We Need a Mod Program

Its getting way to out of hand, people know there is no monitoring of chat, today a bored kid made some throw away accounts and spent an hour plus telling people how you get free map packs, and trading enabled if you buy the elite pack on steam. He went on for a long time verifying it with another just started today account, even created a fake twitter page link to prove he was speaking the truth. After I called him out and tried put an end to it, because it was getting old seeing it game after game, he then swapped to a rank 5 with barely any kills proclaiming people who bought it tards, and twitter for “fags”. I reported each and every account including the one he went to to laugh about it, but with no mod that bored kid probably created less then a dozen customers who will be raging once they realized they got scammed by an idiot liar. Plus he will do another prank once this one wears off, and he feels like he got away with it.


A lot of games have volunteer programs, with a supervisor that checks in on them or their logs to make sure there on the up and up, this game needs something. These kids are just getting more bored as the summer drags on and the temps get higher, and this game is more fun for them then anywhere else since there is no risk, and no way to get muted immediately. By the time the reports are dealt with they just get on another account and laugh about it.


I mean I had to start up the bacon thing to get people to stop questioning if he was legit or not in channel that is how I muted him, I called him out, then said “who had bacon for breakfast” to change the topic to one he can’t control.

There are several mods, just none happened to be on at that time. Just submit the reports, which capture the last 20 lines the person spoke I believe, and it will be taken care of. 

This issue is currently being addressed. We are in the midst of building a team.

I want to ban idiots as well. 

banning is wrong, muting them is good… 

I myself got muted for an hour after telling my team they are fucktards…hihi

As long as I can wax poetic about bacon without being banned, Im all for more moderation of the chat!

Well we need to select people that are known to be in good standing, have a strong sense of justice and fairness, and wouldn’t mind being a mod (Who does not play games or a very active player) to watch out for these people. And help newbies to boot. 


I volunteer for that role, but Ziek stole my sweet rolls and error blew them up…

This issue is currently being addressed. We are in the midst of building a team.

You guys need to be more picky about who you choose. There was a guy with a trollish name acting completely unprofessionally. He didn’t have a symbol by his name or a different colored name or any of the stuff that usually marks a GM. I didn’t see how this guy could possibly be a real GM so I reported him for impersonating a GM. Seconds later I get a message from him saying he got my report and threatening to ban me to prove it. Between this and you guys keeping plain text passwords I’m getting the distinct impression nobody in this company knows what they’re doing.

You guys need to be more picky about who you choose. There was a guy with a trollish name acting completely unprofessionally. He didn’t have a symbol by his name or a different colored name or any of the stuff that usually marks a GM. I didn’t see how this guy could possibly be a real GM so I reported him for impersonating a GM. Seconds later I get a message from him saying he got my report and threatening to ban me to prove it. Between this and you guys keeping plain text passwords I’m getting the distinct impression nobody in this company knows what they’re doing.

I get the feeling the social aspects of the game, both positive and negative are not refined enough. The game lacks social aspects which it needs and moderation seems to be in some cases handled by less than professional persons. Also, >> there is a clear absence of documentation available for new players to understand the more complicated mechanics and features of this game <<. If such documentation were addressed we would have fewer persons susceptible to scamming re elite pack etc. The OP’s scenario is a symptom of lacking information rather than trolling in my humble opinion.


However, as a very picky gamer visiting from the StarCraft world (the most balanced and professionally run game out imo) I think its a bit of a stretch to say these guys don’t know what they are doing. I have never played a game as immediately enjoyable with as well-polished a beta before. I put my mates onto this game and we are in love with it. I’ve pumped cash into it just because I believe that it has some phenomenal potential. I’ve got an idea for handling trolls: Ban all american IP addresses. lol jokes, don’t nuke Australia PLEASE!

You guys need to be more picky about who you choose. There was a guy with a trollish name acting completely unprofessionally. He didn’t have a symbol by his name or a different colored name or any of the stuff that usually marks a GM. I didn’t see how this guy could possibly be a real GM so I reported him for impersonating a GM. Seconds later I get a message from him saying he got my report and threatening to ban me to prove it. Between this and you guys keeping plain text passwords I’m getting the distinct impression nobody in this company knows what they’re doing.

Sorry I did what? I don’t ban and have never threatened to. I did tell you I got your report though. It’s not a big deal if you don’t believe someone if they are a GM or not. If they are and you report them, the report doesn’t cause anything to happen, while if they aren’t a GM or MOD, they do get in trouble.

And in case you haven’t noticed, the other GM’s/Mods, even the Dev’s who play… don’t have special tags. I’m guessing because sometimes they like to play without people constantly complaining to them about things while they play.

When I am in chat though, I watch, I warn, and if its bad, I will resolve the issue. Other than that I sit there for hours on end just answering peoples questions to the best of my ability.

We love you censored for that! 


But how dare you ban my sweet rolls. Icing does NOT affect my piloting skill. I swear! 

I didn’t ban them JP, I confiscated them… there is a difference. Just because they happen to be missing now… *uses a napkin to wipe his mouth to get rid of the evidence* doesn’t mean there is a notorious plan against your sweet rolls.

In the end, there are GM’s, and People who fake being them. If there’s ever a doubt, I encourage people to report them.

I think, as well as mods, there needs to be different channels of chat. Off-topic/global, help (there’s quite a lot of questions being asked but they usually get lost in between all the other posts), and searching/organising for game/squad/etc.

I answer what I can in between mutes, normally in PM’s, of ill even at times invite someone to a squad if their problem is more complicated. 

Remind why there is no REPLY function on private letters to ppl in game? 

Remind why there is no REPLY function on private letters to ppl in game? 


Because beta.



That took me a second.  :taunt:

That made me LOL.