Weapon balance suggestions

these are examples of more instabilities, but the point is the 11k snipes are bad, as well as the 6k crits from rails. plasmas do 3k dmg which makes for 4-5 hit kills, all of which are to much damage, and need to be lowered to 500-750 damage (depending on the weapon and its rate of fire). this will give 15 seconds or so of constant fire to die rather then 2-3.

these are examples of more instabilities, but the point is the 11k snipes are bad, as well as the 6k crits from rails. plasmas do 3k dmg which makes for 4-5 hit kills, all of which are to much damage, and need to be lowered to 500-750 damage (depending on the weapon and its rate of fire). this will give 15 seconds or so of constant fire to die rather then 2-3.

where do these examples show instabilities?

11k snipes are not the issue of the weapon balance, they are an issue from the horizon module which stacks and gives you so much range and the 11k sniping only effects lasers, no other weapon hits on 11k.

Crits are unique hits and if they are to strong the crit bonus needs to be lowered and not the weapon damage.


Assault plasmas do 600 damage when they are equipped on a frigate, so if you lower it to 700 all heavy weapons need to get a RoF equal to assault weapons which leads to the fact that all weapons become equal.

Yes on the nerf to range on beam mods, actually i think all weapons should get these, but it should not total 75% bonus. it should cap at say 25-35% maybe we can try 45% and see how it go’s.


the weapons do 6k dmg, because the base rails is 547impact, they do 2k-2.5k dmg in general that means 5 hits to death. 


Heavy plasma’s are about where they need to be, they can come down 50-80 impact points (from 1k hit, to 600-700).



these tuning again are to prevent 3-5 second deaths, giving players time to react to taking fire.

The range modules will be discussed later in this topic I want to focus on only the weapons.


Heavy rails: yes, 500 is too much, that is why it needs a 20% nerf and this was mentioned in the post.


Heavy plasmas should keep their damage, they should get some tweeking for the barrels or the RoF.


3-5seconds deaths happen mostly when frigates hit interceptors with heavy weapons, but to fix this it is better to make it harder to hit your target with heavy weapons. In this case they stay efficient against slow targets, but weak against fast targets.

these changes empower the interceptor, which is already running amuck on the battlefield, and it causes the frigates to be less desirable. if there is a steady nerf to all high damage dealing, it will be better, more stable and dependable

these changes empower the interceptor, which is already running amuck on the battlefield, and it causes the frigates to be less desirable. if there is a steady nerf to all high damage dealing, it will be better, more stable and dependable

We have players who say that firgates are underpowered/overpowered and we have people who say that interceptors are underpowered/overpowered, so the only thing we know is that fighters are well balanced or no one likes to fly fighters.

heh, i love them personally :slight_smile: but i think getting 2 shot disencourages their use.


this is addressed in my rework of the mass of ships, and how ceptors need to get an increase from 50mt to 75, atk ships from 350 to 150, and frigates either down to 350, or up to 15000 (along with a huge life upgrade if their mass is increased)


either they should be more tanky version of atk ship, or a super cap.

i still do not believe there is something like mass affecting your ship…i guess the stats at the wiki are sometimes pure fiction to generate a deeper feeling of reality…


if there would be mass there would also something like mobility which is as a fact absent…the deg/s would be the mobility / weight - the devs probably have some hardcoded values which increase when the ship lvls up


furthermore if you decrease the weight of frigates / gunships and it is taken in consideration calculating the manouvreability of a ship frigates would become more agile than interceptors since they have the stronger steering nozzles

the turn rates of ships are directly related to the masses. Further more, the speed of the corsair is built into the mass of the ship. this is easily proven when you reduce the mass of your ship buy using mods, it will improve its rate. showing that all of them are tied together.

With stabilised railguns decrease the spead by 1 and rpm to 65 per min

I think hail plasma shoud have a bit more damage :wink:

the long range laser deals basically no damage…the heat rate should be lowered and the damage raised…otherwise it is a useless weapon


the same goes for the stabalized railgun…

How would i balance out the weapons:


For example plasma weapons from tier 3:

(do note i have skills that may boost things, but to compare the weapons with each other these don’t matters)




I think the thing that should balance each other:


  1. DPS ~ damage type (EM kin, thermal) 


damage types:: i think the balance would be: Laiser > railgun > plasma because the resistances


  1. dps ~ range


dps ~ range: shorter range bigger risk bigger reward so in dps: rapid > assault = heavy (slow barrel make up the range diff) > hail


  1. range ~ projectile speed 


At the moment it is easier to hit with a long range weapon (1.3 sec) in optimal range than a mid range (1.54 sec). That is just wrong, imo.

If the dpd is balanced to reward closer weapons than simply make their time to hit in optimal range equal.

If the dps dont make up for the range advantage, make the time to hit SLIGHTLY longer for long range.


  1. Overheat time ~ dps


In the max dmg section i looked how much dmg you can make with the weapon till it overheats. 

I would simply make them equals or the bigger damage (not dps!) gets shorter overheat time.


  1. Overheating time ~ cool-down time

bigger overheat time bigger cooldown, simply as it.


sry for the long post

Thing about frigate weapons at the moment is that, flying my fed frigate in teir 1 and 2, i feel like a slow brick.  But i dont have much arc on my guns since my turn is sluggish, nor do i have a significant amount of health and sheild over the fighter varients of the same teir.  


They either need more arc on each turret, more OF them in positions broadside (not firing foward but in the side arcs)  or more sheild/hull.


When 360 degree shooting was removed, it does not seem like an appropriate gain was made to offset such a large blindspot, and now frigates are pretty much screwed if anyone gets in close, due to the crap arcs on most and the sheer sluggishness.  Teir 1 and 2 a fighter can rip through a fully kitted frigate’s sheilds in about 4 salvos, or 6 or so with kinetic only.  


I would suggest though to add another class of ship, the heavy frigate, as a more armored and sheilded but brawler type frigate instead of a sniper platform, with a good chunk more hp and sheilding than the current frigates.


The reason for this is because the current weapon setups seem to penalise frigates if they arent set up for sniping, because they just dont survive long enough to use said dps most of the time in my experience.


Perhaps its different in teir 3 and 4, but from my experience in teir 1 and 2 battles, my frigate quite often gets nuked by a fighter even in head to head, with his manuver simply offsetting my firepower due to the speed at which he can change his flight pattern, and the sluggish response from my ship it takes to correct the fire arc.

In T1 matches, everyone seems to be using the EM MKIII weapon from the vanguard faction, I can see why. Since I got it shields do nothing and the high DPS shreds even frigate hulls like mad! Might be worth toning it down in T1 or bumping up the other weapons a few notches in that tier.

I dont get why the weapon best effective against shields (plasma), can switch to a damage type most effective against hull - kinetic.


If you ask me it should be: 

Plasma: EM and Thermal

Railgun: Kinetic and Thermal

Laser: Thermal and EM


with a 20% damage reduction when switching to alternate damage type.

I think only railgun needs a buff.

If you start to attack s1 from far: (first you need to take down the enemy shield)

with plasma you need a proj speed weapon module, with that you get an em dmg weapon that can hit targets

with laser you need the EM mod

with railgun you are screwd. you can choose between thermal damage for a bit more dmg against shield, or  speed mod to at least hit the targets for low dmg.


In short: in long range railgun has a big disadvantage.

I think only railgun needs a buff.

If you start to attack s1 from far: (first you need to take down the enemy shield)

with plasma you need a proj speed weapon module, with that you get an em dmg weapon that can hit targets

with laser you need the EM mod

with railgun you are screwd. you can choose between thermal damage for a bit more dmg against shield, or  speed mod to at least hit the targets for low dmg.


In short: in long range railgun has a big disadvantage.


Railgun has a disadvantage in short range as well.


The Rapid fire (shotgun) rail has lower dps and much greater spread than the equivalents in the plasma and laser line. In fact, it has lower dps than it’s own assault version (assault railgun), which also has better range and lower spread. This is highly counter-intuitive.

Please have a look at the railgun category and make it a viable choice. Every fight I’m drowning in laser and plasma these days, and I would very much appreciate it if all weapon categories were represented at a semi-equal level.


Also, as Kyoss pointed out: It may not be a good choice to provide the best anti-shield weapon (EM) with a mod to deal the best anti-hull weapon damage (kinetic). Perhaps both plasma and rail should get thermal damage mods? I would however suggest that laser does not get damage type mods at all, since thermal is medium-effective to both types, and the instant no-leading projectiles is a significant benefit already. 


Or better yet, remove the damage type mods altogether, ensuring once more that weapon category matters.

Also, as Kyoss pointed out: It may not be a good choice to provide the best anti-shield weapon (EM) with a mod to deal the best anti-hull weapon damage (kinetic). Perhaps both plasma and rail should get thermal damage mods? I would however suggest that laser does not get damage type mods at all, since thermal is medium-effective to both types, and the instant no-leading projectiles is a significant benefit already.

I agree, the damage should be instead be thermal.

The mods are rather strange to me as some boost the DPS of the weapon, I think the mods should effect other aspects such as spread, range, cool down reduction, extended fire time, damage type, projectile speed, and critical chance. In no way should they effect the damage output as that is usually shown by the choice of weapon. Though in the case of lasers, if they were to lack damage type changing mods it would be best to give them debuff mod which should lower the thermal resist of a target.

Rapid fire rail guns or, ‘shot cannons’ should fire similar to the rapid fire plasma weapon, however instead of the stream of projectiles it will all be one burst with slow rate of fire which after awhile of shooting become increasingly inaccurate. Though the rapid weapons should have short cool downs as the constant stream of fire would make it rather overwhelming for anyone on the other end…

I don’t know how I could comment on Uhmaris posts without getting a warning or forum ban, just lol.