Top Aerography works and discussion

how did you check?

right click -> image properties in my browser :stuck_out_tongue:

Allright I’ll join in… not good at things like this but I wanna enter anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

my ingame name is Reveaper


Title : Domination Recon Interceptor mechanics


A little logo for those who like domination mode playing with a recon interceptor…

image should be transparent, it’s finished but I can still edit it





When you work a desk job, you tend to have alot of time on your hands… Here is my Microsoft paint entry into the contest.  I call it, the “Well Rounded”

Jenkeze that is great! I like it. Using paint also gj gj boa

Jenkeze that is great! I like it. Using paint also gj gj boa

I have said this before in this thread, but paint ftw!

Thank you :slight_smile:  Lots of cool designs on here.


I’m pretty sure these stickers are not allowed due to copyright but damn, this could be so nice on my ships !
So, … here’s mine :

Funny, but not everybody speak English you know. 

Funny, but not everybody speak English you know. 


And where is the problem? O.o

Some may don’t understand at all the sticker :stuck_out_tongue:

Nobody stops to look at other player’s stickers anyway. Those are mainly for yourself.

Submission: The Grim Reaper

By: KSGrisha


“The Grim Reaper” cause everyone that crosses his path may aswell just give up. HE GONNA GET YOU


Many good aerography here but i’m not sure all of them are relevant to the game like the KSGrisha’s Grim Reaper.

Many good aerography here but i’m not sure all of them are relevant to the game like the KSGrisha’s Grim Reaper.


Are you criticizing KSGrisha’s work? 

I’m not sure how to interpret your words. 


I like KSGrisha’s work, but still, I think that we already have more than enough bones head. 

Are you criticizing KSGrisha’s work? 

I’m not sure how to interpret your words. 


I like KSGrisha’s work, but still, I think that we already have more than enough bones head. 

No i’m not criticizing his work,just saying that “relevant to game” should be something about roles and factions and something.

No i’m not criticizing his work,just saying that “relevant to game” should be something about roles and factions and something.


Go check the stickers we already have and tell me if they’re “relevant to the game”.


I find Grisha’s sticker the most relevant :stuck_out_tongue:

Go check the stickers we already have and tell me if they’re “relevant to the game”.


I find Grisha’s sticker the most relevant :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s why we need more stickers that are game related like mine (self promotion  :00555:). 

We have too many of those bones head. 

IGN: SoldiersFortune


Blackwood Corporation




Blackwood is a highly-secretive military contractor that has been supplying mercenary manpower to the frontlines for over half a century. Many of the pilots found fighting for the Empire, Federation, or Jericho have been supplied by this paramilitary powerhouse. In addition to supplying manpower, Blackwood owns and operates a shipyard that focuses heavily on experimental research and development. Unconfirmed reports suggest that Blackwood has been secretly collecting alien technology and stockpiling it in an undisclosed location. The purpose behind such activity remains a mystery.


EDIT: Got rid of the “Asian Voltorb” in favor of this.

Looks like an Asian voltorb or electrode

Looks like an Asian voltorb or electrode




It’s because I put chopsticks in the background, isn’t it?