The updated Matchmaking system (Discussion)

3 minutes ago, Koromac said:



The Matchmaker logic:

The enemy has two Destroyers, our team has only one.

The enemy team has 32 ships, our team has only 29 which means three ships less.

We have one guy with Rank 3 ships, the enemy has fully upgraded Rank 9+.


I was right when I immediately assumed that we have a worse group than the enemy.


See how many ships are Guards here. How many Guards do we have?

Check Ellydium ships and unique ships as well.


There are so many things wrong here. Is the Matchmaker biased to favor certain people? Possibly… My win ratio keeps declining rapidly. My nerves of steel are alright… still.



Questions that need to be answered by the developers:

  • Is the Matchmaker system rigged to make you lose if somebody doesn’t like you?
  • Are some people using superior equipment given by developers that outperforms Mark 4 or even Mark 5 modules and that cannot be discovered in the logs?
  • Are certain people that are friends with developers, getting some extra features, like some sort of hidden passive boosts that are only available to a few?
  • Are certain people immune from getting banned or punished even if their action was clearly a violation?



I am 100% convinced that the MM is rigged to make certain people lose a lot. Bc my stats are anything but fantastic yet I am always matched against people who I immediately recognize as really good players, or wallet warriors.

And in every case, my team has been made of afk-ers or newbies.

It’s VERY rare for me to see actual good players on my team.

Hi,  I play PVP with ships rank 4,7,7 - opponent team minimum 10, optimal 12-15, for me total unplayable - unbalanced, sorry for my english

32 minutes ago, Koromac said:



The Matchmaker logic:

The enemy has two Destroyers, our team has only one.

The enemy team has 32 ships, our team has only 29 which means three ships less.

We have one guy with Rank 3 ships, the enemy has fully upgraded Rank 9+.


I was right when I immediately assumed that we have a worse group than the enemy.


See how many ships are Guards here. How many Guards do we have?

Check Ellydium ships and unique ships as well.


There are so many things wrong here. Is the Matchmaker biased to favor certain people? Possibly… My win ratio keeps declining rapidly. My nerves of steel are alright… still.



Questions that need to be answered by the developers:

  • Is the Matchmaker system rigged to make you lose if somebody doesn’t like you?
  • Are some people using superior equipment given by developers that outperforms Mark 4 or even Mark 5 modules and that cannot be discovered in the logs?
  • Are certain people that are friends with developers, getting some extra features, like some sort of hidden passive boosts that are only available to a few?
  • Are certain people immune from getting banned or punished even if their actions were clearly a violation?






Bad screenshot I can’t see names of all players well.

Can you post better one, please.


27 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I am 100% convinced that the MM is rigged to make certain people lose a lot. Bc my stats are anything but fantastic yet I am always matched against people who I immediately recognize as really good players, or wallet warriors.

And in every case, my team has been made of afk-ers or newbies.

It’s VERY rare for me to see actual good players on my team.



Make screenshot and post it here, I have the same assumption about your statement, that some players get always in better team.

34 minutes ago, Koromac said:



The Matchmaker logic:

The enemy has two Destroyers, our team has only one.

The enemy team has 32 ships, our team has only 29 which means three ships less.

We have one guy with Rank 3 ships, the enemy has fully upgraded Rank 9+.


I was right when I immediately assumed that we have a worse group than the enemy.


Let’s us assume mm would take its choices upon skills not ship rank - for a moment …

just a paradigm shift - Koro you know what that means paradigm shift?

9 minutes ago, Koromac said:



The Matchmaker logic:

The enemy has two Destroyers, our team has only one.

The enemy team has 32 ships, our team has only 29 which means three ships less.

We have one guy with Rank 3 ships, the enemy has fully upgraded Rank 9+.


I was right when I immediately assumed that we have a worse group than the enemy.


See how many ships are Guards here. How many Guards do we have?

Check Ellydium ships and unique ships as well.



That poor beginner R3 pilot plays just 2 months shorter than you, Koro. Also - rank doesn’t matter anymore - there are multiple reports on vets trying to downrank and ending in R15 battles. Number of ships in slots - again - doesn’t matter, as there is no capture the beacon mode now, the same goes for the ship types. Everyone was saying that dessies are crap now, so why do you even mention them?

 Only experience and skill is taken into account now. You had 2 of our primary wing members on your side. 


Regarding those 4 lines of the conspiracy theories - the answer for all 4 of them is negative. Sorry. All accounts are treated the same way. So no - no exceptions. 

for logs - if you have the verbose option at the 3rd level - you see everything that happens - even if someone is using experimental module (verified on the test server, btw). 



1 minute ago, avarshina said:

Let’s us assume mm would take its choices upon skills not ship rank - for a moment …

just a paradigm shift - Koro you know what that means paradigm shift?



I believe this game was over fast because it started probably two vs two and in this case where the team has all beacons (we all know that objects can kill energy regen on 4km for 20 sec).

There is no chance to take two becons in map like this fast enough with hot joining while NY 18 are defending them.

Still, I don’t see names of all players well. 

11 minutes ago, niripas said:

You had 2 of our primary wing members on your side.  …

Yes - this battle looks not so much imbalanced from a glace…


12 minutes ago, niripas said:

for logs - if you have the verbose option at the 3rd level - you see everything that happens -

where to activate log level? (Linux client)

13 minutes ago, SunnySweet said:


Make screenshot and post it here, I have the same assumption about your statement, that some players get always in better team.

Well I quit PvP for a reason.


Nothing there for me aside for the daily purple and the now non-existent combat recon.


Combat recon was the best mode. It was “join in progress battles” that made people complain about it. That and the fact that the captain was chosen randomly instead of being voted in. (eg. You’d see LRF captains or tackler captains trying to cloak) xD

Speaking of combat recon, why do missions still require that mode???

I have several missions that are impossible to complete now because of combat recon being removed.

What do you say about this, it happened just now.

I think. I will not play anymore today.

No point.

At least no more PvP.

No fun.


Sorry, but this was far far away from any balance. 

It just proves that experience players in squads will be even more dangerous now.

59 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Well I quit PvP for a reason.

I quit PvE ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

Nothing better than PvP


2 hours ago, SunnySweet said:

Make screenshot and post it here, I have the same assumption about your statement, that some players get always in better team.


2 hours ago, SunnySweet said:

Still, I don’t see names of all players well. 


Click on the screenshot to zoom in.


2 hours ago, SunnySweet said:

I believe this game was over fast because it started probably two vs two and in this case where the team has all beacons (we all know that objects can kill energy regen on 4km for 20 sec).

There is no chance to take two becons in map like this fast enough with hot joining while NY 18 are defending them.

Still, I don’t see names of all players well. 


Of course. You’re defenseless and can’t escape because you can’t use your modules. But I am discussing the possibility of rigged or biased MM. Wittman thinks the same.

There is something there, that’s for sure.



when can we have the balance teams?

8 hours ago, Koromac said:



Click on the screenshot to zoom in.



Judging from my experience:


it was 3 decent players against  6.

Even if this is small map, your team didn’t use ships that are fast and that can cap becons fast.

All long range pew pew ships.

All this combined with hot joining in game where all becons are lost is bad game and bad balance.


You needed player like xKostyan here to turn it opposite way.




2 hours ago, Savanna said:



when can we have the balance teams?



On topic;


Your question is more than valid. It deserves to be answered by developers.


But since I don’t think they will do it;

I can try to answer this.When Grumpy Gus ( [Link](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/) ) will leave this game.



Off topic, the first time that I see this player names  ![:crazy:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/crazy.png “:crazy:”)





39 minutes ago, SunnySweet said:


On topic;


Your question is more than valid. It deserves to be answered by developers.


But since I don’t think they will do it;

I can try to answer this.When Grumpy Gus ( [Link](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/) ) will leave this game.



Off topic, the first time that I see this player names  ![:crazy:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/crazy.png “:crazy:”)





last time, they auswered me, “the new MM system is coming, and it will fix this, so stop posting these kind of pic”

i didn’t remember the accurate time, it’s around 20014~2015 maybe.

1 hour ago, SunnySweet said:


Judging from my experience:


it was 3 decent players against  6.

Even if this is small map, your team didn’t use ships that are fast and that can cap becons fast.

All long range pew pew ships.

All this combined with hot joining in game where all becons are lost is bad game and bad balance.


You needed player like xKostyan here to turn it opposite way.




Why you don’t count Koro as a decent player ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) ? 2 SRS, Koro, Hiton vs Vovan, TB, AlenX. 

ABCss and FausTUT got their w/l in SCL and dreads, they are much lower on the skill level as Koro - they are similar to Alles. So 4 good, 1 medium vs 3 good 2 medium. 

I am sorry Koro - but regarding skills  this was a missed rage. As Sunny said - ship composition was just awful and if you want to talk about rigged MM - actually your team had a little advantage in skills. That last guy with T1s is playing almost as long as you. 

24 minutes ago, niripas said:

Why you don’t count Koro as a decent player ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”) ? 2 SRS, Koro, Hiton vs Vovan, TB, AlenX. 

ABCss and FausTUT got their w/l in SCL and dreads, they are much lower on the skill level as Koro - they are similar to Alles. So 4 good, 1 medium vs 3 good 2 medium. 

I am sorry Koro - but regarding skills  this was a missed rage. As Sunny said - ship composition was just awful and if you want to talk about rigged MM -



Ok, I will try to explain.

Koro and MaxV are only two decent players, Shazlenla plays just long range gunships. Usually, spark with auto-aim weapon or like in this case Orelius + Focusing laser so no way that he will cap since he is 6+km away from becon.

Ships composition was indeed wrong in Koro team.



24 minutes ago, niripas said:


actually your team had a little advantage in skills. That last guy with T1s is playing almost as long as you. 


I don’t agree that he has better team.

More decent players in opposite team.

To make it even more clear, more players that know what to do in domination in opposite team.


But still, for that particular game, I would blame in 75% hot joining.

It is extra hard to turn around game when you hot join it.

In case if it happens it means that hot joining was extra unbalanced and all good players that hot joined are in opposite team.


I’m really against hot joining, it makes games even more unbalanced. 

Also, a lot of games is already decided before all players can join it.


This is just way to please Grumpy Gus. [Link](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/)


I assume who is Grumpy Gus in English forum.

Since he is not active here in past few days, guess he has a lot of newbies to kill.