
so this is a second time i have requested this but can the dev’s add Japanese Kana compatibility to the in game chat. there is a japanese chat channel but if we can only use latin characters then why would you even have it?

so this is a second time i have requested this but can the dev’s add Japanese Kana compatibility to the in game chat. there is a japanese chat channel but if we can only use latin characters then why would you even have it?

We have a new Community Manager now. CinnamonFake should be able to help with answering your request.

so this is a second time i have requested this but can the dev’s add Japanese Kana compatibility to the in game chat. there is a japanese chat channel but if we can only use latin characters then why would you even have it?


I niticed you. Can you also give me a link to your previous request? It’s could be helpfull )



maybe i put it in the wrong place last time so nobody noticed











Mill translate this please

Mmh, google translate’s translation seems understandable.




Here also I want to see that can not be similarly enter the Japanese in the chat, the way I wonder if there is no Toka Japanese Corporation and organizations in this game?

Mill translate this please


shh, I’m just pretending I understand… don’t tell anyone

shh, I’m just pretending I understand… don’t tell anyone




Yes, you hit the nail on the head


(still 3 lazy 5 google…)

Yes, you hit the nail on the head


(still 3 lazy 5 google…)







Je ne parle pas japonais


Sluta besudla tråden med onödigt tjafs :stuck_out_tongue:

Je ne parle pas japonais

Neither do I, I just wield the power of Google Translate.

Mmh, google translate’s translation seems understandable.




Here also I want to see that can not be similarly enter the Japanese in the chat, the way I wonder if there is no Toka Japanese Corporation and organizations in this game?

they said that they too can’t type any kana into the japanese chat and were asking if there are any japanese corporations. and i don’t know if there are any, right now i’m just in a random corporation that invited me and they don’t talk much