
We should totally be able to upvote our own replies. It only makes sense.

Upvote only matters if you can downvote. Make it so. In the meantime have a +1 because you seem to need it. :slight_smile:

+1 to you because we pretend not to care

Upvoting your own posts is like smelling and enjoying your own farts.

I keep mine fresh bagged and out of direct sunlight

Wouldn’t up-voting your own posts massively benefit the forum-warriors?

It would largely make reputation useless and come down to more posts = more votes.

It would largely make reputation useless

As opposed to right now? :lol:

Upvote only matters if you can downvote. Make it so. In the meantime have a +1 because you seem to need it. :slight_smile:

We used to have downvotes. That’s why there are still people with -1000 or something…


Upvoting your own posts is like smelling and enjoying your own farts.


Wouldn’t up-voting your own posts massively benefit the forum-warriors?

It would largely make reputation useless and come down to more posts = more votes.

I could get over 1k likes!:smiley:

I could get over 1k likes!:smiley:

I want to be part of this. +1 :lol:

Upvoting: used to acknowledge that a post was deemed helpful, insightful, or correct in the eyes of another user. 


If the said user can upvote him/herself then the value of the post is diminished and can be viewed as a selfish way to act.


Now, since we cannot downvote, we have to think carefully on who we upvote, to see if its really worth the merit. 


Well thats my 2 cents into the matter. 

People tend to up-vote overly critical / aggressive posts or people they like instead, rather that posts which actually contain something useful.


It’s a shame, but that’s how it is unfortunately.

People tend to up-vote overly critical / aggressive posts or people they like instead, rather that posts which actually contain something useful.


It’s a shame, but that’s how it is unfortunately.

Welcome to ANY gaming community.

I’m active in a StarCraft arcade game forum, which is exactly like this one (I mean the UI and the design) and when you are upvoted it says who did it. I think that’s fine to know who agrees with you :smiley:



People tend to up-vote overly critical / aggressive posts or people they like instead, rather that posts which actually contain something useful.


It’s a shame, but that’s how it is unfortunately.


so true:





^ example of the “know who upvotes you system” and also example of what EvilTactician said, lol.

Upvoting: used to acknowledge that a post was deemed helpful, insightful, correct or funny in the eyes of another user. 

There, corrected.

There, corrected.


Yes, I appreciate that. 

Everyone’s getting upvoted on the thread, I want in!

Like whores…Like whores everywhere  :crazy:

Everyone’s getting upvoted on the thread, I want in!

This is the thread where you ask for free likes xD

Get in the boat everyone! Feel the loooooo…

dafuq am i saying?!

I don’t want to feel the loo you sick ******* :stuck_out_tongue: