players would go in for the win or the loss, but they got rewarded 

To get people to move to higher tiers, they need to do three things:


  1. Reduce grind.

  2. Make it more appealing to lose in T5 than win in T3 / T4.

  3. Filter out the stupid.


The first they won’t do because they want people to pay real money to advance.

The second they won’t do because that would reduce grind.

The third they won’t do because they can potentially make a lot of money out of people wasting real cash to rush to Tier 5.


Remember, it isn’t enough to just have more people up in Tier 5; people expect that to be the endgame, which means they want good players there. Based on my own experience, you find more inept pilots in T5 than you do in T3. Good pilots aren’t wasting their time on the dead tier; they just roll them out for Sector Conquest and then fly PvP in lower tiers. They won’t stop doing that until there are steps taken to weed out the idiots who clearly don’t belong in T5, but that would mean the Devs would have to put concerns of quality control and player management over monetisation, so that’s a no-go.


tl;dr: T5 is never going to improve. It’s only going to get worse.

T4 and SecCon is where the vets “should” spend their time. T5 is made solely for tier rushers.

Removed by Author 

I’m making it rain. Stop dying.


:00555:  It’s not like we can’t avoid dying forever; the other team try their hardest to kill us after all (just as we do).

T4 and SecCon is where the vets “should” spend their time. T5 is made solely for tier rushers.


So far from the truth. Vets “should” spend their time wherever they please. T5 is not made solely for tier rushers. T5 is where you go for the most credits and getting the highest ratings. T5 needs more vet players, as the games are tiny, and matchmaking takes forever. 

At least the new rating system forces vets who take their rating seriously to play more in t4/t5/sec con in order to keep it high. That is a good change.

My only problem with higher tiers is the smaller games. Engineer is rather hard to play in higher tiers because of this.

Tiers should be divided by skill.

T1 for the total rookies.

T2 for casuals and low-skill pilots.

T3 for serious, mid-skill pilots.

T4 for serious, high-skill pilots.

T5 for the hardcore.

Instead, the low and mid skill pilots are allowed to rush to T5, and the vets loiter in T3 because squad based matchmaking has been utterly ruined everywhere else.

Tier 1: Nobody knows how to perform evasive maneuvers or use their modules.

Tier 2: Lots of very skilled players vs. lots of completely clueless players.

Tier 3: Most of the vets hang out here with their maximized unique premiums.

Tier 4: Tons of clueless randoms just trying to get to Tier 5.

Tier 5: Interceptors. Everywhere.

Tier 1: Nobody knows how to perform evasive maneuvers or use their modules.

Tier 2: Lots of very skilled players vs. lots of completely clueless players.

Tier 3: Most of the vets hang out here with their maximized unique premiums.

Tier 4: Tons of clueless randoms just trying to get to Tier 5.

Tier 5: Interceptors. Everywhere.


So true… It is good that the new rating system has brought more skilled players into T5, but more needs to be done to prevent tier-rushing low-skill players from getting to T5 much faster than they should.


An idea to prevent tier-rushing: require a certain number of ships to be purchased/leveled (not fully, but at least to the level required for the next ship) in the previous tier before the next tier is unlocked.

I am third of four war thunder, but it is longer and more expensive on aircraft and tank. This game is big enough term decor, but Star Conflict over opening.

War Thunder = expensive and long Star Conflict = Reasonable price and more liberter. 

There is a large difference!