When did Thar'Ga make you a "good" pilot?

 “A ship that can virtually one shot any ship should never exist”. -Engle (Owl) Former GM and game player since 2013. 

When did having the strongest ship in the game make you above everyone else?


Why does a gunship have a gun that almost out-damages a destroyer? 

How is this not skill? According to pilots its an “amature  score” 

How is a ship almost always at the highest place in the leader board? 

How does all this happen? 

The developers are greedy. They do not care. ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) 


Nah, it’s a glass cannon man   /s

Well,if people would play the ships as they are intended, they would be just fine with minor tweaks here and there, but, apparently it’s an imperative to abuse the new content by the point developers and players alike just get a headache and a perma removal of anything remotely fun. The developers are at fault here for always forgetting the abusing tendency of the players and players do not have any idea of solidarity between each other what so ever. Everybody wants to be the underdog reaching the top with this abusing behavior but in reality they couldn’t reach the door knob to open a door to new possibilities of plays and modes other than downright abuse of the system as a whole. 

Thar ga is not that good. I play both thar ga and covert ops, and in the end I feel like I have the same effectiveness : Killing everything without any problem. Even enemies thar ga aren’t a problem. I can kill any thar ga in 1vs1 without flying one myself.

They are powerful for sure. OP, definitely. But far from being able to 1vs12. The only problem with thar ga is their big regen. If they remove combat shield, put a 1mn cooldown on combat reconstructor, and make that matter absorber works only on assits, the problem would be solved.

They may have more damage and mobility then other ships. But IMO it’s fine. Because they also have maluses, such as self damage and healing debuff. If thar ga is OP, it’s because the big regen make these maluses useless.



Also, the gun numbers may looks big. But standard ships can achieve it too. 



Taking crit into account, an approximate 9K DPS without charge with 7deg spread (nothing will hit with so many spread)

And 3k DPS with full charge (3 seconds) with 2.5 deg spread (20-30% won’t hit).


Then, we have this :



Considering it’s rank 12, it also has 20% final damage buff.

Same, with crits, 4k11 base DPS and 5k DPS with the 20% damage. With only 1.3 spread (so no miss).


Both builds have 20k survavibility (50 resist buff for inty), inty has 520 m/s, thar ga has 420.

The only difference between them ? Thar ga has more regen. That’s it. Even alien intuition has it’s equivalent with the inty (129% damage buff Orion).
There are tons of other options. Look at them.



And, to finish :




Dealt more damage on my little inty then Fix and Salad


Or this 



Where the score speaks by itself (And there’s no thar ga in the first 6 places in my team)

Yeah, but it’s a glass cannon man /s

The Tharga is not a wild card anymore killing a whole team solo but it still does the same a gunship does like in&out hit&run stuff + that part of huge regen. Tweak that end part and it will happily merge with the rest of the SC ships and still have it’s uniqueness.

Well that will be Thar’Ga, Sk’Rah cover Ops sure are fun to play, get kinetic controls too and it will be much easier to hit things, there is not much time left until the recon will make its debut so we will see if regeneration will be the main problem with that too, since I know for a fact that I, and other “good” interceptor pilots may become unhitable with it, and who know what it’s weapons will do, will they debuff the enemy, or deal surprisingly large amounts of damage without both of you realising (Scatter Gun can work, homing shotguns ftw, more or less).

Still, we also have its special modules, seeing what wild choices we have from a regen Overdrive who knows how far we will go from the Microwarp? And there will still be 8 more to come, this one might be their biggest project, even bigger than the destroyers.

Personally, I like A LOT the path Star conflict is taking. 


They are adding tons of new fun mechanics. Not always balanced. But they are trying. 


And there’s these new customizations. Like the death animation (dead leafs). Or the fact that ellydium ships have a scheme modifying the ship model. 

1 hour ago, Swifter43021 said:


Also, the gun numbers may looks big. But standard ships can achieve it too. 

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Taking crit into account, an approximate 9K DPS without charge with 7deg spread (nothing will hit with so many spread)

And 3k DPS with full charge (3 seconds) with 2.5 deg spread (20-30% won’t hit).



Its death to any fighter/inty when Thar’ga is close enough with one shot and with it’s speed its not difficult. All fighter weapons have similar damage numbers or DPS, why this certain thing need to have 1.5x more?

How do you guys get your Thar’kth to have 7k standard dps while mine has 4… i just don’T understand that… 25% of 4k are not 3k talking about that 2 base damage buffing nodes…

43 minutes ago, Rob40468 said:

Its death to any fighter/inty when Thar’ga is close enough with one shot and with it’s speed its not difficult. All fighter weapons have similar damage numbers or DPS, why this certain thing need to have 1.5x more?

Didn’t I just showed an example of a standard ship having 5k dps? 


Thar Kth may have more dps, but but the spread is so big that you never achieve it. 

5 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Didn’t I just showed an example of a standard ship having 5k dps? 


Thar Kth may have more dps, but but the spread is so big that you never achieve it. 

It’s the ROF couped with projectile speed. A fighter no, never full damage, an engineer? Yes you will destroy them. I manage to shrapnel a frigate within 500m a Thar’Ga can also.  Or if you time it right and have high roll and <30 ping like most Russians you can easy circle a gunship. 

200 ping is 0.2 seconds behind.

I have been personally flown around in my guard watching my shield plummet the Thar’kth cannon does 4,500 damage at Mk4 average coupled at 80% from alien intuition and critical chance it’s very OP. Even if you don’t have that module, not all ships have 150 kinetic resistance. 

3 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Well,if people would play the ships as they are intended, they would be just fine with minor tweaks here and there, but, apparently it’s an imperative to abuse the new content by the point developers and players alike just get a headache and a perma removal of anything remotely fun. The developers are at fault here for always forgetting the abusing tendency of the players and players do not have any idea of solidarity between each other what so ever. Everybody wants to be the underdog reaching the top with this abusing behavior but in reality they couldn’t reach the door knob to open a door to new possibilities of plays and modes other than downright abuse of the system as a whole. 

Millfile ^ 

14 minutes ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

It’s the ROF couped with projectile speed. A fighter no, never full damage, an engineer? Yes you will destroy them. I manage to shrapnel a frigate within 500m a Thar’Ga can also.  Or if you time it right and have high roll and <30 ping like most Russians you can easy circle a gunship. 

200 ping is 0.2 seconds behind.

So what?  

That Covert ops can do the same. 

Engineer? Plasma arc. 

Intuition ? Orion


They have the same damage output. 

Also considering that gunships and covies are literally built for the sole purpose of dealing as much damage as possible…

17 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

So what?  

That Covert ops can do the same. 

Engineer? Plasma arc. 

Intuition ? Orion


They have the same damage output. 

Thar’Ga is a fighter, it has 200% shield regen with no counter, hull res with no counter unlike galvanized, anyone dies within 750m you regain a butt load of hull, you can teleport 2,000m options for acceleration, strafe, roll to be much higher of other gunships even recons. To top that off it also can switch ranks. It’s far stronger than a covert. By far.

11 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Also considering that gunships and covies are literally built for the sole purpose of dealing as much damage as possible…

Gunship is not designed solely for that, its fire support. People could argue a destroyer is designed to do that as well since that’s all it can do now.

I can kill any Thar’Ga easily. Even two are no real problem. I just stomp them. People should just learn to fly.

5 minutes ago, theNoob said:

I can kill any Thar’Ga easily. Even two are no real problem. I just stomp them. People should just learn to fly.

Really? You have not been against a good pilot. I have seen people just sit there still in a Thar’Ga it’s like the 99% and 1% only it’s 75% good pilots 25% Nubs You can’t 1v1 Milfulle. You will die.