The updated Matchmaking system (Discussion)

Welcome to discuss [the updated Matchmaking system!](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36100-the-updated-matchmaking-system/)



You can change this up to now. You need more players. In my opinion. PvP players.

Yeah, I’m not sure about it, I’ve seen people with Rank 1 ships as their only ship in the lineup face R15 ones, it might take stats into consideration thus preventing seal clubbing, but at the same time some people who do not match their stats might not have any business being there, thus becoming target practice which is frustrating for anyone, will the MM revamp change this or will it stay this way until further notice?

Even if lower levels pilots get a bonus, this won’t change the fact that experienced pilots will shred them apart. I’ve noticed that combat recon is back that’s cool but the cap still get one shooted right at the beginning of the match and mostly if the cap is actually a r4 pilots vs r15. Happen to me yesterday… The 3mins cooldown must be taken back or people will start crying again over this mode which is, I think, one the best

the whole idea of rank 1 Vs. rank 17 (lets not forget that rank 17 is coming) is a complete disaster !!! … you can’t farm loyalty in a rank 1 but if your in a rank 3-5 you get huge bonuses … maybe you could remove the  PVP from loyalty farming  and other farming and just let the players play PVP with rank 3-5 like they want to and you might just get team players that play like a team … in the currant system you have 100’s PVPers like me that do PVP once a day to get iridium and wardens vouchers if they need them … the PVP in this game sucks badly and I would  NEVER do PVP if the  farming didn’t force me to … I know  I’m not alone in this  and I suspect that if you made it possible to farm EVERYTHING without doing PVP you would have a much happier PVP community as a result …

2 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

the whole idea of rank 1 Vs. rank 17 (lets not forget that rank 17 is coming) is a complete disaster !!! … you can’t farm loyalty in a rank 1 but if your in a rank 3-5 you get huge bonuses … 

Think. R1 vs R15 can happen only if someone with the same experience as this R15 pilot took R1. Matchmaker cannot solve people stupidity and deliberate actions like this.

Also the whole idea is to:


Current global fleet revamp, where each ship regardless of rank now has unique characteristics and equipment. 



3 minutes ago, niripas said:

Think. R1 vs R15 can happen only if someone with the same experience as this R15 pilot took R1. Matchmaker cannot solve people stupidity and deliberate actions like this.

Also the whole idea is to:




The MM is just plain stupid and the only thing it successfully accomplishes is driving away the new players we desperately need…

Please, also open the patch discussion 1.5.0f. and not the Matchmaker discussion only!   ![:yes_yes_yes:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/yes_yes_yes.gif “:yes_yes_yes:”)

Ranks should be compleatly removed if they dont do any differance of what enemy you face, how is this new matchmaker queueing me with veterans? im queuing with all sorts of ranks now and im getting easier kills more than ever, you need more advertising please listen, we need more players! This is a great game and would attract alot of people, but not if you dont advertise it.





I do not like it either.

I am practically really considering to take a long break from this game, maybe forever.

[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/),


Please, provide us with the chart/table of the ships’ bonuses for all Ranks.

You know, the current ones that are in effect.

“skill” rating is arbitrary. Match based on standardized variables or make “skill” a useful number. Because right now, a high “skill” rating just means you lose a lot until you lower it.



I think that title of this topic is wrong.  


We all can see that we have now R1 ships and R15 in same game, isn’t it late now to discuss this?


It is like you kick players in balls and lets discuss now when players are bend on ground.


Do I like to be kicked in balls??


I don’t like it.  

R1-8 players should not be me merged with R9-15. This should be learning zone for new players.



I would like to discuss MM BALANCE but sadly I don’t see any.


I think that you have to remove head developer for MM if you have him/she and replace him/she with new one.

You better do this fast.

Number of players in game prove that I have point here.

You are doing good job with implementing new modules every two weeks now.

But we have less and less players.

Question is why?

My opinion is this;

Players are leaving because very bad BALANCE in MM.



Here you can see your perfect balance,  this screen shot was made yesterday 

and I have few more if you need


Discuss this now.






Okay, to avoid clicking on this malicious link, here it is:



Good job, SunnySweet!

I still say we need to bring back tiers. Yes there are very few players already, but it would keep them instead of scaring them off with the current system.


R1-3, R4-6, R7-9, R10-12, R13-15, R16-18.

Do thus with merges in between tiers and we have the perfect system.


3 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I still say we need to bring back tiers. Yes there are very few players already, but it would keep them instead of scaring them off with the current system.


R1-3, R4-6, R7-9, R10-12, R13-15, R16-18.

Do thus with merges in between tiers and we have the perfect system.



R16-18 should not be a separate tier, it should be included into the t5 tier since there wont be enough players on those tier levels.

So, what is that skill based mm? Everyone commented about getting r1 in r15. So no it is not rare, devs.


Plz tell me it’s not like the guy did 1 battle, won, got 20 kills 30 assist and since it’s his first battle. Got (OP) skills. But in fact he his without experience.

the Dev’s aren’t responding anymore… they know  its SH*T and can’t do anything else to keep the queue times below 15 minutes … pilot rating  ranges between 4500 and 8500 this is why your win to loss ratio is 90% … this  system isn’t going to change  until the player base is  4 times higher and the player base wont increase until the Dev’s fix the game  … its a catch 22 … so we play PVE and forget all about PVP and its all good …

14 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

so we play PVE and forget all about PVP and its all good …

Thats basically what I’ve been doing. Only ever dip in to PvP for the daily purple spot.


And lately the game has been very… Quiet. Idk what it is. It just feels dead. There’s nobody talking and nobody playing, and queue times are much longer than usual.