Tournament "Summer Cup 2013" (Discussion)

I also noticed one thing tournament team should fix about tournament. I saw few team involved in a kind of ‘‘wait and see’’ entering queu in custom. Let me explain a bit:


As a member of eSport France, I noticed we were always all entering in a custom room, at first. Then, 1 or 2 guys from the opposite for a minute or two, and then all the rest was entering. This is an easy way to prepare your ship composition in function of your ennemi before you begin a round. Tournament shouldn’t permit that kind of thing and should have find a way to hide the ennemi composition of the opposite side for both in custom Room.


I do think we would have a bit more chance this way. Same for others. Was my suggestion for future :wink:

I also noticed one thing tournament team should fix about tournament. I saw few team involved in a kind of ‘‘wait and see’’ entering queu in custom. Let me explain a bit:


As a member of eSport France, I noticed we were always all entering in a custom room, at first. Then, 1 or 2 guys from the opposite for a minute or two, and then all the rest was entering. This is an easy way to prepare your ship composition in function of your ennemi before you begin a round. Tournament shouldn’t permit that kind of thing and should have find a way to hide the ennemi composition of the opposite side for both in custom Room.


I do think we would have a bit more chance this way. Same for others. Was my suggestion for future :wink:

Yes, this is definately happening, and needs to be addressed.  The only solution I think of right now is to alternate having 1 person from each team join at a time to make things fair… but honestly that would just take too long.

Or…patch the software to handle tournaments fairly and have an observer who doesn’t need to suicide?

Or…patch the software to handle tournaments fairly and have an observer who doesn’t need to suicide?

I don’t see how that would do anything to address the problem specified in the post above.  But yes that would be nice too.


EDIT:  What we need is a “blind pick” option, where you can’t see the other side’s ships.

We’re not calling foul play yet guys.  The first team that came in the room also had a game at the same time as the team we were facing.  


Team comp isn’t going to differ much from team to team at this point.   Maybe if the game mode changed but until then we’ll be seeing similarly built teams.  I wouldn’t mind seeing a Beacon Hunt tournament some day.  It’s a different play style from the WoTesque hide and peek with long range weapons in Capture the Beacons.

Team comp isn’t going to differ much from team to team at this point.   Maybe if the game mode changed but until then we’ll be seeing similarly built teams.  I wouldn’t mind seeing a Beacon Hunt tournament some day.  It’s a different play style from the WoTesque hide and peek with long range weapons in Capture the Beacons.

Different game modes for tournaments is on my list of things to be discussed. I’d love to mix things up.


A random scenario would be interesting too. Like queueing for arcade, only with full teams of hand-picked players.


In any case, well done to all participants and good luck to those who have made it into tomorrow’s matches!

Of course the lobby system needs some improvements for the next tournaments, but currently we need to use the current system and all the possibilities it offers.

Beta tourneys exist to weed out bugs and issues with current system. Problems are to be expected, need to be reported and addressed by release.

I’d suggest for future tournaments some kind of system where both teams have to submit a roster ahead of time. This roster is not made public. The deadline for the roster should be far enough ahead that there’s no possibility of this kind of quick-switch taking place. If your team shows up with a ship composition different to what you said you were going to bring, you’re disqualified for cheating - it’s assumed you’ve tried to change it to gain an unfair advantage.

Different game modes for tournaments is on my list of things to be discussed. I’d love to mix things up.


A random scenario would be interesting too. Like queueing for arcade, only with full teams of hand-picked players.


In any case, well done to all participants and good luck to those who have made it into tomorrow’s matches!


According to some of our Russian friends, arcade mode is not as tough as realistic, because they only value DSR or something (i stopped caring about DSR when i noticed guys picking on new players in T2 to farm points, or play higher tier games but be too scared to win. Sad, sad, players). I suspect this is due to them not being as dominant in the arcade modes of play, but there is nothing stopping us from hosting our own tournaments with or without their participation.  It would also mean in the future I wouldn’t have to wake up at 5am to participate. (guess what the NASA will be hosting soon?)


Anyways… Switching out ships after a game and before a match ends is something that we have done with one or two players as well. We also talked about the match ups 2-3 down the line from us, watched the streams, so we got an idea what we were facing. All of this, as far as I know, is within the rules of the tournament.


With regards to our match against ESB specifically. Let’s get real here…They are really good at focus firing with their long range weapons. It’s dumb to push into it repeatedly. We almost won a game when we went for their beacons. It just got fouled up right at the end there. (game 1 Strike Team ZKF vs. Evil Space Pandas) In game two, we ended up getting hit with a lag spike that sent a few of our players drifting out of position and they got us before we could recover. But those things happen, and I’m not bitter about it at all.


The reason they are balling up and killing is a result of the tournament structure. it is actually not Capture the Beacons but Combat Recon in disguise.There is no reason to worry about beacons when you know they only have one ship. You get a kill lead and have a heavy numerical advantage, press it and win. It is pretty much what NASA has been doing, too, just we actually make plays for beacons sometimes to see if it will split up the focus of a team. And, if you have any experience with Capture the Beacons, you should know that once any team gets a kill lead, it is pretty much over. Just focus fire and take down ships to get even further ahead, pressing your advantage. I feel like most of your criticisms come from not knowing how to play the game modes correctly more than anything ESB could be doing that looks like cheating.

we tried the samething…sadly a team of experimental long range weapon is always capable (they are for most of them equiped with purple and blue/premium) its hard to have the same kind of modules when you actually dont even see one ina  wreck. so for sure ESB DO have an advantage against everyone else…since they are for most of them experimental equiped (and we still dont know how they did with their low PVE rating)

we tried the samething…sadly a team of experimental long range weapon is always capable (they are for most of them equiped with purple and blue/premium) its hard to have the same kind of modules when you actually dont even see one ina  wreck. so for sure ESB DO have an advantage against everyone else…since they are for most of them experimental equiped (and we still dont know how they did with their low PVE rating)


Experimental gives about 3-4 more DPS on a gun. It actually doesn’t make a big difference between that and Mk 3. Experimental active modules can make a huge difference, mostly with the cooldown reductions. I really wish people would stop thinking the weapons are why they died, and not every little mistake they made before that point. there is much more depth than that within this game.


Most members of ESB have been around for a long time, so they have been able to collect many weapons and modules, just like the most experienced members of NASA. That is how they are able to get it.

I acord of the fact that the bse on the experimental equipment thanks to their seniority. neansmoins during the tournament for reasons of equity, equipment should be blocking the mk3.

a vessel equipped with a weapon by RAPORT mk3 has a vessel equipped with experimental does not change much,

against by the fact of having active module of passive module, modules and vessels experimental changes everything … the resistances and degas are very diferent (a mk3 weapon attack a ship with experimental defense that did very little chance to degas)
the same, the fact that the bse is entered on the romm and resorti to change ship before the game, n is not normal, it should have been disqualified for ca …
eight today for the rest of this match will not happen because I think all participants will be wary of this technique …
In any case, I for one do not let aujourdhuit,

According to some of our Russian friends, arcade mode is not as tough as realistic, because they only value DSR or something (i stopped caring about DSR when i noticed guys picking on new players in T2 to farm points, or play higher tier games but be too scared to win. Sad, sad, players). I suspect this is due to them not being as dominant in the arcade modes of play, but there is nothing stopping us from hosting our own tournaments with or without their participation.  It would also mean in the future I wouldn’t have to wake up at 5am to participate. (guess what the NASA will be hosting soon?)


Anyways… Switching out ships after a game and before a match ends is something that we have done with one or two players as well. We also talked about the match ups 2-3 down the line from us, watched the streams, so we got an idea what we were facing. All of this, as far as I know, is within the rules of the tournament.


With regards to our match against ESB specifically. Let’s get real here…They are really good at focus firing with their long range weapons. It’s dumb to push into it repeatedly. We almost won a game when we went for their beacons. It just got fouled up right at the end there. (game 1 Strike Team ZKF vs. Evil Space Pandas) In game two, we ended up getting hit with a lag spike that sent a few of our players drifting out of position and they got us before we could recover. But those things happen, and I’m not bitter about it at all.


The reason they are balling up and killing is a result of the tournament structure. it is actually not Capture the Beacons but Combat Recon in disguise.There is no reason to worry about beacons when you know they only have one ship. You get a kill lead and have a heavy numerical advantage, press it and win. It is pretty much what NASA has been doing, too, just we actually make plays for beacons sometimes to see if it will split up the focus of a team. And, if you have any experience with Capture the Beacons, you should know that once any team gets a kill lead, it is pretty much over. Just focus fire and take down ships to get even further ahead, pressing your advantage. I feel like most of your criticisms come from not knowing how to play the game modes correctly more than anything ESB could be doing that looks like cheating.


Realistic can be tougher because engineers are more likely to be taken out or not flown anyway.  I’ve noticed a few ESB people in T2 farming.  One time I saw it in the pregame, and I told my whole team to keep and eye out for the guy.  His LRF didn’t last as long as normal I presume.  I think when they try that, matchmaking should throw them in T4 with a T2 ship just to teach them a lesson.  There are a few that will play T3 solo, and be “successful” when it comes to mission objectives.  I’ll see JoZeR every so often without an ESB squad.


I do feel the tournament structure is a disservice to the game.  It’s trying to push the view that this game is solely about killing other players.  Perhaps a first match of realistic, a second game of untimed unlimited respawn detonation because to win you must take risk and do more than just kill, and a tiebreaker of something else.


From when I was watching the match, I saw the NASA rush.  It looked like trying to win on beacons and not kills.  Once you got down to the final beacon ESB would have hunkered down and defended it.  Only if you killed a lot of them and hoped the rest would run could that have worked.  It’s actually when they only have one ship to worry about beacons.  I’ve played the game modes and know them as well.  I may not be the best player, and I’m not trying to be top tier, but the tournament is like a boxing match.  You can’t simply be the best all around team, you have to focus on your opponents strategy.  I have no doubt that if the match style were actually varied like arcade instead of one ship realistic that NASA wouldn’t have had to go to NASA vs NASA.

I ask the organizers to disqualify the team that exit the room after being input are changing vessels
thank you

6 player on 12

we surender sorry

to long time wait yesterday not any time this afternoon…

xd,no worry,who win ESB…Russia monopole…


yesterday we wait 1h for all ready ,to day no more 15mn for us and disqualified…sorry ,but your tournament is a joke for me…



too many player in Big corp,lot too easy purple stuff,play with ESB ,and you loot many purple ,xd!!it’s god…ioi ioi ioi…



seriously ,you put tournament with player rank 15 ,registered spetembre 2012 xd,aaaaa let’s me smile…



Good luck xd

Is it me, or does it sound like a lot of people who took part didn’t have fun here?

Is it me, or does it sound like a lot of people who took part didn’t have fun here?

I call possible bullshit on


Correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I know:

Evil Space Pandas = ESB

Space Crabs = NOVA

They had their match yesterday and as far as I know  NOVA won. Not ESB. Yet ESB went on?


Is it me, or does it sound like a lot of people who took part didn’t have fun here?


I didn’t even get to play, and honestly with 3 ESB teams, I’m glad I didn’t have to. I still say it’s stupid they have 3 teams and basicly are half the competition.

I call possible bullshit on


Correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I know:

Evil Space Pandas = ESB

Space Crabs = NOVA

They had their match yesterday and as far as I know  NOVA won. Not ESB. Yet ESB went on?



I didn’t even get to play, and honestly with 3 ESB teams, I’m glad I didn’t have to. I still say it’s stupid they have 3 teams and basicly are half the competition.

Snow white and the 7 dwarfs = Nova



Nova won