Tier restrictions for T5

Or we could stop with the nonsense about rules that don’t exist.




Um… i actually almost quoted the rule … that does exist. I would copy paste it for you but … pft … not worth the effort anymore.


And I don’t know if having T3/2 ships in T5 is an exploit or not… and i didn’t call for a ban on those players. I’m asking if they get more syn than intended… and if so then that would be why ppl are bringing their ships into the higher Tiers… TOO EXPLOIT the system! 

No, that is not an exploit, just a bad behaviour (if repeated often) …if devs wanted that people not to bring low tier ships in T5 matches, would have done it already.

It’s like when ppl bring almost useless ships in some mission (ex. LRF in capture the beacons or smtn, etc.)…that doesnt mean that ppl must be banned…bcz they throw in game wrong ships…

Also…that ppl using that tactic…mess their profile (W/L) bcz of loosing more than others even if they are a burden for other teammates…and very low chance of winning.

So…in my opinnion is not a bannable offence…just a bad behaviour…even if they ruin others chances of winning.

there are two ways this plays out.

1.) oops, I loaded my T3’s and 2’s because I only had one T5 ship and I didn’t want to show up with just one slot filled… And well, I realy just wanted to see what T5 was like. (This is just players figuring out about the game. They show up - they realize they can’t hang with T5 and they go back to T3 on their own to bring up their ships - no harm no foul.) This is the “tier rusher” we actualy need the Tier restrictions for, so our T5 game stay “Endgame”.)

2.) screw everyone else I’m gona get extra synergy on my T3 ships and I’m going to stay in the T5 games until I level ever single ship from T2-5 on every branch of the tree because I figured out how to exploit the system… You can’t stop me! This person needs to be banned. Regardless. (However, Tier restrictions would also eliminate this.)

So you have no valid argument against Tier restrictions being added to the game unless you can dispute either of these situation.

How is LRF in CtB useless?

This was one of my worst matches but I posted it anyway. Congrats to Koromac for killing me.

I would just do it, like they did it in PVE, and of course, I would make a warning before you go to battle,

like “You have low rank ships in your set as well! Are you sure you want to start the game? (The lower ranked ships will not be able to participate in battle.)”
If you want to synergize your ship up, do it in your tier, or use free-synergy.

And take the “Slayer of Immortals” medal out.

I would just do it, like they did it in PVE, and of course, I would make a warning before you go to battle,

like “You have low rank ships in your set as well! Are you sure you want to start the game? (The lower ranked ships will not be able to participate in battle.)”

If you want to synergize your ship up, do it in your tier, or use free-synergy.

And take the “Slayer of Immortals” medal out.

you still can get Slayer of Immortals with -1 tier restriction so it’s ok

there are two ways this plays out…

…So you have no valid argument against Tier restrictions being added to the game unless you can dispute either of these situation.


You forgot a few other reasons.


  1. Player wants to keep using his/her unique DLC ships at higher levels and not leave them behind in Tier 3. (there was a suggestion I made awhile back about letting players ‘level up’ these unique ships into higher tiers. it was ignored.)


  1. Player doesn’t have any Premium ships in T4/5 and is trying to lessen high repair costs by bringing lower-ranked Premiums. (players have complained about excessive repair costs in T5 for a long time now. to no avail.)


So no, not everyone is a complete dolt or an evil schemer.


And I never said I was against Tier Restrictions. I am against butthurt veterans blowing things out of proportion because their precious “endgame” is occasionally populated by derpy players. You, my dear sir, are on a Witch Hunt. This will only end badly.

the current proposal is similar to PvE 


you can join PvP if all ships are at respective Tier or -1

And I never said I was against Tier Restrictions. I am against butthurt veterans blowing things out of proportion because their precious “endgame” is occasionally populated by derpy players. You, my dear sir, are on a Witch Hunt. This will only end badly.


Have you played T5?


atm it’s only one rule >> team with less idiots wins

There are shitload of tierrushers, dc, cruise tackler which mostly do nothing (spawning 2 drones and going away doesn’t count) and other ppl with only one ship equipped

atm it’s only one rule >> team with less idiots wins

There are shitload of tierrushers, dc, cruise tackler which mostly do nothing (spawning 2 drones and going away doesn’t count) and other ppl with only one ship equipped


Locking Tiers does nothing to prevent DC, Cruise Tackler Drone Droppers, or TierRushers with only 1 T5 ship.


Those problems will persist until they are addressed individually.


As far as the concentration of derpy players in T5, it sounds like a population issue. That’s what happens when you have an tier that the game’s population can’t support. Making it more exclusive won’t help either, and will probably only kill T5 faster with longer wait times and 3v3.


But let’s not mix up our problems and solutions.


The ONLY thing locked tiers will prevent is lower-tier ships from entering high-tier matches. You won’t cure the stupid players this way.

but we will reduce amount of stupid players in T5!



Have you played T5?


atm it’s only one rule >> team with less idiots wins

There are shitload of tierrushers, dc, cruise tackler which mostly do nothing (spawning 2 drones and going away doesn’t count) and other ppl with only one ship equipped


Oh finally you made your “comin’ out” about this.

It’s ok young boy, don’t repress your feelings… show your RAGE!

The ONLY thing locked tiers will prevent is lower-tier ships from entering high-tier matches. You won’t cure the stupid players this way.


It’s a start.

but we will reduce amount of stupid players in T5!


It’s a start.


Yeah, and sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. You will cure 1% of the problem with stupid players by locking tiers.


If you entire goal is to simply stop players from bringing inferior tech onto the battlefield, fine. But you won’t cure the stupid. The stupid will always be there.

I seriously doubt, you get more synergy if you bring a T2 ship into a T5 battle, anyway.

If you use the T2 ship, you will be less effective, therefore earning less points with the ship. Your credit and loot rewards will stay T2. You also might lose a lot more games than win.

In the end, what seems to be an “exploit”, is just like too early expansion in strategy games: you hope, having more territory in the start will benefit you, but actually, you get thrown back in total, and need a lot more time to reach the same strength, as someone who expanded once his economy was stable enough to carry it.

Now if you can play T2 ships like a pro, and still do good points and help your team win, you can benefit from this maybe, but it is very likely, that you won’t.

I fully support T5 restrictions, like having full decks in T4&T5 because of capture gamemodes (3 for T4, everybody in T5 should have 4 slots), no benefits for people who use only one single ship in the scoring system, and only having T4&T5 loaded up; Next to tier restrictions however, I also see the benefit of a “full synergy” restriction: to bring a ship in any tier above it than +1, it has to be fully synergized. So you have to know what you are doing; this would allow people to equip a fully synergized T3 in T5 if they don’t have enough ships for a full deck, but won’t allow taking those ships into T5 battles to synergize them.

I think, especially the deck rule would single out a lot of players, who play T5, because they own exactly one T5 ship. Such a person should not be able to enter lategame PvP yet. It is horrible, that some players in T5 do not know basic things, which should be clear to any regular T3 player.

I think, especially the deck rule would single out a lot of players, who play T5, because they own exactly one T5 ship. Such a person should not be able to enter lategame PvP yet.


I agreed with you up to this point.


If they have suffered through the progression grind to the point where they have one T5 ship, they ought to be able to use it. Such a player is already unable to compete in SecCon because they need at least 3 ships. They shouldn’t be denied regular PvP as well.

I am against butthurt veterans blowing things out of proportion because their precious “endgame” is occasionally populated by derpy players. 


"Occasionally?!?" Really, you use the word, “occasionally???” It is not a rare occurance or even anything worth the word “occasionally.” People bringing low-tier ships into a T5 game happens far too often. Probably 60% of all T5 games I play have at least 1 player who is running at least 1 T3 or lower ship in their loadout.


Solving this problem will solve a huge problem T5 faces, but yes, it is just a start. Stupid will always exist, but this prevents stupid players from being stupid and 100% useless. At least the stupid players can use T4/5 ships and not melt in 2 seconds like they would in a T5, so they would only be 90% useless, but it’s better than 100%. The other problem that can easily be fixed in T4/5 games is a requirement for a minimum number of ships (like seccon), but that is a topic for another thread. T4/5 needs to stay endgame, which means only high-tier ships are allowed and tier-rushing is prevented.

If they have suffered through the progression grind to the point where they have one T5 ship, they ought to be able to use it. Such a player is already unable to compete in SecCon because they need at least 3 ships. They shouldn’t be denied regular PvP as well.


We aren’t saying they can’t use it. If they have only one T5 ship, they can run it, along with the T4 ships they synergized to get to it. Running a single T5 and 3 T4s is far better than only running a single T5. We are only saying they shouldn’t be allowed to take their T3 and lower ships into T5 games (or T2 and lower into T4).

>mfw T3 and below in T5


I seriously doubt, you get more synergy if you bring a T2 ship into a T5 battle, anyway.

If you use the T2 ship, you will be less effective, therefore earning less points with the ship. Your credit and loot rewards will stay T2. You also might lose a lot more games than win.

In the end, what seems to be an “exploit”, is just like too early expansion in strategy games: you hope, having more territory in the start will benefit you, but actually, you get thrown back in total, and need a lot more time to reach the same strength, as someone who expanded once his economy was stable enough to carry it.

Now if you can play T2 ships like a pro, and still do good points and help your team win, you can benefit from this maybe, but it is very likely, that you won’t.

I fully support T5 restrictions, like having full decks in T4&T5 because of capture gamemodes (3 for T4, everybody in T5 should have 4 slots), no benefits for people who use only one single ship in the scoring system, and only having T4&T5 loaded up; Next to tier restrictions however, I also see the benefit of a “full synergy” restriction: to bring a ship in any tier above it than +1, it has to be fully synergized. So you have to know what you are doing; this would allow people to equip a fully synergized T3 in T5 if they don’t have enough ships for a full deck, but won’t allow taking those ships into T5 battles to synergize them.

I think, especially the deck rule would single out a lot of players, who play T5, because they own exactly one T5 ship. Such a person should not be able to enter lategame PvP yet. It is horrible, that some players in T5 do not know basic things, which should be clear to any regular T3 player.

Good ideas? Who said that there were good ideas allowed in this forum?