Tournament "Summer Cup 2013" (Discussion)

Error, I did state that simply banning people for being “too good” was unfair, but by the same token is it “fair” that only 10% of the players involved actually have a chance of winning?

There are sites I visited that held competitions for painting, where the entries were divided into novice and master. This seemed to go down well as it meant the people who were never going to stand a chance against the site’s “big three” got to compete in their own circle.

In SC terms, ESB / Nova etc would take each other on while the weaker corps / independent teams play each other.

You could have a system where the winner of the “rookie” comp and the loser of the “pro” comp swap around between competitions, so that in theory the sides would naturally settle. Though you’d have to watch for pro pilots faking and throwing games to land easy victories in the lower tier.

As others have said a good start is probably getting rid of the team deathmatch emphasis. No official game mode is about kills, so why do the tournaments focus exclusively on that aspect?


The tournament wasn’t meant to be like that. I know the people responsible for creating it and you are going to trust what I am telling you and believe me when I say you are being way too harsh and it needs to stop because it is ruining all the positives that came from this experience.


It was made with the intention of being Capture the Beacon, and an attempt at a point system to help balance. The intent was to help balance teams and allow players a diversity of comps to combat the creative challenge imposed.


When some corporations began to practice, they realized due to the restrictions imposed by this point system  and more importantly the fact you only had one ship that capturing the beacons was no longer necessary to winning. Completely unintended, and hindsight is 20/20. Oh well, it happens. We all knew the rules going in, some just did the headwork ahead of time and it paid off to their advantage.


Hell, we barely practiced with our team and the creativity of their solution…just was ingenious, and we only realized it after we had played them. My team understood capping the beacons was not the most important thing to do going in, but we didn’t utilize their strategy of just going for kills until later matches. It was brilliant.


This was a double elimination tournament and was more than fair to all participants. Random seeding with a second chance through the loser’s bracket. Skill or be skilled. Is it because of the prizes feeling out of reach that you are upset? Why would you deserve the prizes if you are not able to beat the best teams? This tournament wasn’t about hand holding and letting everyone walk away with a trophy, it was about seeing who was the best. Everyone else has to lose, and that is just how tournaments are, man. You can either be bitter or happy you were able to do as well as you did and figure out how to do better. Up to you.

The tournament wasn’t meant to be like that. I know the people responsible for creating it and you are going to trust what I am telling you and believe me when I say you are being way too harsh and it needs to stop because it is ruining all the positives that came from this experience.


It was made the intention of being Capture the Beacon, and an attempt at a point system to help balance. The intent was to help balance teams and allow players a diversity of comps to combat the creative challenge imposed.


When some corporations began to practice, they realized due to the restrictions imposed by this point system  and more importantly the fact you only had one ship that capturing the beacons was no longer necessary to winning. Completely unintended, and hindsight is 20/20. Oh well, it happens. We all knew the rules going in, some just did the headwork ahead of time and it paid off to their advantage.


Hell, we barely practiced with our team and the creativity of their solution…just was ingenious, and we only realized it after we had played them. My team understood capping the beacons was not the most important thing to do going in, but we didn’t utilize their strategy of just going for kills until later matches. It was brilliant.


This was a double elimination tournament and was more than fair to all participants. Random seeding with a second chance through the loser’s bracket. Skill or be skilled. Is it because of the prizes feeling out of reach that you are upset? Why would you deserve the prizes if you are not able to beat the best teams? This tournament wasn’t about hand holding and letting everyone walk away with a trophy, it was about seeing who was the best. Everyone else has to lose, and that is just how tournaments are, man. You can either be bitter or happy you were able to do as well as you did and figure out how to do better. Up to you.

I had written something, but since I bet it would be seen as unnice, i removed it before I posted it…

Anyway, JasanQuinn has good points and good suggestions.


I think a future tournament could, and should, be much improved.

ELMustacho, here at AWG, we didn’t really think we could beat ESB team. Our goal was to participate and fight against others corporations. So we organized some practice during last week. We saw really soon that go after kills was more accurate than trying to capture.

Against Steel Marauders, we had fun because our strategy beated theirs (they choosed togo for capture)


But with 3 ESB teams, we fought against them on second round. And being rolled on like this isn’t fun. And we experienced their last minute changes while waiting for them (they came in lobby, left quickly and came back after 5 minutes). Even if we aren’t surprised to have lost against them, it would have been better if it was without unfair practice. They don’t need this.


Error, we were only 6 players on sunday and rules says that we must be 8 to fight. So we were eliminated. It wasn’t a surrending. Believe me, we still are bitter to lose like this.


We will be on next tournament, be sure of that :Dwop

If this had been for pride and bragging rights I’d not care so much, but there’s multiple posts accusing ESB teams of cheating, and whilst this was joked about on the day it’s easy to see that, in hindsight, those jokes may have been unfortunate truths.

Three prizes, three ESB teams, suspect behaviour by those teams reported… There’s enough to cause conern there. If I were of the conspiracy brigade, I’d go so far as to assume this tournament was heavily skewed in favour of Team Russia.

You’re right that competitions, serious ones at any rate, don’t hand out prizes just for turning up. That said, they don’t put rookies vs the best either. In fact, one gaming group I was with ran a system where they rigged the knockouts so each pair was of similar skill. The result was that less skilled players got very far through ability and a little luck.

They found this model drew a higher player count because the people nobody wanted to play were killing each other off before the low end ever saw them.

Personally, I would like a similar model used in future - set it up so same-corp teams have to fight and eliminate each other early on (unless you can prove there’s a big skill gap, then maybe make an exception).

From a personal standpoint I didn’t expect our group to get to the top three - I knew there’d be a better NASA, a Nova and an ESB who I didn’t expect us to top. I’m fine with not succeeding and not getting a prize; I just wanted to see three Corps on the winner’s podium, not one or two.

If this had been for pride and bragging rights I’d not care so much, but there’s multiple posts accusing ESB teams of cheating, and whilst this was joked about on the day it’s easy to see that, in hindsight, those jokes may have been unfortunate truths.

Three prizes, three ESB teams, suspect behaviour by those teams reported… There’s enough to cause conern there. If I were of the conspiracy brigade, I’d go so far as to assume this tournament was heavily skewed in favour of Team Russia.

You’re right that competitions, serious ones at any rate, don’t hand out prizes just for turning up. That said, they don’t put rookies vs the best either. In fact, one gaming group I was with ran a system where they rigged the knockouts so each pair was of similar skill. The result was that less skilled players got very far through ability and a little luck.

They found this model drew a higher player count because the people nobody wanted to play were killing each other off before the low end ever saw them.

Personally, I would like a similar model used in future - set it up so same-corp teams have to fight and eliminate each other early on (unless you can prove there’s a big skill gap, then maybe make an exception).

From a personal standpoint I didn’t expect our group to get to the top three - I knew there’d be a better NASA, a Nova and an ESB who I didn’t expect us to top. I’m fine with not succeeding and not getting a prize; I just wanted to see three Corps on the winner’s podium, not one or two.


It has nothing to do with the Corp, this tournament was about Teams and players in those teams, and how they prepared for the fight. You have to accept that ESB is a competitive Corp, they filter players, they don’t take whoever you have to prove that you deserve to be there, and that leads to deploying 3 full teams of competitive players. How many Corps that have 2x of ESB players out there and how many teams did they deploy? I remember being in DYN and we had an friendly invitation from NASA to do friendly games together, we were at the capacity (150 players), we had DYN2  as extra players pool, we could not field a single team for that, not a single team!

 If you want to have “Kids tourney” where everyone is a winner, organize it your self - it looks like there are plenty of people out there that can not accept that there are teams better then them, invite them, cooperate - you have all the tools to do that.


PS ESB took only 2 prizes. 

P.P.S. do you even know how much time did those Competitive teams invested in training? How many hours they spend training? They deserved to win, fair and square.

P.P.P.S I personally believe this is not the right place to express your wishes about how YOU would like to have a tournament, make a thread, find followers for that.

I think this is the ideal place to suggest how to improve future official events. After all, people fill the patch note threads with things they feel could have been done better.

I hope that, collectively, we find ways to make the next event bigger and better. I’d like to see more teams next time, more coverage from streaming, and so on. The former requires there to be an interest from the player base to take part, and the means to commit. I’m quite certain that we could easily have found enough active players to double or triple the number of participants within the alloted timezone (given sufficient hosts), so my thoughts focus on two things. Why those players did not want to take part, and how to convince them to do so in future.

Awesome job to all the teams that fought, a big kudos to the ones that had a ref within them as a player. (There were 3, NASA, Wolfpack & R4ge) And thanks to those that went against them for giving those teams a few minutes to strategize since the ref’s were having to be in games up until the match was suppose to start.


There were alot of hiccups the first day, even I was a little frustrated, but by the end of the day we had our stuff together and things were going far more smoothly, and even more so today.


Thanks to everyone who took the time and effort to be here. ((and the cost of energy drinks for those in the America’s))


I had a ton of fun flying, reffing and commentating.



It has nothing to do with the Corp, this tournament was about Teams and players in those teams, and how they prepared for the fight. You have to accept that ESB is a competitive Corp, they filter players, they don’t take whoever you have to prove that you deserve to be there, and that leads to deploying 3 full teams of competitive players. How many Corps that have 2x of ESB players out there and how many teams did they deploy? I remember being in DYN and we had an friendly invitation from NASA to do friendly games together, we were at the capacity (150 players), we had DYN2  as extra players pool, we could not field a single team for that, not a single team!

 If you want to have “Kids tourney” where everyone is a winner, organize it your self - it looks like there are plenty of people out there that can not accept that there are teams better then them, invite them, cooperate - you have all the tools to do that.


PS ESB took only 2 prizes. 

P.P.S. do you even know how much time did those Competitive teams invested in training? How many hours they spend training? They deserved to win, fair and square.

P.P.P.S I personally believe this is not the right place to express your wishes about how YOU would like to have a tournament, make a thread, find followers for that.


I didn’t participate but I found the whole thing pretty motivating overall.  I’m sure future events will go off with less hitches.GJS

Awesome job to all the teams that fought, a big kudos to the ones that had a ref within them as a player. (There were 3, NASA, Wolfpack & R4ge) And thanks to those that went against them for giving those teams a few minutes to strategize since the ref’s were having to be in games up until the match was suppose to start.

There were alot of hiccups the first day, even I was a little frustrated, but by the end of the day we had our stuff together and things were going far more smoothly, and even more so today.

Thanks to everyone who took the time and effort to be here. ((and the cost of energy drinks for those in the America’s))

I had a ton of fun flying, reffing and commentating.


Whose stream were you commenting on? More to the point, do you have links to the matches?

Day 1, I was mostly on Evil Tacticians, but ended up on Vecrox’s a few times, day 2 I was with Evil Tactician and later EL Mustacho joined us, except when we were flying. As a reservist for the first NASA team, I was called into duty.

Do they have recorded vids of the matches, or did you just have to be there to see them?

Do they have recorded vids of the matches, or did you just have to be there to see them?



but these 2 only from one of the ESB teams perspective, not streams

Anything that was broadcasted by us was recorded on So that includes a lot of the waiting around for things to happen, etc.


If someone has time, they could in theory make a list of direct links to each match as Twitch does allow you to link to specific timestamps within a video. It would be possibly to string that together with “missing matches” that the Russians broadcasted and a few that were cast by Vecrox. The vast majority of the tournament was recorded.


For the Finals and our afterthoughts:


That provides the link structure for specific points in videos, so if someone has the time, go wild and find all matches.


Commentators :

CensoredByAdmin, Almost all matches

ElMustacho, Semi Finals onwards

EvilTactician, Streamer, all matches

Error, Commenting some matches

Vecrox, Commenting some matches


Next time there is a tournament we will have more of a structure and will try to run a ‘real’ program - with interviews of participants after matches and much more.

Results of the tournament «Summer Cup 2013»


Dear players!

This weekend our Tournament «Summer Cup 2013» has ended and we want to thank the participants, spectators and all the players who followed this event, for the fact that you are with us!
For your passion, determination, patience and for entertaining fights that we saw.

We have to say thanks to you, because our Star Conflict Universe exists because of you and that there are epic battles in space!
We hope that everyone got a lot of positive emotions and adrenaline this weekend.

And of course, we are sincerely happy for our winners who have reached the end and won the battles with worthy contenders!

  • 1 place — Evil Space Pandas (8 Star Conflict Pirate Pack — Dead man’s chest and 12 exclusive T-shirts «Star Conflict»)
  • 2 place — Bygyrd3TN (8 Star Conflict Pirate Pack — Jolly Roger and 12 exclusive T-shirts «Star Conflict»)
  • 3 place — Snow White & the 7 Dwarfs (8 Star Conflict Pirate Pack — Corsair and 12 and exclusive T-shirts «Star Conflict»)

We congratulate the winners and wish everyone success in the next tournament!


Always yours,
Star Conflict team



Now is the time to reflect on our skills and build them up in preparation for the next tourney. Forget DSR, go for the skill. 

Well, so we figured out there were some discrepency between the “common” player expectaction and the pro-gamer.


The Dev’s and the player may now step back and think about how to process on the next ones.


I assume the next tournament will contain some changes to this one and you may e.g. ask the gamer what they would expect from the upcoming events.


There is no reason to shout at anybody. The teams which won were the best on all, so this is for sure reasonable.


But there maybe different forms of future events.


The player should stop hacking on Russia, ESB or whatever, they deverved the win coz of their skills.


But the Dev’s also have to understand that the common gamer was looking for sth. different.




Obligatory russian reference. 


In soviet russia, conflict star YOU!