Top Aerography works and discussion

[Terms and conditions](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23889-contest-%E2%80%98top-aerography%E2%80%99/)


“The winners will receive a certain percentage of GS from sales.”

Sounds fun,i’ll try,dig my brain up and search for knownledge about photoshop now lol.

A couple of questions:

  1. According to the rules: “Your task is to draw an original emblem for the ship.” → Are scanned sketches allowed? Or must the submission be a finalized design?
  2. “Sticker sketches for the contest must be published in a [specially created theme](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23890-top-aerography-works-and-discussion/).” → I’m not clear as to what the theme is, since the link brings me to this thread.

A couple of questions:

  • According to the rules: “Your task is to draw an original emblem for the ship.” → Are scanned sketches allowed? Or must the submission be a finalized design?

  • “Sticker sketches for the contest must be published in a [specially created theme](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/23890-top-aerography-works-and-discussion/).” → I’m not clear as to what the theme is, since the link brings me to this thread.

#2 means you must post your submission in this thread (they google translated that post, so theme = thread).

Can’t answer #1 but would think they expect the finalized design.

Question :

You must know that a picture is composed about 4 canals. 






My question is about the 4th. There is 2 way to use this canal in game : transparency or brightness. 


So, witch one is it in star conflict? 

I ask it because recently, you added some stickers that glow. But your stickers are not a square. 

So there must be a way to work on both transparency and brightness. 


Can we have some explanation? 

Another question. 

What’s the king of picture desired. 





Can we use gif to make animated stickers? 

Alpha is for transparency. Animated textures are done via shaders, not animated gifs, but can’t hurt to submit one I guess as long as it can stand alone without animation. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Can I use Paint? :stuck_out_tongue:  I don’t have any other picture making/editing tools…

Alpha is not always for transparency. 

In SDL, it’s a specific colors that make the transparency (The old way before implementing alpha layers). 

And in trackmania, alpha layers is for brightness. 


So there’s still a possibility that it’s a different mechanic then the common. 


Of course the result may not be a gif for quality. 

But should we make a zip with all the pictures of the animation, and make a gif of them as an example? 

I don’t think animation is acceptable here,i don’t know what kind of extension they use for their stickers,but i know that it’s not gif.

I speaked about gif, just to show the result whitout knowing how they do animations.


What would be my stickers is a zip with several pictures inside, witch make the animation.

Can I use Paint? :stuck_out_tongue:  I don’t have any other picture making/editing tools…


Paint master race

MS Paint swag.

Paint master race

It was so much fun in primary school :smiley: I think I still have the skill for it…

It was so much fun in primary school :smiley: I think I still have the skill for it…


Didn’t you see the masterpiece I did for some conquest?



The thing that I don’t get with your picture Resident, is that the Astronaut was already without border. Why does the one in your pictures have border ? x)

Didn’t you see the masterpiece I did for some conquest?




Hahahaha !!! That made me laugh so hard ! Lova ya Rakza lol

OMG  :00555:


Is that actually Rakza btw, or did you get a picture of some random guy with a berret?



Say I have a really interesting idea, but I want to make it relevant to the SC universe by including the in-game graphic used for GS. Is this acceptable if it isn’t the main focus, or would this be considered using someone else’s work?

OMG  :00555:


Is that actually Rakza btw, or did you get a picture of some random guy with a berret?


It’s from Rakza, he gave me permission to use it back in the day :stuck_out_tongue:



Hahahaha !!! That made me laugh so hard ! Lova ya Rakza lol


Rakza is love. Rakza is life.



The thing that I don’t get with your picture Resident, is that the Astronaut was already without border. Why does the one in your pictures have border ? x)


I don’t even know. I guess it’s Rakza’s evil aura.