The updated Matchmaking system (Discussion)

9 hours ago, g4borg said:

I do like the idea, and I think it’s the right direction for SC to go into a full endgame design, but I am not sure if it would not be easier with a clean cut revamp

… guess what- they already have decided: Journey aka transition or evolution not revolution ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


8 hours ago, g4borg said:

overall, i have fun trying r5 and r6 and still getting into r15 games

yes m8 - it was xxxx to fight you in my r12 Wazzi – what a good pilot can do with this r5 Joker … amazing!


6 hours ago, _terrorblade said:

Please disable this for t1 and t2 at least. .

EDIT:  they went offline after our second game. Seriously, where is the skill based part of this MM?

yes its a problem that this transition or journey takes some time … I hope it will be short time - short shoc


5 hours ago, SunnySweet said:

I think that we need in-game poll for this.

Question for the poll; 

sunny pls do not miss the sweet opportunity to make this poll - seriously I would love to participate in your poll!!


5 hours ago, niripas said:

Ooops, maybe I should hide somewhere ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Those are current rank limits:



Thank you m8! I would love to have you promoted to associated developer already ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) You defny do more than a normal GM  - thanks for the vital infos!!!


4 hours ago, Savanna said:

so many people here saying, new players are leaving!!! New players have to fight with R15!!! The game is end!!!

but, how many of u really try the new MM as a new player?

I did, and what i got is, the new MM is fine.  …

In had  the pleasur to fight you – really good fights and I have to get me a second account for tests … thats for sure…


4 hours ago, DeathWasp said:

How is this in any way fair to the new players?

Only question is why are such players (blue side)  ended up on one side against this other group (red side)??

What is wrong with mm here??? I hope that there is a reasonable explanation…


4 hours ago, John161 said:

I played a couple of rounds on an new account and you actually should get a few battles against new players first, I had two round against low rank ships and one bot on each site. After that I also faced r15 ships, but I wasn’t sure if I get already ranked up because of my stats or because of their mm beefing garbage.

Now after looking at the stats of TheMuffin I think that their mm is just utterly garbage now.

You are experienced player – can you make a  guess why??  Lets solve this thing!


3 hours ago, SunnySweet said:

How is possible that four best players in this PvP match play on the same side?

Where is MM here? 

exactly what I thought!


3 hours ago, g4borg said:

he probably has one of the 3 special ships which are neither fed / jerri / emp / elly


just a guess.

good guess  mate – this is the rather dark spot one would look for , the new uniques…

Should have stayed 3 rank per tier. But people disliked the mm back then and asked for skill based so…


And if i recall correctly the only other factor was pilot rating or was it rating.

But we gotta face the truth, pretty much only the fans or money invested people are still playing. And we ain’t gaining many anymore.


So whatever we wish for is just that, a wish with low chance of being realized. Sad… i haven’t followed many mmo from awesome to average or so because of what i believe is a bad understanding of the playerbase wishes and/or bad ,fusion, of both ideas, direction to take, into a single and unique path.


I now need updates, to come back playing ![:(](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/003j.png “:(”) Otherwise i don’t even think to play. From roughly 7hrs a day, every day, in the first months.

Here’s some incoming player data for those interested:


Over the past year I’ve invited probably 6-8 people, with and without referral code, and referred the game to dozens of people that I commonly see.

All made it above R6 but only one of them still plays.

One quit when he made his first destroyer and realized that it was useless.

A few quit because of PvP.

One quit just because life happened.

I am pretty sure one quit because of a bug that prevented him from playing or something. It wasn’t really clear.

And many others quit just because they only saw the game as “just another ‘pay your way to the top’ game”.


The one who stayed is just a PvE lover.



This is concerning.

10 hours ago, SunnySweet said:



This is great screenshot here.

This is pointing to main problems in MM that we have here.


Just look at players on BLUE side,

I’m not talking about rank of ships here, just look at names.

How is possible that four best players in this PvP match play on the same side?

Where is MM here? 

Who is saying that MM is fine?


This screenshot is telling all about current MM.

This is what I’m talking about one-sided games, no even games.



That is exactly why I would fire MM developer. 



YES, that’s the point.

the MM always make the unbalance teams.

I have complained about the same problem yeas ago, and at that time a devs told me that they are working on it and the “new MM system” will fix this problem so i should stop my complain…

but after these years, the “new MM system” become to the “old MM system”, and the problem is still here, and that devs is long time no see…i still remember his funy red hat, it’s so funy…

4 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Here’s some incoming player data for those interested:


Over the past year I’ve invited probably 6-8 people, with and without referral code, and referred the game to dozens of people that I commonly see.

All made it above R6 but only one of them still plays.

One quit when he made his first destroyer and realized that it was useless.

A few quit because of PvP.

One quit just because life happened.

I am pretty sure one quit because of a bug that prevented him from playing or something. It wasn’t really clear.

And many others quit just because they only saw the game as “just another ‘pay your way to the top’ game”.


The one who stayed is just a PvE lover.



This is concerning.

well. maybe because i got a SC player groups, so i saw so many new players join in and old players leave. it’s fine.

as i remember, the biggest players lose, is when they changed the pve.

players can no longer choose the diffcult level of pve by them self, the T1~T2 have to play easy mode, T3 have to playt normal mode, and T4~5 have to play the hard mode.

before that, if u feel too hard in pvp/pve u may choose lower level pve to play, get less income but also easy to win and easy to enjoy the happy game.

i don’t know how many players leave after that change, but as i remember, during that time, they stop to display how many people logged into the server and how many people is playing.

6 hours ago, avarshina said:

… guess what- they already have decided: Journey aka transition or evolution not revolution ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)


![:016:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/016.png “:016:”)


6 hours ago, avarshina said:


yes m8 - it was xxxx to fight you in my r12 Wazzi – what a good pilot can do with this r5 Joker … amazing!



Yes good pilot,

some questions here;

How many new pilots will be good when they get to R5?

And how will they perform in just on R5 ship against good players with full line up?

Will they have the will to continue to higher ranks or will they just leave because majority will just be by my opinion cannon food.



6 hours ago, avarshina said:


yes its a problem that this transition or journey takes some time … I hope it will be short time - short shoc


6 hours ago, avarshina said:


sunny pls do not miss the sweet opportunity to make this poll - seriously I would love to participate in your poll!!



Please make in game poll, not forum poll.

We don’t have enough people here on this forum.

Let all people vote in game.

You know good old polls in game where we got 10 GS if we voted, 

you don’t even need to give GS you can give 50 Iridium now and all will vote.



6 hours ago, avarshina said:


Thank you m8! I would love to have you promoted to associated developer already ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) You defny do more than a normal GM  - thanks for the vital infos!!!



Yep Niri is doing good job here no doubt.



But this lies for now, since I see R3 ships in PvP as well


Developers should also implement that players need at least three R5 ships in slot before they can join R5+ PvP games



6 hours ago, avarshina said:


In had  the pleasur to fight you – really good fights and I have to get me a second account for tests … thats for sure…



When the hell you guys play I don’t see you in game?



6 hours ago, avarshina said:


exactly what I thought!




How is possible that four best players in this PvP match play on the same side?


Still, how is this possible? 

Because I have more games like this then even games.







5 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Here’s some incoming player data for those interested:


Over the past year I’ve invited probably 6-8 people, with and without referral code, and referred the game to dozens of people that I commonly see.

All made it above R6 but only one of them still plays.

One quit when he made his first destroyer and realized that it was useless.

A few quit because of PvP.

One quit just because life happened.

I am pretty sure one quit because of a bug that prevented him from playing or something. It wasn’t really clear.

And many others quit just because they only saw the game as “just another ‘pay your way to the top’ game”.


The one who stayed is just a PvE lover.



This is concerning.

Yeah, its concerning because of how less commitment people have these days, at the smallest sign of a speed bump or a game issue, even if its their fault, and they drop everything and never come back, sometimes cause of the stupidest reasons.

6 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Here’s some incoming player data for those interested:


Over the past year I’ve invited probably 6-8 people, with and without referral code, and referred the game to dozens of people that I commonly see.

All made it above R6 but only one of them still plays.

One quit when he made his first destroyer and realized that it was useless.

A few quit because of PvP.

One quit just because life happened.

I am pretty sure one quit because of a bug that prevented him from playing or something. It wasn’t really clear.

And many others quit just because they only saw the game as “just another ‘pay your way to the top’ game”.


The one who stayed is just a PvE lover.



This is concerning.





I have similar experience with my friends here,

They left because of combination of one-sided game (bad MM) 

and a lot of them left when after hard work to get destroyers those same destroyers were nerfed.

I think that developers here make major mistake when they implement something and after that, they nerf that same thing in the game.


For the record, I don’t like destroyers, but I still think they should be harder to kill.




Now, this is chronicle how things are working in this game;


Let’s just see few updates that we have and how developers in this game do this:



Update 1


Destroyers , a lot of playing time was needed to get them, really hard grinding, for sure they were op when they came out but not because they were hard to kill but because of badly balanced weapons.

Vigilant was the perfect example, just spawn and then wipe out all enemy team with an insane range of lasers.

Sirius again to much range with that Gthardu weapon that also had the big radius of projectile.

Tyrant was only one that had good balance back then.



Then heavy nerf happened to destroyers, people are starting to leave at this point.



Update 2


Elly ships

Immortal Thar’ga

It really was immortal and it was very very hard to get.

Starts with just Millefeuille farming people and bragging how he feels like one with that Tha’ga (20+kills in each game)

Perhaps the biggest rip of players here.

Players were disconnecting from PvP games when they saw Thar’ga on another side.


We have just two possible things to do if we didn’t like to be farmed

a). Leave the game

b). Grind Grind Grind to get that OP Thar’ga


Now we finally got those Thar’ga ships. Still, PvP is mess, team with more Thar’ga ships win.

Usually, heavy unbalanced games because of all Thar’ga were on one side.

Developers don’t listen to complains about this and people are disconnecting and leaving the game again.


Then Thar’ga got heavy nerf, again players that grind for Thar’ga are unhappy.

Since the only way to fight Thar’ga at that point was to have it, 90% of players were unhappy with that nerf then.


Now we got Tai’kin

Same story like with Thar’ga. Immortal ship if played properly. Hell I played survival mode with it had 15+ kills and got Fear me in the end.


Do you see pattern that is going in this game?

New ships are extra hard to get. And when everyone has it you go and nerf it.

Please for the well of this game change this pattern, please.

Update 0: When developers prohibited the squad game.
Update -1: When they first created the mixed tier game.
Look at the date of creation!

[Link](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/)

12 minutes ago, SuDoKu said:

Update 0: When developers prohibited the squad game.
Update -1: When they first created the mixed tier game.
Look at the date of creation!

[Link](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/)





This [Link](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21994-the-star-conflict-comic/)  is the best thing that I have seen here  ![:lol:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/lol.png “:lol:”)

So true.  ![:good:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/good.gif “:good:”)


I still think that Grumpy Gus is here.


Let us guess who is he;


I vote for xK  ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”) but I’m not active on this forum for long so I might be wrong here.

This game is dead ,MM is the worst so far since the  beginning of the game. ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)

19 hours ago, SunnySweet said:


Don’t blame @niripas for this,


He is just messenger. 


In middle age, if a message were bad messenger was killed usually.


No1 IS blaming niripas, and that includes my self as well.


20 hours ago, ComWittman said:

@niripas, seems it aint just me…

That’s a reply, the facts are here, where do you see blame/offensive reply etc ? The reply is very clear and concerns this issue and its occurrence. I may be old but not from the middle ages era, wouldn’t want to kill the messenger because he’s just that, a messenger. And despite me appearing offensive, some say, I assure you it is not in ANY way my intention, however at times the messenger gets the heat [intentionally or unintentionally which is wrong] especially when there’s no other to appear and explain.

From my 1st post I said that this thread is pointless since it lacks both players in volume and official presence.

7 hours ago, Deliberator said:

This game is dead ,MM is the worst so far since the  beginning of the game. ![:(:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/(.png “:(:”)

Hmm tbh it created pretty good stir amongst the community. People are nervous because all ships are equal now. It still needs some work but it prevents seal clubbing pretty nice.

Just today we had an example of one of the top players trying to create alt account and farm newbies just to prove the point. He was immediately detected and thrown into highest difficulty as soon as he pressed the pvp button. So as G4borg said previously - there are no rookie ships now. 

You don’t have an excuse “Hey it threw my R9 against R15 and we had to lose”. IMHO that kind of MM should be here from the beginning. Does it need tweaks? SURE. But from what I am reading the idea is solid. What I don’t like is the method how it was introduced - there was no information campaign and only a handful of people know how it works now. No one is saying that this is a prelude to further game overhaul where ranks are just that - ranks of loyalty in faction. This is what is missing. 

Adjustment table was tweaked so now I rarely see top players choosing lower ranked ships - maybe for fun, but definitely not for serious flying.


At least we can still go low ranks in PvE and Co-op, maybe I shouldn’t say anything, but yes, definitely needs more tweaking.

22 minutes ago, niripas said:

Hmm tbh it created pretty good stir amongst the community. People are nervous because all ships are equal now. It still needs some work but it prevents seal clubbing pretty nice.

Just today we had an example of one of the top players trying to create alt account and farm newbies just to prove the point. He was immediately detected and thrown into highest difficulty as soon as he pressed the pvp button. So as G4borg said previously - there are no rookie ships now. 


I really doubt that it was highest. It was probly medium in which you can get quite fast. I tried it with an alt account (DonParmesan) and I only had really few battles with players who I would expect in the highest difficulty.

9 hours ago, SunnySweet said:

Update 1


Destroyers , a lot of playing time was needed to get them, really hard grinding, for sure they were op when they came out but not because they were hard to kill but because of badly balanced weapons.

Vigilant was the perfect example, just spawn and then wipe out all enemy team with an insane range of lasers.

Sirius again to much range with that Gthardu weapon that also had the big radius of projectile.

Tyrant was only one that had good balance back then.



Then heavy nerf happened to destroyers, people are starting to leave at this point.



Update 2


Elly ships

Immortal Thar’ga

It really was immortal and it was very very hard to get.

Starts with just Millefeuille farming people and bragging how he feels like one with that Tha’ga (20+kills in each game)

Perhaps the biggest rip of players here.

Players were disconnecting from PvP games when they saw Thar’ga on another side.


We have just two possible things to do if we didn’t like to be farmed

a). Leave the game

b). Grind Grind Grind to get that OP Thar’ga


Now we finally got those Thar’ga ships. Still, PvP is mess, team with more Thar’ga ships win.

Usually, heavy unbalanced games because of all Thar’ga were on one side.

Developers don’t listen to complains about this and people are disconnecting and leaving the game again.


Then Thar’ga got heavy nerf, again players that grind for Thar’ga are unhappy.

Since the only way to fight Thar’ga at that point was to have it, 90% of players were unhappy with that nerf then.


Now we got Tai’kin

Same story like with Thar’ga. Immortal ship if played properly. Hell I played survival mode with it had 15+ kills and got Fear me in the end.


Do you see pattern that is going in this game?

New ships are extra hard to get. And when everyone has it you go and nerf it.

Please for the well of this game change this pattern, please.

totaly right, that’s why i don’t play pvp since elly ships, be killed in spawn almost all time was definitively not funny . and i’m not sure to play pvp again… and about destro, saw today on steam how they are all so weak…  r8 dessies v stingray…it become really stu pid to play with.

Matches were a little better today. some had newbies in them but most didn’t

In fact some games were pretty good, with mostly decent pilots on both sides.


However, this was from solo queue. Not sure how it’s looking with squads yet

well, as long as it’s allow to best players to go in full team on pvp and have fun killing the weak team… untill we CAN’T go in pvp ourself if we try to be 3 or 4 on team…why they ll stop ?

2 hours ago, niripas said:

Hmm tbh it created pretty good stir amongst the community. People are nervous because all ships are equal now. It still needs some work but it prevents seal clubbing pretty nice.

Just today we had an example of one of the top players trying to create alt account and farm newbies just to prove the point. He was immediately detected and thrown into highest difficulty as soon as he pressed the pvp button. So as G4borg said previously - there are no rookie ships now. 

You don’t have an excuse “Hey it threw my R9 against R15 and we had to lose”. IMHO that kind of MM should be here from the beginning. Does it need tweaks? SURE. But from what I am reading the idea is solid. What I don’t like is the method how it was introduced - there was no information campaign and only a handful of people know how it works now. No one is saying that this is a prelude to further game overhaul where ranks are just that - ranks of loyalty in faction. This is what is missing. 

Adjustment table was tweaked so now I rarely see top players choosing lower ranked ships - maybe for fun, but definitely not for serious flying.



i like the MM right now. but there is still some thing i think should be improved.


first, balanced team. the MM need to make the team more balance.

second, crew level should go with players not the ship, as all ship should have all 15 crew skills if the player reach the R15.

third, when i take both R9 ship and R15 ship to get into the pvp, system blocked the R9 ship.



The Matchmaker logic:

The enemy has two Destroyers, our team has only one.

The enemy team has 32 ships, our team has only 29 which means three ships less.

We have one guy with Rank 3 ships, the enemy has fully upgraded Rank 9+.


I was right when I immediately assumed that we have a worse group than the enemy.


See how many ships are Guards here. How many Guards do we have?

Check Ellydium ships and unique ships as well.


There are so many things wrong here. Is the Matchmaker biased to favor certain people? Possibly… My win ratio keeps declining rapidly. My nerves of steel are alright… still.



Questions that need to be answered by the developers:

  • Is the Matchmaker system rigged to make you lose if somebody doesn’t like you?
  • Are some people using superior equipment given by developers that outperforms Mark 4 or even Mark 5 modules and that cannot be discovered in the logs?
  • Are certain people that are friends with developers, getting some extra features, like some sort of hidden passive boosts that are only available to a few?
  • Are certain people immune from getting banned or punished even if their actions were clearly a violation?

