Tournament "Summer Cup 2013" (Discussion)


I think you are the one making the matches for the event, i’m from the eSport AWG France team, we just checked the Bracket, and immediately noticed the changes. You putted us with the steel marauders, which is a fairly good team compared to us. Then you put the Wolfpack, an excellent team, against some kind of looser. Then we are either going to go against the ESB or the NOVA team. Seriously. I know it may be hard to equilibrate the teams, but please give us a chance.

Thank you very much-The AWG team.



It is a double elimination tournament; they are giving you a chance.


Oh, and we have very different opinions of “some kind of loser” team…as Bygyrd3TN (a mostly ESB team I think) won May Maneuvers (the last big tournament).

…if all the matches are tomorrow morning, I cant make it…

The first and the second round will be on Saturday, July 20, starting at 5 p.m. (UTC +4 Moscow)

The third round, semi-finals and finals on Sunday, July 21, starting at 5 p.m. (UTC +4 Moscow)

Could someone explain the tourney double elimenation thingy for me?

It’s really confusing for me.

The winners bracket is very straight forward.

As is the loser bracket.

But then they get intertwined and it becomes confusing for me.

WIll the winner of the loser bracket have a chance to become 1st place? or 2nd place? or 3rd place? or… -confusion-

Today’s stream will be organized by the CSL (Cosmo Sports League) team and our guests from FuFuFu team. It will be a lot of fun!



We will begin at 17:00 Moscow time (UTC + 4). You can find the official link here or here. See you on the battle field!  :00222:

The English stream is organized by Evil Tactician and Error. And you can find it here. Enjoy!

This will be hard for me…follow the EVE online alliance tourney, or the SC summer tourney…Both at same day and same time…


My team apparently isnt gonna make it. Have fun in the tourney guys!

So…ESB has 3 teams in the tourney…Kinda unfair I’d say.


Next tournament I’d say: only 1 team per corp. and before the tournament is announced, your corp gets set in a file, so that you can’t join other corps to get more teams in.

So…ESB has 3 teams in the tourney…Kinda unfair I’d say.


Next tournament I’d say: only 1 team per corp. and before the tournament is announced, your corp gets set in a file, so that you can’t join other corps to get more teams in.


The rewards are on a per team basis, so it is fair.  By limiting 1 team per corp you’re basically just nerfing larger corps.


EDIT:  Basically, its team vs team, not corp vs corp.

The rewards are on a per team basis, so it is fair.  By limiting 1 team per corp you’re basically just nerfing larger corps.


EDIT:  Basically, its team vs team, not corp vs corp.

yes, but THREE teams?! there are 16 in total only. And they will likely take all 3 prices…Since ESB has yet to lose a game.

and what if we nerf large corps? There should be even chances for each corp. not only the large ones.

Why should any player be denied the chance to win a prize, simply because their Corp has a team already? If a corporation has enough good players to take all 3 prizes, then props to them, but that is no reason to deny some of their members the chance to win in a tournament. If it was strictly a corporation tournament, that might be different, but seeing as it is an open tournament I see no reason why that should be a problem. 
The size of the corp has relatively nothing to do with the tournament, rather it is the members skill that decides the result. Even smaller corporations have an equal opportunity in this tournament.

The size of the corp has relatively nothing to do with the tournament, rather it is the members skill that decides the result. Even smaller corporations have an equal opportunity in this tournament.

They don’t actually.

ESB has thrice as much chance to win the tourney as a corp with only 1 group.

So even if the best players in the game formed a corp and made a team they wouldn’t have a chance? It is based on skill not numbers. If a corporation has a lot of skillful members, then they might take multiple prizes, but everyone had an equal opportunity. Equal opportunity is not the same as equal situation. The point of the tourney is to reward teams of skillful players, not make sure that everyone has an equal chance of winning the tournament.
Teams are given equal opportunity, what they do with that opportunity decides the result of the tournament.
(Much similar to the concept of equal opportunity in society…you arent guaranteed that you will have the same chances of getting a certain job as someone else, you merely have an equal opportunity to prove yourself worthy of the position)

So even if the best players in the game formed a corp and made a team they wouldn’t have a chance? It is based on skill not numbers. If a corporation has a lot of skillful members, then they might take multiple prizes, but everyone had an equal opportunity. Equal opportunity is not the same as equal situation. The point of the tourney is to reward teams of skillful players, not make sure that everyone has an equal chance of winning the tournament.

Teams are given equal opportunity, what they do with that opportunity decides the result of the tournament.

(Much similar to the concept of equal opportunity in society…you arent guaranteed that you will have the same chances of getting a certain job as someone else, you merely have an equal opportunity to prove yourself worthy of the position)

Each team has an equal oppertunity yes.

But large corps have more chance to win the tourney if they field more than 1 team incomparison to a corp with only 1 team.


Yes, teams win, not corps. But corps will be looked at. If ESB wins first, second and third price. Would you call that fair? I certainly wouldn’t.

I think it is fair. If they win, they aren’t being recognized officially as the best corporation in the game, they are merely getting rewarded for their teams’ skill. If you want to beat that corporation, then you simply must recruit and train skillful players to beat theirs. If the point is to recognize skillful players, what does it matter that they are all from the same corporation? They are being recognized for their skill.

Dear players and participants of the tournament, all fights for today are done (the last two 2nd round battles will be done tomorrow). Tomorrow we will begin at the same time at 17:00 Moscow time. 

We apologize for the delay in the tournament and for the possible negative mood. Tomorrow we will try to do it better. Thank you all for your patience, for fighting and for the participation in the competition. 

All the information about the upcoming games will be posted here.

Each team has an equal oppertunity yes.

But large corps have more chance to win the tourney if they field more than 1 team incomparison to a corp with only 1 team.


Yes, teams win, not corps. But corps will be looked at. If ESB wins first, second and third price. Would you call that fair? I certainly wouldn’t.


Half the teams came from the top three corporations in the game, and the only times those teams are getting eliminated is when they face each other. Look at the way the brackets are shaping up. If ESB can win first second and third, then hats off to them, they deserve the praise.

Maybe you should think of it more as “only the top corporations participate in the tournament.”  It’s not just best corporations, they practice and train for killing, that’s all.  ESB and a lot of other Russian corps seems to be practicing in T3 right now, so here’s a recap from a game I just had.






Notice how the only ESB member to get any captures also got no kills?  I’ve played enough matches with and against them to see their basic strategy.  Hide, attack, survive, and if anyone turns their back on their squad you’re dead.  Speed’s irrelevant, they get survivability.  Wolfpack could have gotten at least one kill with understanding and coordination.  Nasa should have just ignored their xxxx beacons and focused on the people who don’t care about mission objectives!  ESB will only deal with mission objectives if they’re completely safe to do, which isn’t often enough for them to care.  Watch this for instance, from your match.  


He’s completely safe.  There are still five NASA players, but he’s completely safe.  Their DSR is far too important to risk losing a match for.  Frequently enough there will be on LRF sniping at people and being a guide for the rest.


You’re angry you lost, you lost because ESB doesn’t really care about winning anything but kills, and you ignored it.

The description of the prizes is updated.


By the way, about the “reequip”. This action is only possible after the fight. So in Bo3 after the first and second fight. In Bo5 after the first, second, third and fourth. Join lobby, see the enemy’s equipment before the battle, go out and pick up the new equipment is forbidden (this applies to all fights)!


Hi, I was watching one of the Streaming videos ( and I saw one of the team do exactly what you forbidden by coming in lobby (6 players) (at 3:05), and suddenly all leave (at 3:20) and come back only few minutes after with new ships (from 4:24 to 5:45)


I think it isn’t fair to opponent’s team.