Unreasonable host of the tourney problems.


well , my opinion … look at the room name … are host made a mistake and forgot a pass … i askd it nicly with plz … and no i dont have much patients … under stressfull moments … well i do have them … for people who lissen and are nice … i askd it nicly … u tested my patients, and figgerd out i had none for people who test…


I left because I knew your patience was growing thin. 

You Issued the ban even after I did as you asked, before you threatened me with the 10 seconds left.

well i dont care atm about what happend nothing the less in what iv sed … if u didnt post it over here i wud have just let it like it whas … and i whasnt even planning on banning your corp from future tournaments that we host , but now u posted it on the forums … i’m kinda one of thows people that like to stands on what they sed… but if u just drop it i’ll drop it … its true that u dont know the reazon … but as a host and orginizers there or some parts that make me “to not say them” so if i need to explain to someone up higher in hand … the’ll understand why and so on … then again its true from your side that u deserve a explination … but if u just left and then askd why or jumpd in the reserves and then ask why … i wud have bin a lot nicer … so what do u say ? Drop it ? or make a drama?

He’ll make you an offer you can’t refuse.

I always read evil’s messages in an Italian mafia accent.

I’d rather drop it here, if it means both sides get what they want.

Besides, I’ve always liked IGoDI.

I intend to join in on the tournaments once Behemoth is good and ready.

Might be another few months, though.

thanku very much then here u have my apologies, sorry my friend for beeing rude , i cud have bin clearer and sorry for that.

and indd i have no problems with u nor your corporation aswell :slight_smile:

And I apologize as well for not doing as you had asked from the start, I myself was a bit rude.

I accept your apology, and I look forward to future friendships.

Thank you :slight_smile:

You should here wolfy’s voice if you hadn’t already. It’s like a deep, rich man voice. I bet one word from him and the ladies’ panties drop.


*Hear, but yes. His voice is like a white version of Morgan Freeman. It’s amazing.

/solved and closed.