Tried it loved it HOWEVER

No open world ruins it for me. O well so much potential here.

They will be releasing the sandbox within a couple of patches. (within this year)

No open world ruins it for me. O well so much potential here.


Please take a look at this video. English subtitles available


Sandbox version of this game… and its a win.

Sandbox version of this game… and its a win.


Wait for it  :yes_yes:

I cant wait, Imagine a bunch of corporations huddling down to control there own sectors! 

Gimme Freelancer (the game) here in SC and i’ll give you my soul! :lol:

I cant wait, Imagine a bunch of corporations huddling down to control there own sectors!

I can just see the zerg corps crashing against well fortified NASA positions.

I can just see the zerg corps crashing against well fortified NASA positions.


Not only that, but basically, I hope to run shifts to keep our sector secure at all times, and charge “sweet roll” toll fees. 

The galaxy will be my hunting ground! 

There will be not a single trade route safe. 

No planet, no sector will escape my wrath! 


I don’t understand why people are so concerned about sandbox games. I came here from EvE, and belive me, sandbox is not that nice. It means everyone can do what it wants, so if you think you can roam with your T2 fighter alone, you will find most of the places crowded with T5 deathsquads which will kill you insight, just because they can.


But I don’t mind. I will be in one of the T5 death squads roaming around. Enjoy :smiley:

They will be keeping regular pvp?

Sandbox will be nice, but I mostly want simple quick matches.


Also are there going to be FTL drives?

They will be keeping regular pvp?

Sandbox will be nice, but I mostly want simple quick matches.


Also are there going to be FTL drives?

Warp Gates I believe like the giant one in processing rig pve map.

They will be releasing the sandbox within a couple of patches. (within this year)


![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[download.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=7384)


How do you know it will be within a couple of patches? 

That’s me hoping, but I do know it will be this year.

Patience is the key.

I can imagine all the zerg corps in a sector. Like 50 ships just hanging around and then an ESB Strike force jumps in and wipes them all out. NASA was allied with the zerg corp and was sharing some profits. NASA + WPK team up and strike back at ESB…


Those types of situations I want to happen so badly. 

I can imagine all the zerg corps in a sector. Like 50 ships just hanging around and then an ESB Strike force jumps in and wipes them all out. NASA was allied with the zerg corp and was sharing some profits. NASA + WPK team up and strike back at ESB…


Those types of situations I want to happen so badly. 

If you think I will help Zerg Corps…

I will bring PopCorn and Drinks and watch them :smiley:

If you think I will help Zerg Corps…

I will bring PopCorn and Drinks and watch them :smiley:


Shall we both sit back and munch on our favorite treats as we watch those pilots in T1/2 duke it out. While we wait for the last dude standing, and take the sector with minimal effort? 

Shall we both sit back and munch on our favorite treats as we watch those pilots in T1/2 duke it out. While we wait for the last dude standing, and take the sector with minimal effort? 

The problem is in sandbox mode, zerg corps usually win. Because no matter how good you are, 10vs1 is just impossible.


Look at the CFC in EvE. 95% of them just know how to lock and press F1. They have nice strategists and fleet commanders, and good diplomats. But most of their success lies in numbers.