Tournament "Summer Cup 2013" (Discussion)

Here you can discuss our [summer event](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/20357-tournament-summer-cup-2013/).

Good luck to everyone!


Looking forward to it!


P.S: First

Looking forward to it!


P.S: First


Second. Because I can. 


Also, its only gonna be squads of 4? And only one ship? I can foresee the following


1 squad of 3 covert ops and one engy. 

1 squad of 3 command ships and one engy

1 squad of 3 guards and one engy


Though the real teams that will win are gonna be mixed up. 

8 man teams with 4 reserves, ship tier level counts as points. 22 ship points per team.

It will be streamed by anyone? I would like to see the matches!

The only qualm I have is the event times. 13:00 Moscow is 02:00-06:00 for those in the Western Hemisphere. 7f5341cc.gif


One day the N/S/C American playerbase will be strong enough to perhaps sway the choices of times for tournaments. Until then, I hope people on this side of the world still make a showing. Sleep is for the weak.

What is this “sleep” you speak of?

It’s pretty early for us too Zeik, I’m not sure we’ll get a squad together. With everyone being on average 30 (up to well in the late 40’s), most members have ‘duties’ early mornings in the weekends, and half our corp is based in the USA too.


So we’d have to find 8 EU members who feel like getting up at 8am in the morning to be ready and fresh for 9am. :stuck_out_tongue:

Much of EU is -1 or -2 to Moscow time, so it shouldn’t be too hard to get people who’re not running on pure caffeine :lol:

it doesn’t say 8 man teams 4 v 4 anywhere ? can get confirmation on this ?

all it does say is 22 points, 1 point per tier so I assume 11 x T2’s are possible vs 5 x T4s

The team should consist of 8 players. You are allowed to bring 4 reserve pilots.

Your team should have 8 pilots.

About the time, if it gets critical we can still discuss about moving it around.

One has to remember that Russia has regions that are in Far East, with exactly opposite interests towards play times than those living in the West. So no matter what time is chosen, someone will get screwed.

Time will be moved. I’m working on it.

Much of EU is -1 or -2 to Moscow time, so it shouldn’t be too hard to get people who’re not running on pure caffeine :lol:


Actually, the vast majority of the EU is -3 to Moscow time. The UK is -4, which is not a particularly small segment of the playerbase either.


But yeah, a ‘perfect’ time doesn’t exist.

We needa time that is doable for all the world, the US, UK and Moscow. 


Though I personally don’t mind 3 AM because I rather sleep the rest of the day…

Moscow’s late night is Europe’s evening and USA’s afternoon.

USA midnight is Moscow’s late afternoon, Europe’s morning


Most inter-timezone events stick to this window. Either USA afternoon or midnight

Moscow’s late night is Europe’s evening and USA’s afternoon.

USA midnight is Moscow’s late afternoon, Europe’s morning


Most inter-timezone events stick to this window. Either USA afternoon or midnight


That makes a lot more sense, especially the former.

I’m thinking about USA morning, cuz we have Far East in Russia, which was mentioned by Luckyo before. So it’s about 5 p.m. Moscow UTC+4. What do you think?

Your team should have 8 pilots.

What is ment by “should”. Does that mean, that 6 players x T4 could also participate, but it is not suggested?

What is ment by “should”. Does that mean, that 6 players x T4 could also participate, but it is not suggested?

No, only 8. Not more, not less.