When did Thar'Ga make you a "good" pilot?

Fact is that I’m currently 2nd in the leaderboard pilot rating. 

And not because of Thar Ga. 


Thar Ga actually die more often than you think, especially with the collision “rework” where any collision one shot you. 

10 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Fact is that I’m currently 2nd in the leaderboard pilot rating. 

And not because of Thar Ga. 


Thar Ga actually die more often than you think, especially with the collision “rework” where any collision one shot you. 

It’s because of it. I see you with it all the time

kaponing everyone. Don’t lie.

I just got my Thar’Ga, it’s tier 5 has it’s alien weapon artifact quality, same with all it’s components (love the alien components, if only because they are unique) and it basically takes a 4 on 1 to kill, with 3 of them dead by the way…

This is before getting Matter Absorber, I can’t imagine how bad the balance will get once I do or once I can start staking speed on it on tier 7.


Oh wait I can, I run into tier 7/9 Thar’Gas on my faction ships, it’s not pretty.


I think that if it remained as slow as it is in tier 5 a lot of the issues with it would go away, the fact it can out maneuver and accelerate an inti, out gun any other gunship while ALSO out healing an engi is “problematic” to say the least.

If it couldn’t hit and run (well, kill and run), then return full health a few seconds later it would still be very powerful but kill able. 




When Alien cov ops roll out and there will be this topic all over again, an alien intie that has massive DPS, 200+ rotation, and constant regen to full hull with Matter Absorber hull.

24 minutes ago, Milfeulle said:

When Alien cov ops roll out and there will be this topic all over again, an alien intie that has massive DPS, 200+ rotation, and constant regen to full hull with Matter Absorber hull.

You forget 700m/s strafing.

And the teleportation!

The Thar has just shot SC down in a single shot. Ironic right? In a single move they made the majority of the players target practice for the paying customers. A migration to other games is under way so will the paying customers stay without other players to shoot down? Do not think so.  


13 hours ago, belisarius said:

The Thar has just shot SC down in a single shot. Ironic right? In a single move they made the majority of the players target practice for the paying customers. A migration to other games is under way so will the paying customers stay without other players to shoot down? Do not think so.  

May I ask - what are you talking about? 
1st: My thar’ga is maxed out, 1300+ xenos in my warehouse, no money spent
2nd: if tharg’a is so OP, why last wing that tried 7 tharga’s + engie was reduced to 0 by the team with tackler, ecm, guard, engie, command, dessie and 2 gunships? I took us the whole 4 minutes. Ok, Nova with 5 thargas was more problematic, but still they lost by 4 points in the end.
3rd: what migration? From what I see - SC is gaining players. Unless you are talking before/after Xmas.

If you don’t know how to counter thar’ga - ask. There are multiple counters to this ship now. Also I believe you didn’t check the test server to voice your opinion on next Thar’ga changes?

4 hours ago, niripas said:

May I ask - what are you talking about? 
1st: My thar’ga is maxed out, 1300+ xenos in my warehouse, no money spent
2nd: if tharg’a is so OP, why last wing that tried 7 tharga’s + engie was reduced to 0 by the team with tackler, ecm, guard, engie, command, dessie and 2 gunships? I took us the whole 4 minutes. Ok, Nova with 5 thargas was more problematic, but still they lost by 4 points in the end.
3rd: what migration? From what I see - SC is gaining players. Unless you are talking before/after Xmas.

If you don’t know how to counter thar’ga - ask. There are multiple counters to this ship now. Also I believe you didn’t check the test server to voice your opinion on next Thar’ga changes?

I am curious - 1300 xenos in your warehouse, maxed thar AND no money spent. That is a unique combo I have to admit but does not add up without a purchase in a short time-frame.

New players as what? target practice? what is the churn? How long does it take them to get fed up being target practice? Of course you might think that the feeling of being target practice will trigger a xeno/standards purchase. It will not. 

My original post is absolutely correct and you know it. Thar is a failed design 100%. 


Answer towards everything said is simple.

Thar’Ga does not make you a good pilot, it delivers unrivaled damage and mechanics, therefore making it the strongest ship in the game right now, is it broken? Yes and no, you can still beat it.

Nerfs are in progress, the ship will itself will become weaker over time, devs never were that good at releasing things balanced straight away, that’s just how things are.

1 hour ago, belisarius said:

I am curious - 1300 xenos in your warehouse, maxed thar AND no money spent. That is a unique combo I have to admit but does not add up without a purchase in a short time-frame.

New players as what? target practice? what is the churn? How long does it take them to get fed up being target practice? Of course you might think that the feeling of being target practice will trigger a xeno/standards purchase. It will not. 

My original post is absolutely correct and you know it. Thar is a failed design 100%.  

32 xenos per day + 90 per week + Xmas event. Theoretically it would be up to 48 per day, but I have a life as well :D. Do the math. 

How long does it take to get fed up being target practice? Well - if the person is stupid - very short time. If the person is smart, he will start to ask questions. If he is smarter - he will figure out the solution. Why would I think that feeling of being target practice will trigger a purchase of whatever? That’s illogical. “I suck, but if I buy a new toy, I will be OP”? Give a mediocre driver a F1 car and see how much OP he will become. From what I’m reading here tharga is easy killable when the pilot is mediocre. I’ll give you a hint - any ship is easy to kill if it’s driver suck. OTOH - I wouldn’t dare to face Milf 1v1 on any ship. 

Tharga failed design? Why? It’s deadly in the right hands and slightly harder to kill in the wrong ones. I believe you didn’t bother to join thar’ga testing during the weekend and voice your concerns on those changes? Strange is no one is mentioning other failed designs - Phoenix and Reaper to name a few. They were so bad at the beginning no one wanted to fly them. Then Phoenix started to be good and Reaper OP. Now both are perfectly balanced.

Also - I promised someone to give him a clue how to counter thar’ga. As one picture speaks thousand words: screenshot-170310-213100.jpg.a57745f2111f9fe1003cb57b14b81704.jpg

That’s my thar’ga, flying at full speed.

27 minutes ago, niripas said:



That’s my thar’ga, flying at full speed.

oh now i get it. haha.

to be honest, you still didnt die I suppose, as that ominous tackler watched you probably blink out of range the next frame… hehe

otherwise pretty much summed it up. we do have adequate channels now to participate in its future. can’t vote coz last two options i say neither. it doesnt need more development cost, it just needs balancing. redesigning it… if they start over, it will be back to op. let them tinker.

18 minutes ago, g4borg said:

oh now i get it. haha.

to be honest, you still didnt die I suppose, as that ominous tackler watched you probably blink out of range the next frame… hehe

otherwise pretty much summed it up. we do have adequate channels now to participate in its future.

There’s no need to be a thar ga to never die.


4 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

There’s no need to be a thar ga to never die.

Didn’t say never…

It’s just sad to see an experienced player defend Thar’Ga and say it is not overpowered compared to other ships, even a blind person can see how much more advanced it is than other ships.
Deadly in the right hands? Yes. More deadly in the right hands than any other ship? Yes too. Still retardedly strong in the hands of some 08/15 wannabe pro? Yup. Get the point?

Every single nerf happening to it, justified. I just would say nerf Thargatok less and make Tharkth at least -20% dmg but k, at least there is still balance happening.
See if the new alien ship will start out balanced? I highly doubt it. So nerfed Tharga pilots will switch over to the new “meta”, which is spamming the same ship all over.

8 hours ago, niripas said:

what migration? From what I see - SC is gaining players. Unless you are talking before/after Xmas.

Might have nothing to do with release of DD’S, time limited events(and p2w aspect some see, i don’t), and Thar Ga. But a bit less than a year ago the average number of steam players was pretty much always around 1100-1500 now it barely can reach 950 and most of the time i look it’s around 650. I see a migration here. I don’t see any gain.

But of course that doesn’t count the players that find the game elsewhere and use the original game launcher.

I dislike steam sometime. It has the monopole nowaday, and raging reviews kill games.

Steam charts are downright useless unless the game is steam exclusive.

8 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

Steam charts are downright useless unless the game is steam exclusive.

I’d agree but an average that lost about half it’s number does mean something. it’s a clear 500 players or so that left. And i look at that by going in the game community hub. Green number at the top.

It’s sad but it’s the truth. The game is getting better, but some aspect make it lose players. Steam or not, just look at the recent influx of new commenters saying they’re sick, don’t know why stilll play or saying they’re quitting or lost interest in the game. It’S all recent.

It’s just how things work, people come, people go.

TharGa is fine as it is. It is not OP.