Tournament "Summer Cup 2013" (Discussion)

Snow white and the 7 dwarfs = Nova



Nova won

So confusing >.< 

i heard talking on the stream yesterday that snow white was syn >.<

Oh well, that is what i get with all the named teams -confusion-


My suggestion:

next time make a corp tourney,1 team per corp(So all corps got equal chances) and no corp hopping to get more teams in. 


I don’t know what happend exactly, and what went wrong behind the scenes.


But I do hope next tournament goes smoother. On schedule, more fair(Really, don’t allow people to leave after joining the room, that just makes it possible to cheat on the enemy and make it that they got 20 seconds to join the room for example so they cant get scouts in to bring ships to counter) 

I fully understand though that this was the first big tourney, and that it wasn’t as smooth as you guys wanted either.

I felt a deal of schadenfreude watching.  The other match isn’t looking as good for Nova.


I wish the tournament would include “affiliated corp if applicable” area.


Edit: I know there are different “tiers” of Nova, ESB, NASA, and others so it’s hard to compare by corp.

And with quite cheating, nothing is made by dirrigeant?
Made left the ESB will happen to you nothing, because yesterday the dirrigent doing the  pool, he put them in the opposite camp, and that this is an ESb lead, they help  for do that…it is injustice and nobody will rectify this or which???

In all other Tournament worthy on other mmo, Beta or not, in a case as that there, the tournament is cancel and earnings(gain) are to grant(tune) has All…

( General earnings(gains) are not to just  1 at 4 winner player, but generality it’s for 1 after 2 to 3 and >10 em place,after to  10>20 em places, 20>30 places not just elite of 4 place of winner


 made your tournament between you that will be simpler to offrer you your earnings(gains) to you, even simpler, no?

Anyway, I count this tournament as a ‘amateur’ homemade tournament. Like if a player does make it. There was a ton of exploits and many things were confusing for everyone (like timezone for AWG whos been disqualify because information havent been correctly given). It was a NOVA <=> ESB tournament with some invite from outside in my view.


Oh and about the fact we had fun or not…We only had fun against Steel Marauder…Since ‘‘THEM’’ was completly legit and even if AWG won, battle has been hard to do and I hope they had the same fun. The rest it just wasnt professionnal at all.


Star Conflict have a lot to learn from that and I hope they will not repeat and fix all these errors they are actually make in the game…That mean tournament freestyle, patch and for the sake permanent stickers…


Yea I’m sad ¬¬

play with ESB ,and you loot many purple +1


Oh and about the fact we had fun or not…We only had fun against Steel Marauder…Since ‘‘THEM’’ was completly legit and even if AWG won, battle has been hard to do and I hope they had the same fun +1

Anyway, I count this tournament as a ‘amateur’ homemade tournament. Like if a player does make it. There was a ton of exploits and many things were confusing for everyone (like timezone for AWG whos been disqualify because information havent been correctly given). It was a NOVA <=> ESB tournament with some invite from outside in my view.


Oh and about the fact we had fun or not…We only had fun against Steel Marauder…Since ‘‘THEM’’ was completly legit and even if AWG won, battle has been hard to do and I hope they had the same fun. The rest it just wasnt professionnal at all.


Star Conflict have a lot to learn from that and I hope they will not repeat and fix all these errors they are actually make in the game…That mean tournament freestyle, patch and for the sake permanent stickers…


Yea I’m sad ¬¬

AWG was not disqualificated, they surrendered.

Let me get this right: ESB won all 3 prices?

Nope, Nova took third.  To me they also showed good strategy and strategy changing.  Until the final match, I think ESB went with what they knew.

Nope, Nova took third.  To me they also showed good strategy and strategy changing.  Until the final match, I think ESB went with what they knew.

atleast its better than them taking all prices, but they still took 2 :confused:

I find myself on two minds on the corp spread. On the one hand I dislike the fact ESB dominated this numerically as it feels unfair to the rest, but by the same token I hardly consider myself a high skill player, and if NASA could only field one team there’s little chance I’d have been on it.

This is the tricky part of balancing competitions; I don’t like seeing “pro” players being allowed to butcher amateurs and win (especially with real money on the line like this) but saying people can’t compete because “you’re too good” isn’t fair on them either.

If DSR was a measure of skill, that would give us a solution - one tourny for high skill players, one for mid and, perhaps, one for low. That way everyone can compete and have a chance at victory, withou feeling they’re being screwed over because most of their competitors are outclassing them.

Interesting idea…
What would also make it easier is if you could have teams of 4. You could have 2 teams on each side of the battle; four teams total.

     The team that got the most cumulative points in the battle could get 3 points, the second place team would get 2 points, third would get 1 point and last place team would get none. Something like that. That way you the more skillful teams would slowly work their way up and the less skillful ones wouldn’t make it as far. It would be much easier for people to get teams of 4 people to show up to a tournament, than get 8 people to. 
If teams didn’t show up, you could replace them with bots, or have other teams take their place. 

I am slightly hijacking/blatently link-sharing in this thread. Forgive me :stuck_out_tongue:


Having read all the comments above, i propose that we, the players, organise a tournament as a sort of exhibition match. we can vote on the different aspects of the tourney eg map types, gamemodes, tier restrictions, etc - and set it up democratically and according to the majority of those who vote’s interests. I have called out to the corporation leaders and members in the post found at the link below, and the more people we get interested, the better. So, take a look and show your interest! Lets make a really awesome, independant tourney and show off our skills.




Linky; [](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20610-a-call-to-action)

Organized leagues are in discussion.


Some English-side corps are already discussing player-hosted events and tournaments.

In other news, congratulations to Evil Space Pandas, Bygyrd3TN, and Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs for winning first, second, and third respectively. Great work on the part of all participants, and thank you everyone for coming!

Zeik - see above? :3 Hahaha!

I find myself on two minds on the corp spread. On the one hand I dislike the fact ESB dominated this numerically as it feels unfair to the rest, but by the same token I hardly consider myself a high skill player, and if NASA could only field one team there’s little chance I’d have been on it.

This is the tricky part of balancing competitions; I don’t like seeing “pro” players being allowed to butcher amateurs and win (especially with real money on the line like this) but saying people can’t compete because “you’re too good” isn’t fair on them either.

If DSR was a measure of skill, that would give us a solution - one tourny for high skill players, one for mid and, perhaps, one for low. That way everyone can compete and have a chance at victory, withou feeling they’re being screwed over because most of their competitors are outclassing them.

The problem is: how do you define what is too strong and what not?

There are many good players around that don’t care about thei DSR and they could still comepete with high DSR players.

Also try it to see from the other point, what would you think if the rules would tell you: You are not allowed to participate, because you played the game too much.


The only solution I could think of would be that winners of a tournament would not be allowed to participate in the next 1 or 2 tournaments, but this is also not very fair.

The tournament is over! Once again thank you very much for participating in this event and of course we want to congratulate our teams that won the prizes:
1st place - Evil Space Pandas
2nd place - Bygyrd3TN
3rd place - Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs
The official awards will be given out during next week!

The problem is: how do you define what is too strong and what not?

There are many good players around that don’t care about thei DSR and they could still comepete with high DSR players.

Also try it to see from the other point, what would you think if the rules would tell you: You are not allowed to participate, because you played the game too much.


The only solution I could think of would be that winners of a tournament would not be allowed to participate in the next 1 or 2 tournaments, but this is also not very fair.

You could separate players by their win/loss ratio, destroyed ship rating, etc… If you had two tourneys you could take the averages of their statistics and then anyone below the average would go in one and anyone above the average would go in the other. 

You could translate their stats into points to make it easier. For example, 10th percentile = 1 point, 20th percentile = 2 points, 30th = 3 points, etc…

Then the people who ended up with 5 points or below would go in to the Amateur tourney and people with 6 or more would end up in the Experienced tourney. 

Just some thoughts…

The problem is: how do you define what is too strong and what not?

There are many good players around that don’t care about thei DSR and they could still comepete with high DSR players.

Also try it to see from the other point, what would you think if the rules would tell you: You are not allowed to participate, because you played the game too much.


The only solution I could think of would be that winners of a tournament would not be allowed to participate in the next 1 or 2 tournaments, but this is also not very fair.


First of all: Congrats to the winners. 


I like the Idea of Jasan, but DSR is not the right way of measurement. 

It is easy to see that the “old corps” like ESB and Nova totally dominated the Tourney and thats, due to their experience, completely legit. 

But for all other “new corps” it was quite a letdown. Tbh. we had no chance vs NOVA or ESB, but we would have had nice matches vs. Wolfpack, NASA, AWG and SM (at least, maybe even beat some of them). 

So, there is quite some discrepancy, maybe you should, if you think about smt. like junior- , senior-, and pro-league like Jasan said and take into account following parameters: Squads overall-DSR, -# of battles and -W/l-ratio.


According to the league you play in there should be according prizes, so that newbies and vets are motivated but split apart. 


For the prizes smth. like: junior-League gets the small-pirate pack for places 1-3 plus a bonus in GS according to their place, seniorleague the medium pack + GS and so on. 


I think this would be much more motivating for old and new players.

Error, I did state that simply banning people for being “too good” was unfair, but by the same token is it “fair” that only 10% of the players involved actually have a chance of winning?

There are sites I visited that held competitions for painting, where the entries were divided into novice and master. This seemed to go down well as it meant the people who were never going to stand a chance against the site’s “big three” got to compete in their own circle.

In SC terms, ESB / Nova etc would take each other on while the weaker corps / independent teams play each other.

You could have a system where the winner of the “rookie” comp and the loser of the “pro” comp swap around between competitions, so that in theory the sides would naturally settle. Though you’d have to watch for pro pilots faking and throwing games to land easy victories in the lower tier.

As others have said a good start is probably getting rid of the team deathmatch emphasis. No official game mode is about kills, so why do the tournaments focus exclusively on that aspect?

I think that should be a clone of luck eguale all limiting the material to which is accessible to the store (mk1/mk2/mk3)

make quite a pool by level of material, it REALLY would balance, and the only strategic quality control and classify the players.

the old company an advantage in using experimental equipment, which is not removed them is what is composed of very good players and what is the best strategy, which is normal given their experience.

and this moment we compare the result of pourait equitable manner.
and the allocation of places would not be a foregone conclusion.

only remains to be learned the lesson of this tournament, to arrange for others