
Just an epic control setting where you do not naturally decelerate and gives space more of a spacey feel.

Please elaborate your idea more detailled.

Please elaborate your idea more detailled.

He wants more realistic physics with inetial momentum and stuff.

You can’t explain your idea with just one sentence.

Please, OP, be more specific.

Please elaborate your idea more detailled.

I mean a mode that makes it where if you are at a certain speed, your computers will not astronautically activate your attitude engines and slow you down.

And also if you are drifting, not only do you not slow down, but you can rotate your ship freely without changing your course.

You only change your course by activating your engines. So if you were drifting at 250m/s, you would not slow down until you hit the reverse engines or turned around and started accelerating in the opposite direction.

Like this:post-242418-0-21480000-1417785986.jpg

This is what Mapoko meant, by keeping your inertia.


It would of course allow you to rotate while flying in another direction, much like ships would fight in space. I want a StarFury included.


It already has been requested and explained in other threads however


Also, before you think this is a neat idea, try to make a dogfight in a game, where this is possible, just to get the feel of what you are asking for.


I do have to remark, imho this has nothing to do with realism; it is the same physics, just a different implementation.

If you’re hurdling through space at X m/s, rotating the ship is impossible without the use of thrusters.  Which by Newton’s law of motion states that the ship would slow down somewhat, since the force used to rotate the ship would also be pushing against its own velocity.


So ship would slow down when maneuvering, but sure, not by much.  Just making a point.


Anyways, I like the idea.  What would also be cool is if destroyed ships hurdled through space as well, and if all objects in the game had some natural momentum.


I know asteroids float somewhat, but it doesn’t feel like much.  Plus, there aren’t enough very small asteroids in the game.  Realistically, there would be fragments of asteroids LITTERING an asteroid belt; Ice Belt should be much more…ice ridden and treacherous.


Anyways, +1 to Op, but only if it is a natural and truly realistic implementation of the physics.

If they added this, I would start drifting with my LRF and sit there with 8k lasers on people.

Or full speed my guard, and just rotate and shoot people while drifting away.

I mean a mode that makes it where if you are at a certain speed, your computers will not astronautically activate your attitude engines and slow you down.

And also if you are drifting, not only do you not slow down, but you can rotate your ship freely without changing your course.

You only change your course by activating your engines. So if you were drifting at 250m/s, you would not slow down until you hit the reverse engines or turned around and started accelerating in the opposite direction.

Like this: ![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[image.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=8459)



200_s.gif     Screen-Shot-2014-03-03-at-2.49.07-PM.png


billnye_512k.png      giphy-facebook_s.jpg





Let me tell you bout science.

science without faith is arrogance but faith without science is ignorance.

Faith != Religion

If you have ever watched any Science documentaries the well-known scientists always say something to this effect, ‘Just the right sun, planet size, planet orbit, protecting gas giant, right location in galaxy, etc’ and attribute it to luck… and yet they refuse to acknowledge that there MIGHT be a higher power.

People have faith that evolution is real. Although Darwin observed changings in bird beak size te species never changed. The bird was still a bird. Even Charles Darwin believed in a creator.


Nope. I physics.

(Basic physics tho. Still reading through advanced.)

I have experienced that in Elite II, and I find it very disturbing and not enjoyable (especially at start). I think that computer will be there to compensate the drift for the pilot. But having a bouton to disengage that, why not but that could lead to strange result as you will begin to drift very fast off the battle area.

You’ll only drift away if you aren’t paying attention. Otherwise you’re fine. But a toggle button would be nice.

this have already been proposed to the Devs and it do not work with the game mechanics


Faith != Religion

If you have ever watched any Science documentaries the well-known scientists always say something to this effect, ‘Just the right sun, planet size, planet orbit, protecting gas giant, right location in galaxy, etc’ and attribute it to luck… and yet they refuse to acknowledge that there MIGHT be a higher power.

People have faith that evolution is real. Although Darwin observed changings in bird beak size te species never changed. The bird was still a bird. Even Charles Darwin believed in a creator.

Blatant misunderstanding.

The position of our world from our sun, the composition of gases, the size of our planet, the size of our sun; all of these things are ‘perfect’ for life as we know it! However, that does not mean life cannot exist under different circumstances - if animals can live around thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, they can live almost anywhere!


Also, we do not have ‘faith’ evolution is real. Evolution is real, and scientific theories are the best explanation as to how and why. Or do you just have ‘faith’ gravity is real, yet secretly fear you’ll fall into the sky one day? 

evolution - the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth; the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form (from Google)


Take a look at the Gastric Brooding frog. It incubates it’s offspring in it’s stomach. To do that it needs to neutralize it’s stomach acid by hormones from the brain to prevent the offspring from being digested. The eggs turn into mature frogs inside the mother bloating the mother up until the offspring are 40% of the mother’s weight. This bloating compresses the lungs of the frog forcing the frog to breath through it’s skin. 


To accomplish this the Gastric Brooding frog needed to change this characteristic of it’s physical make up very quickly or else the offspring would never survive.It would be impossible for the frog to slowly change it’s reproductive biology.


Can we stop talking about Evolution and Creation in a game forum?

stop talking off topic or thread will be locked!