We Need a Mod Program

Sorry I did what? I don’t ban and have never threatened to. I did tell you I got your report though. It’s not a big deal if you don’t believe someone if they are a GM or not. If they are and you report them, the report doesn’t cause anything to happen, while if they aren’t a GM or MOD, they do get in trouble.

And in case you haven’t noticed, the other GM’s/Mods, even the Dev’s who play… don’t have special tags. I’m guessing because sometimes they like to play without people constantly complaining to them about things while they play.

When I am in chat though, I watch, I warn, and if its bad, I will resolve the issue. Other than that I sit there for hours on end just answering peoples questions to the best of my ability.

I’m sorry but I can totally understand where this guy is coming from. To be honest, your username did not convince me you were an admin (I thought it was a joke). You guys definitely something to distinguish yourself from the rest of us. And yes, I have seen you act unprofessionally when people question your legitimacy ( you muted someone who said you weren’t an admin and then taunted him afterwards). Although you did have the right to mute him since he was cursing, you were still acting exceedingly arrogant about the power you wield. In the future, you should probably be more formal and “professional”…no offense or anything. 

I’m sorry but I can totally understand where this guy is coming from. To be honest, your username did not convince me you were an admin (I thought it was a joke). You guys definitely something to distinguish yourself from the rest of us. And yes, I have seen you act unprofessionally when people question your legitimacy ( you muted someone who said you weren’t an admin and then taunted him afterwards). Although you did have the right to mute him since he was cursing, you were still acting exceedingly arrogant about the power you wield. In the future, you should probably be more formal and “professional”…no offense or anything. 

Regarding the point about needing something to distinguish legitimate GMs from impersonators, this suggestion has been made long ago and is still under review. One of the major reasons tags or coloured names have not been implemented is that it would affect GMs in game. They use the same accounts to play matches and any distinction between them and the player-base might encourage opponents to focus them more than usual.

Could they add perhaps a toggle to show your a GM or not? In this way you have best of both worlds and color Coordinate them. 


Blue - Moderator

purple - Admin

green - GM

Red - Developer


could work in theory.

Regarding the point about needing something to distinguish legitimate GMs from impersonators, this suggestion has been made long ago and is still under review. One of the major reasons tags or coloured names have not been implemented is that it would affect GMs in game. They use the same accounts to play matches and any distinction between them and the player-base might encourage opponents to focus them more than usual.

Is it necessary that the mods play in matches? I mean, if it’s that much of a problem just make it so that the username has a star or something in chat but not in battle. It seems like a pretty simple fix to me. Something needs to be done about it either way, because right now it’s just an annoyance to see people question someone vaguely acting like a mod only to be retaliated against when they find out it’s the real deal.

Is it necessary that the mods play in matches? I mean, if it’s that much of a problem just make it so that the username has a star or something in chat but not in battle. It seems like a pretty simple fix to me. Something needs to be done about it either way, because right now it’s just an annoyance to see people question someone vaguely acting like a mod only to be retaliated against when they find out it’s the real deal.


A agree on that. You do have the genuine person that does not know whos a mod and then you have the flipside, a person that doesn’t care regardless. 

A agree on that. You do have the genuine person that does not know whos a mod and then you have the flipside, a person that doesn’t care regardless. 

Also, the global chat is currently clogged with new players asking questions that more often than not go unanswered, and when they are answered it’s difficult to pick out from all of the various discussions going on. If the mods had a separate question chat, it would clear up the global chat and more efficiently answer people’s questions. As for modding the gobal chat, mods could just pass justice without announcing their presence and pm people for warnings (their messages would be in red or something). 

Is it necessary that the mods play in matches? I mean, if it’s that much of a problem just make it so that the username has a star or something in chat but not in battle. It seems like a pretty simple fix to me. Something needs to be done about it either way, because right now it’s just an annoyance to see people question someone vaguely acting like a mod only to be retaliated against when they find out it’s the real deal.

Its not necessary, but as we are players as well and not paid staff… playing a game every so often is nice. As for the retaliation, You cant see the PM’s that these same people send me as well as the spam they produce in chat. In general they are just muted. I have also sent you a PM.



Also, the global chat is currently clogged with new players asking questions that more often than not go unanswered, and when they are answered it’s difficult to pick out from all of the various discussions going on. If the mods had a separate question chat, it would clear up the global chat and more efficiently answer people’s questions. As for modding the gobal chat, mods could just pass justice without announcing their presence and pm people for warnings (their messages would be in red or something). 


To be honest, it seems like a good idea right? I answer all the questions I can through global, a lot of them I take care of in tells as its easier for the new player to see the seperate color. If there were another channel for it. It would be another channel that would need to be moderated.

 I give out the blanket warning due to the fact that I would be constantly PMing people with warnings if I were to do it that way. I make sure people know that Im there. Why? Because more people tend to behave when they know someone is watching. Its like the cop car sitting on the edge of the freeway, even if hes sleeping. 

Don’t get me wrong, I am on the side arguing in favour of tags. The pros outweigh the cons in this case, because if it’s an annoyance to watch people question the validity of someone’s word, it’s an absolute frustration to be labelled a troll or similar when we are helping others. I like the idea of PMs having a different colour as it would be a quick way to verify their status to troublemakers without announcing it to the entire world.


The separate chat for questions is good in theory, but that presents a new layer of moderation that would need to be done. Part of the purpose of global chat is a consolidated area for players to ask for help.


I’ll be forwarding the first suggestion.