When did Thar'Ga make you a "good" pilot?

Swarm is affected by:

  • Proton wall and 2-3 implants - reducing it’s duration

  • 8-2 proc

  • Diminishing returns same way our other means of cc is reduced in duration on consecutive usage

And unlike slows from tacklers that only affected by 8-2, or ECM cc that is only affected by protons and diminishing, this affected by all of those factors.



Ships that are vulnerable to manoeuvrability debuff already have proton wall or at least 2-3 installed, and those are the ships that should have finger itching to proc 8-2 since those are the same ships that are vulnerable to Engine suppressor + gauss up into your a55.


The module is good, but just as swifter said it is not THAT strong.

42 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

First off, show some respect to other players and stop acting like you are the only one entitled to discuss about balance or thar’ga. It just propel a toxic environment on the forum.

Tldr: don’t facepalm anyone, it just makes you sound childish and people mad.

Using a ![:facepalm:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/014j.png “:facepalm:”) has never been disrespectful. It’s not because you don’t like it, that my post suddenly becomes harmful to peoples.

And it works the other way around. Using a ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”) don’t suddenly make your post more respectful. 


42 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

 You are comparing a 5 seconds manuverabily debuff against lrf\cov ops target lock jamming?

Yes, I’m totally comparing them. 

The way you criticise the presence of Inhibitor swarm on gunships is like “Damages class should only deal damage. Debuff class should only debuff”. 

So I listed some modules that don’t follow this rule. 

TLDR of my previous post : If gunships can’t have a debuff, then I don’t see why [insert list]  is allowed. 

You can say “Inhibitor swarm is OP due to XX combo”. Not “This module should not exist on gunships”. 

That’s what I said. 


42 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Apart that, 5 seconds are more than enough, since the implant to disrupt that effect last way less…

No. That’s not how the implant works. 

The implant totally remove the debuff. It doesn’t just block it for 2 seconds. After these 2 seconds, the debuff won’t come back. 

There’s only one exception to this rule : Area of effect motor debuff, that will slow you once again after 2 seconds (slowing missiles or mass Inhibitor). 


So 5 or 50 seconds, that doesn’t change anything. Use a multipurpose, and you won’t fly straight at all. 



Also, IR pulsar and WNJ are extremely powerful. Far more powerful then Inhibitor swarm. 

Because they can totally disable stuff. Examples? 

No more ECM, tackler, recon. No more Scatter gun. No more th’lith.  And no more dag nith too. 



Finally, a command can easily deal more damage then a gunship due to valkyrie, but there’s not problem with that. 

But when a gunship have a partial mobility debuff, then suddenly it’s the end of the world? 


I don’t get it. 

16 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Swarm is affected by:

The module is good, but just as swifter said it is not THAT strong.

It’s way easyer to escape manuverability debuff from tacklers. They have a source, so once the enemy loose eye contact with you, you succesfully escaped the tackler (more or less).

Also, equippin a protonwall+implant 2-3 means a loss of crit chance or crit bonus, This days I would not give up any dps I can squeeze from my builds. But the main problem is the fact that “taking” cover loose importance as I said above.

Anyway: the module is not THAT strong, but was another tool like this really necessery for Thar’ga? (and no the fact that you can equip that on other gunships doesn’t change things a bit)

19 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

It’s way easier to escape manoeuvrability debuff from tacklers. They have a source, so once the enemy loose eye contact with you, you successfully escaped the tackler (more or less).

You aren’t gonna easily brake a LOS under Engine Suppressor effect, whole purpose of it for you to not, and engine suppressor is way more deadly to agile targets than a swarm, especially considering that it most definitely will be combined with inhibitor beam as well.

23 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Also, equippin a protonwall+implant 2-3 means a loss of crit chance or crit bonus, This days I would not give up any dps I can squeeze from my builds. But the main problem is the fact that “taking” cover loose importance as I said above.

Looks to me we need ECMs buffed

10 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

You aren’t gonna easily brake a LOS under Engine Suppressor effect, whole purpose of it for you to not, and engine suppressor is way more deadly to agile targets than a swarm, especially considering that it most definitely will be combined with inhibitor beam as well.

Looks to me we need ECMs buffed

Just don’t fly in open space in any ceptor and you will always (well if you still have healings and the implant on) escape a LOS debuff tnx to covers next to you. 

ECM spam can force me to equip a proton wall when I see too many of them in game, not all the time, all the games (tnx god people is not using anymore the waky ae)

You didn’t answer btw, I know the module is not “game breaking”, but: was it necessary?

Nothing is necessary. 

So no, it wasn’t. Was Heavy drones for tacklers necessary? No. 


But more content is never bad. 

All i can see is a tomato/tomato post battle so let it be guys.

56 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

Just don’t fly in open space in any ceptor and you will always (well if you still have healings and the implant on) escape a LOS debuff tnx to covers next to you.

Ofcourse you can break away with 8-2 implant…that is the whole point of it, you don’t need a LOS for that. Requirement of LOS implies you can not drop an effect with anything else, in if you can not drop Engine Suppressor effect you aren’t easily going to break a LOS

58 minutes ago, Spongejohn said:

You didn’t answer btw, I know the module is not “game breaking”, but: was it necessary?

Was existence of Star Conflict necessary?

21 hours ago, belisarius said:

32 xenos per day doing what? 1 xeno per 10 kills? 
So in your expert opinion whoever is getting killed in 2 shots by an overpowered gun or cannot shoot down a thar because it can survive sustained fire from a frig is stupid.
If you are teamed up with people who do not know the game you will lose no matter who you are. Smart or stupid. 
FYI I have landed at least 8-10 coil gun shots at a thar with a t5 frig and had NO EFFECT on the target. How much more OP can it get? 
A pathetic attempt to act as if nothing is happening and of course the majority of people who act as your target practice are not going to be here for long.

Missions, my fellow player. A lots of them.
Tharga cannot survive sustained fire from the frig I proved it to Greg today in my Trex-Mk2 and he wasn’t able to take my shields down with his thark’t. Also coil mortar sucks, as everyone and their mothers are flying kinetic resists now. Anything is better than coil mortar against tharga. If you are getting killed in 2 shots: put EB on, proper resists and know the place of your ship (however today someone inexperienced tried to take my octopus down in thar’ga. Well. he died). 
I fully agree - stupid team can lose the game no matter what, that’s why I’m repeating that again - fly in squads. Guard + tackler usually make short work on any tharga.

I don’t get the last sentence. Today I mostly played against NASA, Ninja, STORM and few other corps. Yes, I think they will be in this game for much longer. 

That’s what is the current situation on live. What do you think about proposed changes on the public test server then?