Tried it loved it HOWEVER

The problem is in sandbox mode, zerg corps usually win. Because no matter how good you are, 10vs1 is just impossible.


Look at the CFC in EvE. 95% of them just know how to lock and press F1. They have nice strategists and fleet commanders, and good diplomats. But most of their success lies in numbers.


So that means that we need more recruits into NASA…or when the alliance system is activated then we can have multiple corps join together to form coalitions. That would solve the lack of numbers. 

for instance, if there is a large alliance but with mainly unskilled pilots, they will lose, but if you mix in with tactical teams, then we have a force to be reckoned with. 

So that means that we need more recruits into NASA…or when the alliance system is activated then we can have multiple corps join together to form coalitions. That would solve the lack of numbers. 

for instance, if there is a large alliance but with mainly unskilled pilots, they will lose, but if you mix in with tactical teams, then we have a force to be reckoned with. 

That is the average alliance in EvE, a lot of scrubs and one good fleet commander. Just teach them how to follow orders, and force them to use only the ships and builds you want (and most of the time you will provide them)


Of course you have exceptions. I know one guy who is one of the best PvPers in EVE and he always fly solo with a fleet of 4 accounts. I was under his command twice, in one we bombed a heavy cruiser goon fleet, killing 20 cruisers and losing no one of the 9 bombers we used, who got lured into one warp disruptor bubble. And the other we took down 3 very expensive Tier 3 ships who were dancing around our systems after luring them into range of two recons with the equivalent of engine inhibitors.


With people like that in command, 100 scrubs can take down a fleet of much more, experienced pilots.

I can imagine all the zerg corps in a sector. Like 50 ships just hanging around and then an ESB Strike force jumps in and wipes them all out. NASA was allied with the zerg corp and was sharing some profits. NASA + WPK team up and strike back at ESB…


Those types of situations I want to happen so badly. 

Considering WPK is a Federation, same as ESB, there might be a problem with this plan.

Considering WPK is a Federation, same as ESB, there might be a problem with this plan.


A man can dream, cant he!?

Considering WPK is a Federation, same as ESB, there might be a problem with this plan.


You ruined his plan xD

Regardless, I know it will be fun to have everyone in game in the same space. 


I shall lead a squad and take over the known universe! 

You ruined his plan xD

thats wht i do :)) 

xKostyan, the party pooper  :lol:

will the sandbox universe consist of sectors arranged in a grid-like pattern, connected via warpgates,

or will it be one huge open area with multiple points of interest and empty space in between,

or will it be more lobby-based where you pick one of many smaller sandbox sectors to enter, each of which will be a single instance containing everyone who is playing in that sector.


I don’t really expect an answer but there’s plenty of room for speculation.

will the sandbox universe consist of sectors arranged in a grid-like pattern, connected via warpgates,

or will it be one huge open area with multiple points of interest and empty space in between,

or will it be more lobby-based where you pick one of many smaller sandbox sectors to enter, each of which will be a single instance containing everyone who is playing in that sector.


I don’t really expect an answer but there’s plenty of room for speculation.

There will be planet descends and atmospheric battles.

There will be planet descends and atmospheric battles.



You forget the Galactic Mushroom haversting and the Orbital Dance Spatioport !

I think if we actually got the ability to form alliances WPK would move back to Empire. At least, I hope we would.


In fact, I have a suggestion along those lines…

Alliances would be a HUGE boom to game economy and player base. 

Alliances would be a HUGE boom to game economy and player base. 

With the way game it is ATM (we have to see sand box) there is ZERO point in any type of alliance, Z E R O

With the way game it is ATM (we have to see sand box) there is ZERO point in any type of alliance, Z E R O


yes, currenty at this moment. Alliances would gain no benefit. 


But in the open world, they would. 

So would civil wars, it hasn’t happened yet.

I would like to point out IMO that is what sunk of “Global Agenda” the game was getting better then they suddenly started working on the Open World area for 6+ months and we got no new maps or anything and the game became stale.  Open World was released too much fan fair and all that content was burned through in about 5 days at the most even by the slowest players.


This is not say that Open world wont work and that it isn’t a good idea to add it just take your time and keep updating the game as it is currently with new maps and modes(possibly).  To me it was the lack of content updates for what had drawn me to the game in the first place that killed it.