Unreasonable host of the tourney problems.

Here’s the details.
I entered a room as a nonparticipant into the spectator part of the room, and was soon after told to leave. I asked repeatedly for proper reasoning, however was soon told that me and my corp would simply be banned from present and future tournaments if I didn’t leave within 10 seconds. I left before that statement was made, and I even told the guy that I had left. he then stated that it didn’t matter because me and my corp were already banned. here are the pictures of the conversation.

























From what I see, you are just trolling him in this conversation.  He asked you to leave politely at least five times, and you answered back each time.  The organiser of the tournament has the right to request you to leave (and btw wasn’t there a password on the custom room? If yes, how did you enter? If no, then there should have been one.).  If you wanted to watch the tournament, you could have looked at the stream like everyone else.  Why should _you _in particular get a spot in the spectator slots?


The conversation that follows is irrelevant and I understand that he gets annoyed.  Personally I would have put you on ignore after the first two sceenshots.


Organising a tournament is very stressful and a lot of hard work.  You should respect this.

There wasn’t any password.

I’ll try to be more respectful in the future. 

At the time, he didn’t have a recognizable name from any community organizer, so I didn’t know if he was simply trolling or not.


Note, this is a good 50 minutes or so before the tourney was actually supposed to start, so all I saw really was an open room with 3 spectator slots open, and a fight going on that I thought, hey I might as well check it out.

There wasn’t any password.

I’ll try to be more respectful in the future. 

At the time, he didn’t have a recognizable name from any community organizer, so I didn’t know if he was simply trolling or not.


He told you in the second screenshot he was DeadlyElement on the forum.  Which is the name of one of the event’s organisers…


Now I wasn’t there at the time and I don’t know how they ended up organising it, but in previous tournaments there were passwords on the rooms.  Maybe this was just a mistake

You should still be able to spectate, and if someone says you’re not allowed, they should have a valid reason, or just put a password on it.

Even if he told me who he was, because he doesn’t have that name in game, I would have a reason to be half skeptical, especially if he threatens me without a reason.

You should still be able to spectate, and if someone says you’re not allowed, they should have a valid reason, or just put a password on it.


Like I say I don’t know if there was meant to be a password or not.  Being organiser of the tournament is enough of a valid reason for me.


I guess in future tournaments it needs to be specified on the forum page that no spectators are allowed? Is this what you are saying?



Even if he told me who he was, because he doesn’t have that name in game, I would have a reason to be half skeptical, especially if he threatens me without a reason.


You know he is CEO of GoD? You know GoD and RAGE are organising the tournament? Maybe you might have been able to put 2 and 2 together…




Well anyway, IMO there should have been a password, and had there been one this problem wouldn’t have occured.  Now what annoys me is that you posted these screenshots of a private conversation in a public forum, and that you are attacking someone who is trying to help the Star Conflict community by organising events, and who has given up hours of his free time today to achieve this.  What is your purpose in this?  You want there to be no further tournaments?

There wasn’t any password.

I’ll try to be more respectful in the future. 

At the time, he didn’t have a recognizable name from any community organizer, so I didn’t know if he was simply trolling or not.


Note, this is a good 50 minutes or so before the tourney was actually supposed to start, so all I saw really was an open room with 3 spectator slots open, and a fight going on that I thought, hey I might as well check it out.


Why didn’t you mention this earlier?

It’s like saying “You’re not allowed walking on public property”

Wolfkhan did nothing wrong, and xevilxGodlike/DeadlyElement owes Wolfkhan, and the community, an apology.


The tournament wasn’t locked, nor have I seen any media forbidding anyone from watching it. It’s not at all unreasonable for us to want to watch… it’s a big event. If they didn’t want spectators, they should notify us, politely, and put a password on the room. Not protecting it and then expecting people not to join is like leaving an open bowl of candy in front of a toddler and spanking them when they try to take some.


Furthermore, the response to this was totally out of proportion. Wolfkhan should have been politely told to leave, and told who it really was talking to him, before any action was taken. WolfKhan was denied adequate information with which to formulate an appropriate response. He did everything he could be reasonably expected to do and acted in full good faith.


I personally don’t intend to participate in any Star Conflict tournaments because of past acts of miscommunications between tournament coordinators and participants. This incident will only cement my disdain further… but that’s no excuse to just do the worst thing possible. It’s clear that WolfKhan took the high road here and that DeadlyElement acted inappropriately. Not only should any ban be rescinded (if, indeed, one has been issued), but DeadlyElement should apologize for his actions.

well I have to say that WolfKhan has every right to be a spectator, because nowhere was it mentioned in the forums or anywhere that you can not spectate, especially if there was no password, it is a public battle which anyone could join, if you dont like put a password for next time. and you should know the deference between right and wrong, and the disrespect that was shown to a player and CEO of a corporation from someone with authority. this reflects negatively on the organizers of the tournament, and they should be ashamed of themselves for this behavior   


Vikings will fully support WolfKhan and Behem 

As they told me while we was playing, spectators brings lag (for me it is a bullsh, but you know…). Something controversial but if the participants want spectators out, you should respect that. Since there where multiple streaming guys (links where all over the forum), i respect the work that the GOD guys done on this tournament, even if some rules comes out only when we was actually playin it (organize such things are never a simple task especially when you don’t know some “tricks”). 


Nice work guys i really appreciate your efforts. 

As they told me while we was playing, spectators brings lag (for me it is a bullsh, but you know…). Something controversial but if the participants want spectators out, you should respect that. Since there where multiple streaming guys (links where all over the forum), i respect the work that the GOD guys done on this tournament, even if some rules comes out only when we was actually playin it (organize such things are never a simple task especially when you don’t know some “trix”). 


Nice work guys i really appreciate your efforts. 

nobody is saying they did a bad work, what is the issue is the way they reacted to the spectator that was wrong

nobody is saying they did a bad work, what is the issue is the way they reacted to the spectator that was wrong

Some players actually told us that they didn’t want spectators 'cause they can bring some lags.


For me this is a bullsh… but you can’t question the people that are actually playing the tournament (some psycological stuff are involved in this, you know…) .


So organizers did what they can to make those players comfortable.

Now what annoys me is that you posted these screenshots of a private conversation in a public forum, and that you are attacking someone who is trying to help the Star Conflict community by organising events, and who has given up hours of his free time today to achieve this. What is your purpose in this? You want there to be no further tournaments?

Star conflict uses Internet servers and connections. Anything you post in “private” is always public unless you get both parties to sign some sort of privacy contract. I have recorded and screenshoted every instance of Evil throwing tantrums and using threats. I will probably get yelled at again or kicked for defending someone whom I think is in the right and sharing my opinion.

Wolfkhan never said he wanted no further future tournaments. Wolfkhan responding in a trollish manner was a bit much IMO.

I would just like to make clear the me being muted because of Pegi12 rules was right and good. I forgot about this forum being pegi12

I admit that my trolling power level was a little bit over 9000.

However, I was trying honestly to get the information I needed to make a decent decision. 

The whole topic looks like 12 years old complaining that he was not allowed to do something by his parents.

It’s disgusting, I know. It is what it is, though.

I’m only protecting the interests of those in my corporation, and those who will join after.

It hurts the Corporation if pilots don’t wish to join because it’s exempt from certain events and tournaments. 

Which is why I can respect Takamina from exempting me, and only me from his events.



This particular ban, however, to my corporation members is inexcusable. It reduces the worth of Behemoth, and it was arbitrarily issued.

I cannot stand for it. 

The whole topic looks like 12 years old complaining that he was not allowed to do something by his parents.

You should here wolfy’s voice if you hadn’t already. It’s like a deep, rich man voice. I bet one word from him and the ladies’ panties drop.

well , my opinion … look at the room name … are host made a mistake and forgot a pass … i askd it nicly with plz … and no i dont have much patients … under stressfull moments … well i do have them … for people who lissen and are nice … i askd it nicly … u tested my patients, and figgerd out i had none for people who test…