When did Thar'Ga make you a "good" pilot?

4 minutes ago, theNoob said:

TharGa is fine as it is. It is not OP.

finally, someone to make star conflict great again.

2 hours ago, g4borg said:

finally, someone to make star conflict great again.

let’s build a wall and make the non-thar’ga pilots pay for it


6 hours ago, niripas said:

32 xenos per day + 90 per week + Xmas event. Theoretically it would be up to 48 per day, but I have a life as well :D. Do the math. 

How long does it take to get fed up being target practice? Well - if the person is stupid - very short time. If the person is smart, he will start to ask questions. If he is smarter - he will figure out the solution. Why would I think that feeling of being target practice will trigger a purchase of whatever? That’s illogical. “I suck, but if I buy a new toy, I will be OP”? Give a mediocre driver a F1 car and see how much OP he will become. From what I’m reading here tharga is easy killable when the pilot is mediocre. I’ll give you a hint - any ship is easy to kill if it’s driver suck. OTOH - I wouldn’t dare to face Milf 1v1 on any ship. 

Tharga failed design? Why? It’s deadly in the right hands and slightly harder to kill in the wrong ones. I believe you didn’t bother to join thar’ga testing during the weekend and voice your concerns on those changes? Strange is no one is mentioning other failed designs - Phoenix and Reaper to name a few. They were so bad at the beginning no one wanted to fly them. Then Phoenix started to be good and Reaper OP. Now both are perfectly balanced.

Also - I promised someone to give him a clue how to counter thar’ga. As one picture speaks thousand words: screenshot-170310-213100.jpg.a57745f2111f9fe1003cb57b14b81704.jpg

That’s my thar’ga, flying at full speed.

Niri I can’t believe you are still defending Thar’gas. You of all people who is abusing it like crazy. You literally fly only that ship every time I see you.

Yes thar’ga can be tackled, but it can just blink away, on top of having all the usual tools gunships have for escaping. Also it can just turn around and one-shot the tackler with it’s OP kinetic gun… (in t5 anyhow)  And please don’t tell me to fit 150 kinetic resist or that I am a bad tackler pilot like you told me in-game or I might just get myself a forum ban in my reply…

The only counters:

  • gravi tackler - cannot kill alone but does restrict movement
  • proxi mortar guard with MPI - yes this works very well, but it is a paying module so not available to everyone
  • ECM - to the same limited extent it counters every ship
  • thar’ga - lol

Thankfully the nerf hammer is incoming. It’s just a shame it took so many months while the devs profitted from the people with big wallets that like to pay for it and upgrading it. I’m also very scared for the next alien ship that will come out. What next? Recon with EM torps and ten holoships? Tackler with that OP thar’ga module that stops you from turning? Guard with a jeri LRF torp? Destroyer with a recon microwarpdrive? Engineer with ECM stuns?

22 minutes ago, millanbel said:


Niri I can’t believe you are still defending Thar’gas. You of all people who is abusing it like crazy. You literally fly only that ship every time I see you.


You weren’t there when he played lrf every game to get kills with the awful gun for the reconstructor ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”)

39 minutes ago, millanbel said:

let’s build a wall and make the non-thar’ga pilots pay for it


Niri I can’t believe you are still defending Thar’gas. You of all people who is abusing it like crazy. You literally fly only that ship every time I see you.

Since when is this an argument? 

If he enjoy the ships, why can’t he play it? He earned it by his hard work.


In fact it’s the opposite. The fact that he plays a lot with the ship means that his arguments about Thar Ga have much more values. Because he knows what he’s talking about. While those who don’t even own the ship don’t. 


The simple fact that you consider Inhibitor swarm as OP when it’s only a 5 second rotation debuff weird. 

You know that we have a gun for frigates with nearly auto aim that apply the same debuff, but permanently right? 

You also know that you can disrupt the module effect with something as simple as a multifunction module (shield Booster, energy converter)? 



And no. Thar Ga suffer more the standard ships to a well timed ECM stun. 

Because thar ga have something called self damage. 


Hive is the perfect example. 

2k3 hull damage (half of Jericho), that are forever lost if an ECM stun you. 


7 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Since when is this an argument? 

If he enjoy the ships, why can’t he play it? He earned it by his hard work.


In fact it’s the opposite. The fact that he plays a lot with the ship means that his arguments about Thar Ga have much more values. Because he knows what he’s talking about. While those who don’t even own the ship don’t. 


The simple fact that you consider Inhibitor swarm as OP when it’s only a 5 second rotation debuff weird. 

You know that we have a gun for frigates with nearly auto aim that apply the same debuff, but permanently right? 

You also know that you can disrupt the module effect with something as simple as a multifunction module (shield Booster, energy converter)? 



And no. Thar Ga suffer more the standard ships to a well timed ECM stun. 

Because thar ga have something called self damage. 


Hive is the perfect example. 

2k3 hull damage (half of Jericho), that are forever lost if an ECM stun you. 


“Oh yeah, I’m just going to make you fly in a perfect straight line for 5 seconds while SITTING IN A GUNSHIP”. I save my multipurpose modules for tacklers and guards, I shouldn’t also have to use it to escape gunships. See that’s the issue, it’s not one module, it’s the combination. Same with the blink module. I’d be fine with that on a recon instead of it’s MWD for example. But on a gunship?!?

Yeah but the problem is that thar’ga isn’t a jericho ship, so it doesn’t care about self damage.

Oh, so that’s your problem! 

Your problem is that you don’t want to use the according counter because you think you should keep them! 

I see. 


First, Inhibitor swarm isn’t a 100% debuff, but 60%. With a bit of strafing, you can easily dodge everything. 

Second, it’s a weak debuff. An ECM can make you fly in a perfect straight line for 4.3 second and you can’t even use your multipurpose or whatever you want beside reboot (which cost energy, but then there’s the energy debuff). 



And once again, if you think that Inhibitor swarm is SO POWERFUL, then go look at dag nith launcher. 

It’s a permanent Inhibitor swarm with auto aim, that can be used on engi and LRF, not just tacklers and guard! 

"Wow, they should delete that weapon, only tacklers and guard should have mobility debuff! "



BTW, I’m interested :

Since when  only  tacklers and guards can have mobility debuff? 

It is their main role, yeah. But being their main role never meant that other roles can’t have any form of mobility debuff.


Take LOL, nearly all characters have a form of slow. Some more powerful then others. But still a form of slow. 

Even on characters that can be assimilated to gunships. 

8 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

Oh, so that’s your problem! 

Your problem is that you don’t want to use the according counter because you think you should keep them! 

I see. 

My problem is that there is too much to counter. I shouldn’t have to counter rotation reduction when I am also trying to counter a ship that can one-shot me, is faster than me, that can escape at the touch of a module and that has insane hull regen.


ECM unplugging your keyboard is annoying, yes but they can’t one-shot you (except doomsday but that’s a different discussion and requires skill and proper timing)

8 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

And once again, if you think that Inhibitor swarm is SO POWERFUL, then go look at dag nith launcher. 

It’s a permanent Inhibitor swarm with auto aim, that can be used on engi and LRF, not just tacklers and guard! 

"Wow, they should delete that weapon, only tacklers and guard should have mobility debuff! "

Dag’nith doesn’t one-shot me. It’s damage is pathetic.

8 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

BTW, I’m interested :

Since when  only  tacklers and guards can have mobility debuff? 

It is their main role, yeah. But being their main role never meant that other roles can’t have any form of mobility debuff.


Take LOL, nearly all characters have a form of slow. Some more powerful then others. But still a form of slow. 

Even on characters that can be assimilated to gunships. 

Then put this module available to all gunships. I’m sick of having specific modules available only to semi-premium ships. The same goes for the reaper pulling module and phoenix drones for example. Or else if they really want to specialise by faction instead of by role, then Ellydium ships should have to give up certain characteristics that the other faction are strong at. For example if it has a tackler module installed on a gunship, then it should sacrifice speed (Federation’s speciality) and hull tank (Empire’s speciality). It should most certainly not have all of these characteristics combined.


Anyway this discussion is kinda pointless because the devs have already decided the ship is too strong and are nerfing it (on test server for now). Hopefully this nerf (after testing and improvements) will make it to live server and t5 will be playable in other ships again.

Inhibitor swarm is available to all gunships, just like tharkthk

12 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Inhibitor swarm is available to all gunships, just like tharkthk

Ok I didn’t know about inhibitor swarm because I’ve not seen anyone use it on a different gunship. I guess that anyone who owns this module also owns thar’ga and they would never fly a normal gunship then… Tharkthk I did know about, but it has spread problems on other ships apparently. Also once again suboptimal compared to use on thar’ga in combination with all the other OP stuff.

Also these modules should be able to be bought for credits or crafted directly for xenos without needing to build a thar’ga, to make it consistent. It would be silly to have to craft an Octopus in order to get a warpgate for a Naga for example.

9 hours ago, Swifter43021 said:

BTW, I’m interested :

Since when  only  tacklers and guards can have mobility debuff? 

It is their main role, yeah. But being their main role never meant that other roles can’t have any form of mobility debuff.

Also Recons have speed debuff.

Guard, tacklers and recons, let’s see what is the thing that they have in common… Oh wait, there it is:

They are not the damage dealer of their classes.

Tha’rga is a gunship, guess where the problem is about giving all of them mobility debuff…

4 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Also Recons have speed debuff.

Guard, tacklers and recons, let’s see what is the thing that they have in common… Oh wait, there it is:

They are not the damage dealer of their classes.

Tha’rga is a gunship, guess where the problem is about giving all of them mobility debuff…

Huh I forgot about recons. That’s weird. But you are right yes.

Uhm, as far as I’m concerned pretty much every role for the fighter class is supposed to be a damage dealer, gunships have the overdrive, tacklers have the target painter and the ODG damage buff and commands have the Valkyrie, as for the frigates guards also have the damage bonus when the damage they receive matches the shield phase, but the 4 turrets won’t make that much of a difference in the end :confused:

39 minutes ago, xXThunderFlameXx said:

Uhm, as far as I’m concerned pretty much every role for the fighter class is supposed to be a damage dealer, gunships have the overdrive, tacklers have the target painter and the ODG damage buff and commands have the Valkyrie, as for the frigates guards also have the damage bonus when the damage they receive matches the shield phase, but the 4 turrets won’t make that much of a difference in the end :confused:

The pure damage dealer are gunships, cov-ops and long ranges. Any of the modules from fighters you mentioned are supporting mods that works at their best when used in combination with other ships. Boosting damage output on fighters not meant for that, is usually a bad idea and (90% of the time) a waste of potential. Exception are always there oc.

On 3/20/2017 at 7:05 PM, niripas said:

32 xenos per day + 90 per week + Xmas event. Theoretically it would be up to 48 per day, but I have a life as well :D. Do the math. 

How long does it take to get fed up being target practice? Well - if the person is stupid - very short time. If the person is smart, he will start to ask questions. If he is smarter - he will figure out the solution. Why would I think that feeling of being target practice will trigger a purchase of whatever? That’s illogical. “I suck, but if I buy a new toy, I will be OP”? Give a mediocre driver a F1 car and see how much OP he will become. From what I’m reading here tharga is easy killable when the pilot is mediocre. I’ll give you a hint - any ship is easy to kill if it’s driver suck. OTOH - I wouldn’t dare to face Milf 1v1 on any ship. 

Tharga failed design? Why? It’s deadly in the right hands and slightly harder to kill in the wrong ones. I believe you didn’t bother to join thar’ga testing during the weekend and voice your concerns on those changes? Strange is no one is mentioning other failed designs - Phoenix and Reaper to name a few. They were so bad at the beginning no one wanted to fly them. Then Phoenix started to be good and Reaper OP. Now both are perfectly balanced.

Also - I promised someone to give him a clue how to counter thar’ga. As one picture speaks thousand words: screenshot-170310-213100.jpg.a57745f2111f9fe1003cb57b14b81704.jpg

That’s my thar’ga, flying at full speed.

32 xenos per day doing what? 1 xeno per 10 kills? 
So in your expert opinion whoever is getting killed in 2 shots by an overpowered gun or cannot shoot down a thar because it can survive sustained fire from a frig is stupid.
If you are teamed up with people who do not know the game you will lose no matter who you are. Smart or stupid. 
FYI I have landed at least 8-10 coil gun shots at a thar with a t5 frig and had NO EFFECT on the target. How much more OP can it get? 
A pathetic attempt to act as if nothing is happening and of course the majority of people who act as your target practice are not going to be here for long.

Destroyers have 2 movement impairing modules too.

Prem Guards and Ronin can actualy do almost LRF type of DMG with main guns

Prem recons and craft Cynin are easily dmg dealers with build in crits and dmg bonuses, spy drones that do xxxx tons of dmg by reducing healing and shield drain which is “white” dmg, and don’t even get me started on proximity mines

5 minutes ago, belisarius said:

32 xenos per day doing what? 1 xeno per 10 kills? 
So in your expert opinion whoever is getting killed in 2 shots by an overpowered gun or cannot shoot down a thar because it can survive sustained fire from a frig is stupid.
If you are teamed up with people who do not know the game you will lose no matter who you are. Smart or stupid. 
FYI I have landed at least 8-10 coil gun shots at a thar with a t5 frig and had NO EFFECT on the target. How much more OP can it get? 
A pathetic attempt to act as if nothing is happening and of course the majority of people who act as your target practice are not going to be here for long.

I have another couple of guys in NASA that have r9 thargas and ~2000 xenocrystals/1000 alien panels, yet did not spend a single cent on those resources.

15 hours ago, xKostyan said:

not spend a single cent

No but their lives and kidneys I guess.

16 hours ago, xKostyan said:

Destroyers have 2 movement impairing modules too.

Prem Guards and Ronin can actualy do almost LRF type of DMG with main guns

Prem recons and craft Cynin are easily dmg dealers with build in crits and dmg bonuses, spy drones that do xxxx tons of dmg by reducing healing and shield drain which is “white” dmg, and don’t even get me started on proximity mines


16 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

The pure damage dealer are gunships, cov-ops and long ranges. Any of the modules from fighters you mentioned are supporting mods that works at their best when used in combination with other ships. Boosting damage output on fighters not meant for that, is usually a bad idea and **(90% of the time) **a waste of potential. Exception are always there oc.


17 hours ago, Spongejohn said:

Also Recons have speed debuff.

Guard, tacklers and recons, let’s see what is the thing that they have in common… Oh wait, there it is:

They are not the damage dealer of their classes.

Tha’rga is a gunship, guess where the problem is about giving all of them mobility debuff…

![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”)


Covert ops :

  • White noise Jammer. One of the most powerful debuff, on a DPS class. 

  • Pelegrine special : 50% heal debuff. Isn’t it what recon do ?


Command :

  • Valkyrie, one of the most powerful damage buff in game that outclass gunship’s overdrive.

  • Dart Harmonic drive : Wait, isn’t crit buff for gunships ?


Tacklers :

  • Why does their invisibility gives them a 20% damage buff ?

  • Drones : WAIT, isn’t building stuff the Engi role ? And why the hell are there active with the sole purpose of doing damage, on a ship that is not a gunship ?

  • Target painter : …


LRF -> IR pulsar. Guard -> Pulsar + damage buff on their special.



It’s not because one role has a main purpose, that it can’t has tools for something else.

Inibitor swarm is a skillshot that can be missed. Is not THAT powerful (far from a mass inibitor). And peoples won’t suddenly use gunships to replace tacklers/guards, because it’s far from effective enough. 

Even worse, it takes one slot. Slot that replace a purge/intuition/energy converter/speed buff/survival. 

First off, show some respect to other players and stop acting like you are the only one entitled to discuss about balance or thar’ga. It just propel a toxic environment on the forum.

Tldr: don’t facepalm anyone, it just makes you sound childish and makes people mad.

 You are comparing a 5 seconds manuverabily debuff against lrf\cov ops target lock jamming? You know that those debuff don’t makes you blind but still able to shoot? Sometimes is even better to not have a lock since it’s hard to hit high rotating ships 'cause of the ping compensation mechanic.

Apart that, 5 seconds are more than enough, since the implant to disrupt that effect last way less…

That said, apart some exceptions, ships that are not damage dealers can do tons of damage just incidentally thanks to fhe combination of some modules, but the truth is: apart some exceptions, if you buff a non damage dealer to do so: you are wasting the potential of the ship since the damage output from a gunship, cov, etc are always better.

A slowing beamer jag (gravi+slowing missiles+afterburner denial) is way more effective then a bubble jaguar in a battle. Sure the bubble jaguar will do way more kills… But the debuff jag is more deadly on the field since it can slow down all fast ship, lettin the team kill faster.

You cannot give an active debuff that can’t be countered (again, 5 seconds is too much) to a gunship. On top of that, it have insane dps and a lot of survivability. 

The only good debuff you mentioned is the one from the peRegrine. But a cyning with slowing missile and a good gun fit can be way more deadly than the peRegrine one… Once again: exceptions, that have drawbacks…

I would love to see what’s next, an ecm with a 100% buff at his own damage after his stunnning magics? Oh boy, I should not give them such ideas XD