Visual guided torp indicator

Since 0.9.19 there is no visual indication on the HUD anymore about incoming guided torps. Please add such an indicator back in.

Since 0.9.19 there is no visual indication on the HUD anymore about incoming guided torps. Please add such an indicator back in.

Don’t you think that the sound alarm is enough? I would prefer that they were a bit more visible in the space, since now they are stealth torpedoes.

I don’t think it is necessary but torpedos are now too hard to see when there is actually something going on in front of you. They need to add in a bright glow to the head of the torpedo so you can see it from more than 10 meters away. Keep the trail of the missile invisible so you cannot pin point their location as easy but torpedos in their current state are too ninja

Don’t you think that the sound alarm is enough?

Not for me, no. If I had the option I’d turn the audible alarm off completely.

I don’t think it is necessary but torpedos are now too hard to see when there is actually something going on in front of you. They need to add in a bright glow to the head of the torpedo so you can see it from more than 10 meters away. Keep the trail of the missile invisible so you cannot pin point their location as easy but torpedos in their current state are too ninja

The change was to balance the torp with the disintegrator. Torps are way too easy to evade whereas a skilled empire LRF pilot can quickscope you with the disintegrator without giving you any warning.

The change was to balance the torp with the disintegrator. Torps are way too easy to evade whereas a skilled empire LRF pilot can quickscope you with the disintegrator without giving you any warning.


Thats a fair point but may i remind you that with a bad sniper pilot is very easy to see the line and avoid. However bad torpedo pilots can just spam all day and most of the battlefield can’t see the incoming missiles until it explodes in their face. Graphically the torpedo texture should meet in the middle somewhere from how it used to be and how it is now

Just remove that sound or make us able to low the volume of it without lowering the whole game volume. I can’t deal with that infernal sound  :lol:

To be honest, that indicator removal makes you dodge it even much easier, because if you have a sound and no indicator now you know for 100% it is a guided topr, while befor you wasn’t sure if its a torp, guided missile or cruise missile orbiting you that can’t hit, only couple seconds before impact you could hear Guided Torps engine and only at that point you would know for sure.

Anyone noticed that torp has a model now instead of white dot? Much more difficult to spot than before.

Anyone noticed that torp has a model now instead of white dot? Much more difficult to spot than before.

Between that and less guards with missile shield, its possible to hit reliably with it now.

Anyone noticed that torp has a model now instead of white dot? Much more difficult to spot than before.


I think that’s what the OP is about.



Between that and less guards with missile shield, its possible to hit reliably with it now.


It is indeed, I tried it yesterday (the Ira Deus) and doing a mix of torpedos and positron I managed to get 9 kills and not die, I was surprised since I went pretty aggresive and jericho LRF aren’t that durable.

I think that’s what the OP is about.

It is indeed, I tried it yesterday (the Ira Deus) and doing a mix of torpedos and positron I managed to get 9 kills and not die, I was surprised since I went pretty aggresive and jericho LRF aren’t that durable.

Only 9? I got 17 in one life today, set a new personal best kills per battle.

I think that’s what the OP is about.

OP is about the icon on the HUD, but indeed if the torps were still as visible as before I probably wouldn’t care.

Between that and less guards with missile shield, its possible to hit reliably with it now.

Just having synergized the Tormentor AE I actually rarely faced a guard without AMS. Might be a difference between T3 and T4.

OP is about the icon on the HUD, but indeed if the torps were still as visible as before I probably wouldn’t care.

Just having synergized the Tormentor AE I actually rarely faced a guard without AMS. Might be a difference between T3 and T4.


Even as a jericho pilot myself I would like the torps to be more visible again, whether it be to turn the trail back to orange or to make the missile as bright as a sun, I don’t care. It just needs to be done.

Since 0.9.19 there is no visual indication on the HUD anymore about incoming guided torps. Please add such an indicator back in.

As far as I remember, guided torpedoes never showed on the HUD which is how you could tell if you had an incoming missile or torpedo.  If it did show before, maybe it was dependent on target locks?

As far as I remember, guided torpedoes never showed on the HUD which is how you could tell if you had an incoming missile or torpedo.  If it did show before, maybe it was dependent on target locks?

The missile indicator icon would light up for guided torps as well.

When i torp in T3, i would say half of the guards have AMS. It’s a pretty sad figure, as it’s one of the best modules in the game, not against guided torp (against that it’s useless), but in a battle you deny a lot of damage from the enemy.

When i torp in T3, i would say half of the guards have AMS. It’s a pretty sad figure, as it’s one of the best modules in the game, not against guided torp (against that it’s useless), but in a battle you deny a lot of damage from the enemy.

Actually based on the stats from my logs AMS is mainly efficient vs guided torps. Other missiles get spammed on cooldown so there are so many of them the guard has little impact. I’ve seen AMS guards intercept over 60% of guided torps in a battle while at the same time intercepting less than 5% of other missiles in the same battle. Might also have to do with the fact that guards typically save their AMS for use vs torps and octopus volleys.

When i torp in T3, i would say half of the guards have AMS. It’s a pretty sad figure, as it’s one of the best modules in the game, not against guided torp (against that it’s useless), but in a battle you deny a lot of damage from the enemy.


Oh no … they are quite effective … in fact I am seeing more Guards out and about and in some cases working in conjunction.   At least for now you only have to worry about the first 10 secs…so there is a 50 sec window inbetween :yes_yes:


For me now this moves the guards up on the priority list of who to take out…in my protection of the beacons     


  1. The Beacon rushers  ( also to start providing visual reference to my team… hey get your behind over here)

     a.  Bomb carriers   

  1. Engineers within range of beacon  

3. Guards within range of beacon

4.  protection of any friendlies within range

  1.  any ship with bubble gun (sig)

  2. Command ships 

  3. LRFs within range

Oh no … they are quite effective … in fact I am seeing more Guards out and about and in some cases working in conjunction.   At least for now you only have to worry about the first 10 secs…so there is a 50 sec window inbetween :yes_yes:


Yep I’ve seen several guards stack AMS perfectly for a complete permanent screen. Rare display of random teamwork or pure dumb luck (they we not in a squad).

Yep I’ve seen several guards stack AMS perfectly for a complete permanent screen. Rare display of random teamwork or pure dumb luck (they we not in a squad).

I’ve had ideas of this happening but never seen it actually occur ingame. That’s amazing to here of players actually taking teamwork into account!