Tier restrictions for T5

Because T5 is endgame can we please make it so that the lowest Tier you can bring is T4. There are way too many ppl loading T3 & 2 ships and it Ruins the endgame experience.


If I can’t bring my T5 into T3 PVE then idiots can’t bring their T3s into my T5 PVP games.

End of story.

There really should be a cap on T3+ that restricts it to the tier you fly and one below, so you can only bring t2s and t3s into a t3 game, and so on…


It is ridiculous that people are stupid enough to bring t2 ships into t5 battles. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING??

I don’t like restrictions but what’s the point for T5 players to have farmed and played so much to get their ships if their games will be spoiled because of clueless players bringing extremely low tier ships?


Suggestion threads should always come with a Poll though.

Agreement in my camp.

Fully agreed

I lov it









Yeah, it would be good. I’m tired of reporting people for bringing tier 3 and lower to t5 games. And they even play with them in some games!!

Please let me show you my captain in anaconda (t5 match off course, from 8 november). 2q8u8le.jpg


So i totally agree with the restriction. 

I love 'em all!!



If they would make the Tier Restrictions for Voucher requirements a bit more visible, I think your problem would solve itself.


You know. That bug report I posted that turned out the high-level vouchers required nothing lower than T4 ships?

If they would make the Tier Restrictions for Voucher requirements a bit more visible, I think your problem would solve itself.


You know. That bug report I posted that turned out the high-level vouchers required nothing lower than T4 ships?

it’s same for every tier… you can get vouchers only one tier higher than your lowest ship in lineup

Forgive me for not knowing, but it’s been a long time since I needed to syn anything. Do they get more synergy for T5 games? If so isn’t having a t3/2 ship not just messing up the game for T5 guys, isn’t it also an exploit?

isn’t it also an exploit?


Really? Really.


Are you that desperate to get people to stop bringing lower tier ships into high-level matches that you’re going to try to get it labeled as an exploit? You are joking, right?


This game doesn’t need more ‘unofficial’ red tape that players can trip over. If the developers want to put in coding that prevents ships of a lower tier into a high-level match, fine. But reporting players for doing so when there is nothing preventing it? Calling it an exploit because they are trying to earn more synergy? That’s low.

Really? Really.


Are you that desperate to get people to stop bringing lower tier ships into high-level matches that you’re going to try to get it labeled as an exploit? You are joking, right?

Please do say it like that. It’s better for everyone to just say it the way he did.

Really? Really.


Are you that desperate to get people to stop bringing lower tier ships into high-level matches that you’re going to try to get it labeled as an exploit? You are joking, right?


This game doesn’t need more ‘unofficial’ red tape that players can trip over. If the developers want to put in coding that prevents ships of a lower tier into a high-level match, fine. But reporting players for doing so when there is nothing preventing it? Calling it an exploit because they are trying to earn more synergy? That’s low.

Bringing low-tier ships means you cannot compete, which can be interpreted as assisting the enemy (you’re basically giving them free kills and forcing your team to fly a man down). Assisting the enemy is against the rules. Ergo, it is valid to report people for bringing useless ships.

Any use of game mechanics that is unintended is an “Exploit”. It’s that way in every game. Im SURE its not intended for t3 ships to be getting more syn than they should in t3 battles… That is and exploit. 


Plain and simple, I wasn’t trying to make it one… it either is one or not.  I was asking if it was the same syn for t3 ships if they were in higher tier battles… if its the same… then its not an exploit then no foul. If its not the same then thats why ppl are bringing them and thats a cheat. It cheats the system and it cheats all of us who fought our way up to T5 the right way.


Either follow the rules… or go back to your tier. Or better yet - uninstall the game.

I think slayer of immortal, ot killing higher tired ship, does reward you with more synergy, but at the end that pilot is getting less du e tohigher chance of losing games, and much harder times getting the actual kill

Either follow the rules… or go back to your tier. Or better yet - uninstall the game.


Or we could stop with the nonsense about rules that don’t exist.


Exploits are a ban-able offense. Do you really want to see a witch hunt over something like this?


Yes, it’s annoying when there is that one team member who has a Harpy, Silent Fox, and Dagger in a T5 match. But until the developers actually make the game lock players out of high-tiers for this sort of thing, perhaps it would be better for everyone if the report button was saved for actual offenses.


Like AFK-botters.




It cheats the system and it cheats all of us who fought our way up to T5 the right way.


If by “the right way” you mean those of us who could just save up the credits and buy whatever ships we wanted before the synergy grind update, right?