Top Aerography works and discussion

For those bomb carriers or those that just like to self destruct.




It’s because I put chopsticks in the background, isn’t it?


yea… the chopsticks… let’s say that

I wonder if people did more like the “demoness” sticker would they be banned for indecency?

I’d kill to get the Decepticon logo on my ships.

I’d pay 10k GS for doge :smiley:

I’d kill to get the Decepticon logo on my ships.


Wouldn’t that be considered using someone else’s work? If nothing else it’d be trademark infringement.

Wouldn’t that be considered using someone else’s work? If nothing else it’d be trademark infringement.


Now, if only someone up there managed to secure the rights to using the logos…

 This is the logo of the mighty Red Sun Empire. They fly through out the galaxy expanding their territory and never back down from a fight.  mh3dIZk.png

Didn’t really have that much time to work on this… I think I’m a bit too influenced by Android: Netrunner these days.



Kaito Heavy Industries

One of the oldest defense contractors from the Federation, KHI has maintained a low profile for centuries. Shortly after the newest chairperson took over, the zaibatsu has become noticeably more aggressive in its negotiations and takeovers, and rumour has it that they are not afraid to carry out black operations to get their way. Its parent company, Kaito Group, has expanded rapidly over the past century and is involved in almost every industry, ranging from agriculture to construction to cutting-edge technology. Some people believe that KHI does not want the war to end so that it can continue to profit from the conflict, but Kaito Group also has numerous subsidiaries that are negatively impacted by the war, such as its asteroid mining company. Presently, nobody knows what KHI’s agenda is, but their growing presence suggests that a major plan has already been set in motion.

Is it too late to change my entry? Jacxis inspired me to go a different route.

Is it too late to change my entry? Jacxis inspired me to go a different route.

The contest ends in 2 August so yes,it’s not too late.But if you have already submit your entry then eh…i got no idea.

Is it too late to change my entry? Jacxis inspired me to go a different route.


I guess you could edit your current post? 

I guess you could edit your current post? 


Edited original post in favor of Jacxis-inspired concept.



blackwood is empire not jerry

blackwood is empire not jerry


While it is a triangle shaped design, the insignia itself is not Jericho at all. If you go back to the original post I made (the one I edited on page 5) you can read the story behind it.


The presence of ‘blackwood’ containers as loot objects throughout the galaxy suggests there is something much more behind the name than just the shipyard.

I was just over on the Russian forums to see what they were coming up with, and I noticed that their forum states the contest ends on the 10th of August while ours is set to end on the 2nd of August. Both announcements were made on the same day (July 18th), so is this a mistake?


EDIT: Also, the number of ‘artists’ over there who are copy/pasting from Google images is absurd. Fortunately most of them have already been caught.


The presence of ‘blackwood’ containers as loot objects throughout the galaxy suggests there is something much more behind the name than just the shipyard.


Like “Bad Wolf” or “Torchwood” in Doctor Who.

Like “Bad Wolf” or “Torchwood” in Doctor Who.



Oh and btw humanity only occupies 4 sectors or about 11 star systems, I think, according to the Invasion map. Humanity right now is as weak as Shiite. They need to stop infighting and focus on external threats. Oh humanity… Stupid, stupid humanity. We need to change the game title to “Star Peace Treaty”.

I was just over on the Russian forums to see what they were coming up with, and I noticed that their forum states the contest ends on the 10th of August while ours is set to end on the 2nd of August. Both announcements were made on the same day (July 18th), so is this a mistake?


EDIT: Also, the number of ‘artists’ over there who are copy/pasting from Google images is absurd. Fortunately most of them have already been caught.

Can you give me the link to that page,i went to the ru forum but can’t find it.