Weapon balance suggestions

Also, as Kyoss pointed out: It may not be a good choice to provide the best anti-shield weapon (EM) with a mod to deal the best anti-hull weapon damage (kinetic). Perhaps both plasma and rail should get thermal damage mods? I would however suggest that laser does not get damage type mods at all, since thermal is medium-effective to both types, and the instant no-leading projectiles is a significant benefit already. 

Thermal damage is a strange one. It has the best weapon for long range (no projectile) it has decent damage both on shield and hull, it can change to em.

But; guided missiles, desintegrator, pulsar module and the high damage explosives (cruise, octopus, firestorm, tactical nuke, death-ray, mine field,proximity mine) are thermal damage too.

At the moment the best resist to have is thermal. If you take out damage type mod for laser their damage would be nerfed hard.


If you take out every damage type mod, that would be a disaster (try to kill an empire ship with em, or a jericho with a rail… Not. Gonna. Happen.) 


The suggestion (plasma: em/thermal, rail:kin/thermal, laser: only thermal compensating that it don’t have projectile speed problems) would be great if they change the main damage dealer skills/missile weapons damage type (at least evenly to em/kin/thermal).

The mods are rather strange to me as some boost the DPS of the weapon, I think the mods should effect other aspects such as spread, range, cool down reduction, extended fire time, damage type, projectile speed, and critical chance. In no way should they effect the damage output as that is usually shown by the choice of weapon. Though in the case of lasers, if they were to lack damage type changing mods it would be best to give them debuff mod which should lower the thermal resist of a target.


This. When i understand the vision of the devs correctly, it should be plasma against shield, railgun against hull and laser against both, right?


Well currently plasma deals the most damage against hull, because the needle mod changes damage to kinetic AND increases damage. Where’s the logic in that?


When attacking with a sword i can either hit the enemy with the sharp edge, dealing massive cutting damage, or i can hit him with the broad side. According to Star Conflict, hitting an enemy with the broad side will deal more blunt damage than a warhammer.


If a weapon is used for something it wasn’t considered for, it deals considerably lower damage. That, and that alone, would make railguns feasible again, as being the main hull-killer.


Then people would start to use plasma against shield-heavy enemies, such as Jericho, and use Railguns against Hullheavy enemies such as empire.


TLDR: When dealing alternative damage type with a mod, reduce damage considerably.




I don’t know how I could comment on Uhmaris posts without getting a warning or forum ban, just lol.

If you can’t say anything useful, just don’t say anything at all.

Well to reduice the damage wont seem as necissary, just remove the damage buff would be fine enough as the weapon would still retain its charicteristics, changing damage types would not grant you any other buff as the other weapons have such as lasers being accurate and railguns having a high crit chance. Damage buff never really is a good option to give to a player in any game, as they are more likely to choose it over anything else. Course its not to say many would prefer it, its just hard to pass up more DPS.


Though there are other ways to improve on DPS but these usually have a con to them, using game mechanics, increased rate of fire offer more DPS but at the cost of faster weapon overheat. Improving the range of a weapon would allow you to land more strikes on the enemy but at the cost of added difficulty to keep on target. Added damage may use up a mod slot but the weapon still retains similar characteristics as the norm but with more damage output, sacraficing nothing aside from the slot its used in. There are some modifiers that decrease optimal range for added damage and that is how it should be.


Honestly I thought that lasers would do primary EM damage, and plasma would do Thermal. Lasers being a beam of energy and Plasma being a super heated matter.

I’m not sure why Pulse Lasers have spread, seeing as they are A: lasers and B: the only lasers in the game that act this way.


They’re pretty frustrating to use, even against low health targets at close range (aka Scenario enemies). I’d suggest removing spread altogether and increasing the overheat and length of the cooldown instead.

What would the point be then? They would be just a better version of Assault Lasers that way.

Shorter ranged, more burst damage. A striker weapon as opposed to the stand off quasi-sniper assault lasers.

The model of the rapid fire plasma weapons seem nicer than the others.


The rapid fire railgun fires horribly slow, blast is good but takes awhile to get. The pulse laser tries acting like the other lasers all the lasers focus at one point at every shot but bouncing at random points.

so much suggestion, so little is actually done…


rails are still (while being my favorite med-range weapon) xxxx