Tier restrictions for T5



Just saying… its a shame really.

xKostyan, on 01 Nov 2014 - 10:36 PM, said:[![snapback.png](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/snapback.png)](< base_url >/index.php?app=forums&module=forums&section=findpost&pid=895501)

b) Are there any plans to introduce a limit spread of the levels of ships that can take ssoboy in the match? Such as in PvE, where ships can not fly at low tech or high mission in LES - at least the third ship on the 11th rank, and in random PvP no filters and no conditions. Especially noticeable problem in T4-T5 where players often bring T1-T3 ships and fly them “pump” that they substitute their entire team does not care at all, and if still capture lighthouses fall, then down the drain.

b) No - for PvP

dat translate…

did you even try to understand it :D?

‘fly them “pump”’  Now what the hell does that mean??

I am quite curious myself :smiley:

dat translate…

did you even try to understand it :D?


Google. I don’t care enough to refine their translation.

Google. I don’t care enough to refine their translation.


Never use Google Translate… Never… It is the worst translator ever. 

the current proposal is similar to PvE 


you can join PvP if all ships are at respective Tier or -1

And what do we do with tier rushers that do not come with T5 T1 T1 T1 ships, but get with T5 X X X lineup ? Will that bypass the rule of -1 tier ?

If it does - it is bad implementation.  Unless there is exclusion of pilots that have less than 3 ships in hangar to “Capture the beacon” mode.

To be honest it is better for them to have 1 t5 than t5+3x1, in ctb they would only be able to give away 1 kill.

To be honest it is better for them to have 1 t5 than t5+3x1, in ctb they would only be able to give away 1 kill.

Good point.

Is it ok to have 2 t5, 2 t4?

There is no reason they can’t bring T5, 4 , 4, 4…  or T5, 4, 4…if they leveled up their tree to get one T5 ship. However I’ve noticed that MM “tries” to compensate for number of ships by putting even number of ships on both teams. (Although it isn’t always even… its close.) So if they bring just one T5, most of the time theres someone on the other team with just one ship.

There is no reason they can’t bring T5, 4 , 4, 4…  or T5, 4, 4…if they leveled up their tree to get one T5 ship. However I’ve noticed that MM “tries” to compensate for number of ships by putting even number of ships on both teams. (Although it isn’t always even… its close.) So if they bring just one T5, most of the time theres someone on the other team with just one ship.

t4s in good hands can compete with t5s, so i see no reason they should be excluded

T4s are fine, as long as they’re not fresh out the oven rank 10… Those are better levelled in t4 where they belong

4 4 4 5(r10) is even fine. As long as they do not bring 2 3 4 5 into T5 capture the beacon match.



and he flew his T3 the whole game… bah… tell me why! 



and he flew his T3 the whole game… bah… tell me why! 

The tier contract restriction I assume.

Basically you are restricted from some of the juiciest contracts if you play T3. He probably tier rushed and keep the T5 ship only to get into T5 matches, where he can get the 30 assists on fighters or w/e and get 20,000 or something loyalty. That is basically doubling daily income.

That is my guess of why people get their T3 and probably only T5 and go for T5 matches.

One of the many, many reasons the general population to move from T3 to T4 already, but …

I think i accidentally got put in a t1 match…




Something really needs to be done about this.  Is it really that hard to not allow people to join the t5 PVP queue unless they have at least 3 t4/t5 ships in their lineout, like for Sector Conquest?

I bet vir24 had fed prem engie

I bet vir24 had fed prem engie


Can’t remember exactly, but it’s more than likely