The updated Matchmaking system (Discussion)

4 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Thats basically what I’ve been doing. Only ever dip in to PvP for the daily purple spot.


And lately the game has been very… Quiet. Idk what it is. It just feels dead. There’s nobody talking and nobody playing, and queue times are much longer than usual.

It’s over. We all know it. They have finally nailed the coffin!

4 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

Thats basically what I’ve been doing. Only ever dip in to PvP for the daily purple spot.


And lately the game has been very… Quiet. Idk what it is. It just feels dead. There’s nobody talking and nobody playing, and queue times are much longer than usual.


I can understand that you are playing PvE because of bad MM in PvP.

But queue times are not longer. I get in PvP game very fast.

Less then 30 sec.

I would still prefer bit more waiting time then hot joining.

Would be fine If you can actually divide the matches based on skill level (which is hard, but many games do this… doesn’t have to be 100% accurate)

Like if someone skilled & experienced couldn’t join lower rank games even on r1 ship - that’s good. And if someone who’s awful at the game but has r15 is fighting good r5 pilots - that’s fine too


Currently it doesn’t seem to be working… throwing new players against the best


37 minutes ago, _terrorblade said:

Would be fine If you can actually divide the matches based on skill level (which is hard, but many games do this… doesn’t have to be 100% accurate)

Like if someone skilled & experienced couldn’t join lower rank games even on r1 ship - that’s good. And if someone who’s awful at the game but has r15 is fighting good r5 pilots - that’s fine too


Currently it doesn’t seem to be working… throwing new players against the best


I can sign under this.


Here’s what happened in a 10-minute match that was only 3 vs. 3.


In the end, they started to self-destruct on their own. I am sorry that I didn’t record this match now. They had no chance.

1 hour ago, Original_Taz said:

the Dev’s aren’t responding anymore… they know  its SH*T and can’t do anything else to keep the queue times below 15 minutes … pilot rating  ranges between 4500 and 8500 this is why your win to loss ratio is 90% … this  system isn’t going to change  until the player base is  4 times higher and the player base wont increase until the Dev’s fix the game  … its a catch 22 … so we play PVE and forget all about PVP and its all good …





nope, not happening soon. why dont they ask their comrades from wargaming and world of tanks about their matchmaking ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

anyways i still strongly feel that player efficiency is a poor estimator and winrating is a much better one …

1 hour ago, _terrorblade said:

Would be fine If you can actually divide the matches based on skill level (which is hard, but many games do this… doesn’t have to be 100% accurate)

Like if someone skilled & experienced couldn’t join lower rank games even on r1 ship - that’s good. And if someone who’s awful at the game but has r15 is fighting good r5 pilots - that’s fine too


Currently it doesn’t seem to be working… throwing new players against the best



the  MM skill level needs to be  100% based on PVP kills only … you do that and the  rapists will get put together

I wouldn’t say that the problem is the rank of the ships, just that the mm is crap.














1 hour ago, Voydwalker said:

winrating is a much better one …


Win rating + average kills per battle. 


And no more squads in PvP please.

Make separate PvP for squads

One good gunship that is constantly healed by Waz’got is impossible to kill.


11 hours ago, SunnySweet said:

We all can see that we have now R1 ships and R15 in same game, isn’t it late now to discuss this?

What if new mm was based on bayesian learning algoriths, it would need new games to learn, that is : in learning phase you will be put in over and under battles and in a while system will learn your skills by learning from its misstakes, like email spam filter work… false positives and false negatives in the beginning - think about it, mm is learning


10 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

I still say we need to bring back tiers…

with the new v1.5.0f patch came tiers: easy, medium, hard …


10 hours ago, SoulDeliverer said:

So, what is that skill based mm? Everyone commented about getting r1 in r15. So no it is not rare, devs.


Plz tell me it’s not like the guy did 1 battle, won, got 20 kills 30 assist and since it’s his first battle. Got (OP) skills. But in fact he his without experience.

see above … learning bayesian logics (probably even a bit more suffisticated)


5 hours ago, GatoGrande said:

Win rating + average kills per battle. 

no optimal, imho because win ration positively feedbacks into av kills and vice versa



 CinnamonFake (Posted 12 hours ago)
This system actually prevents the situation when expirienced player decides to go on rank 5 and fly with newbies. In this case he will be thrown to expirienced battle. Newcomers will play with newcomers only

Best thing!



 SunnySweet (Posted 10 hours ago)
R1-8 players should not be me merged with R9-15. This should be learning zone for new players.

Yes - I guess the new mm will help avoid players with skills and full set of special project ships take their r1 and battle with newbies…

This is a mess. I queue with R9s and it puts me against anything from r3 to r15 (all on the same team). I’m afraid to ask how “skill” is being quantified in this equation - honestly I’m not sure I even want to see the math involved, it might give me nightmares. Everybody on a squad still has to have the same rank ship slotted as their highest, but can now slot whatever else and be able to queue - BUT any ship more than 3? ranks below the highest rank one can’t be selected once you get a battle. Is this some kind of joke?

honestly, this is going to make recruiting new players into a corp only possible by making alt accounts and making low level players officers and the like with no guarantee that they’ll actually recruit. 

it’s not good.

20 hours ago, Koromac said:

Please, provide us with the chart/table of the ships’ bonuses for all Ranks.

You know, the current ones that are in effect.



I am still waiting for that table.

At this point discussing the new MM system with all in all 15 or 20 players is hardly a discussion, not to mention some are using multiple toons which shrinks the number of real participants to an even smaller number.


37 minutes ago, Koromac said:



I am still waiting for that table.

I’m also curious to see how the lower ranks [lower than 15] get a boost and what exactly that boost is, further more whether the boost/s give these ranks/ships an advantage over the rank 15. It has come to my attention some players deliberately use some ships that are lower than rank 15 at pvp with completing a rank 15 line up. I’m wondering whether some lower ranks and their existing bonuses along with the extra boosts gain an andavantage over the highest [for the time being] rank ships that should have been the top of the game. What was the purpose of grinding/buying etc our way to rank 15 which was and still is the highest of the game when lower ranks can outclass them.

Revolutionary change which was implemented out of necessity and despite the positivity of getting a faster game, not only indicates low player count but also creates chaos. Think of a new player joining today and going straight to a game Vs r15 ships, they wil simply rage quit and uninstall the game. Is it this what we want, do we need this this ?

It was mentioned that would be impossible for a newbie to join a pvp game Vs R 15 players, perhaps,  but what I have seen at a round was ships at rank 1-4 [might have been 5 and 6] not fully maxed and the poor players were just sitting ducks. Despite the fact that I’m not a skilled player, ended the round winning with over 5k score and 12 kills ! This is not accetable, we want to revive the game and not kill it.

I’m posting this although a couple of days back I’ve said I wouldn’t be posting anymore at the forum. I’ve seen a lot of pointless drama, folks making an efford to divert a conversation and an attempt to mislead. In all honesty I enjoy this game and would like to see it flourish, and I’m ready to contribue to that in every possible way within my abilities as long as I see some encouragement.

What bothers me is that my questions or requests get ignored and unanswered.

And I am not the only one! If you’re busy or unable to reply, then let me know!


This is just one example, not to mention that it was deleted once before that.


The second thing that bothers me is that I see almost no official presence even when the discussion has been opened.

The job of the Community Manager is to provide answers or at least some information or feedback that’s relevant to the players.

I asked for the table with information about Rank resistances and damages in proper current values that are applied to each ship of certain Rank.

I hope that I will get it, today, [@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/)


11 hours ago, MalfeasanceSC said:

… I’m afraid to ask how “skill” is being quantified in this equation - honestly I’m not sure I even want to see the math involved

Everybody on a squad still has to have the same rank ship slotted as their highest, but can now slot whatever else …

Is this some kind of joke?

no math? why not? math is interesting! an outline would suffice

skill? it is coming, haven’t we seen the end of old ranks & achievements system, see: [Achievement Rating: Top 100](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36077-achievement-rating-top-100/#comment-420255)

group restrictions per highest ship of leader? haven’t tested it so far, but I would guess this will fall some time in the not so far future, too

joke? yes , but on side of player! as was said, the mm cannot prevent from super players want to fly r1 ships – only put them into battles with players of their skills (r15s haha )


1 hour ago, ComWittman said:

  • what exactly that boost is, further more whether the boost/s give these ranks/ships an advantage over the rank 15.

  • What was the purpose of grinding/buying etc our way to rank 15 which was and still is the highest of the game when lower ranks can outclass them.

-Think of a new player joining today and going straight to a game Vs r15 ships. It was mentioned that would be impossible for a newbie to join a pvp game Vs R 15 players

  • I have seen at a round was ships at rank 1-4 [might have been 5 and 6] not fully maxed and the poor players were just sitting ducks.

  • winning with over 5k score and 12 kills ! This is not accetable, we want to revive the game and not kill it…

  • I’m posting this although a couple of days back I’ve said I wouldn’t be posting anymore at the forum.  …
  • boosts table? might be complicated to give a chart if it was dynamic and based on self-learning routines , maybe ranges of possible boosts per individual ship/player skills/rank/built etc

  • grinding up the ship tree? 1 purpose was fleet strength ; another would be: sell content in this f2p game to get money to pay the servers, dev staff etc… like premium ships and DLCs

  • newbie will be protected due to sheer newbie skills status

  • sitting ducks? maybe they want to observe and learn? or afk?

  • over score: man this happens due to: skills, knowledge, team, opponent, achieving objectives etc.pp. - how would software like mm ever avoid this? however, I go with the maxim that software/programming/development is no solution for social problems (if this was a social problem - I’d say maybe to some degree)

  • still posting: it is super ok


1 hour ago, Koromac said:

  • my questions or requests get ignored and unanswered. …

  • I asked for the table with information about Rank resistances and damages in proper current values that are applied to each ship of certain Rank. …

  • questions unanswered? this sh1$%&t happens to others as well

  • boost table? what if such kind of table sheet cannot be presented, but instead formulas and algorithms? what if this was under adjustment and fine tuning, in beta phase and could only be given later? so in this case you ask wrong question, and ask at improper time. I guess maybe in 1-2 months you may ask again, because the new pilot progression ranking system isn’t implemented yet. Indeed the old one isn’t burried already, see: [Achievement Rating: Top 100](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36077-achievement-rating-top-100/#comment-420255)

Now the devs like to see if the put ahead condition - the new MM - works as intended to go on with further babystep by babystep

Yozu know what the name of SC v1.5.0 is? Wasn’t it “Journey

25 minutes ago, avarshina said:


no math? why not? math is interesting! an outline would suffice

skill? it is coming, haven’t we seen the end of old ranks & achievements system, see: [Achievement Rating: Top 100](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36077-achievement-rating-top-100/#comment-420255)

group restrictions per highest ship of leader? haven’t tested it so far, but I would guess this will fall some time in the not so far future, too

joke? yes , but on side of player! as was said, the mm cannot prevent from super players want to fly r1 ships – only put them into battles with players of their skills (r15s haha )


  • boosts table? might be complicated to give a chart if it was dynamic and based on self-learning routines , maybe ranges of possible boosts per individual ship/player skills/rank/built etc

  • grinding up the ship tree? 1 purpose was fleet strength ; another would be: sell content in this f2p game to get money to pay the servers, dev staff etc… like premium ships and DLCs

  • newbie will be protected due to sheer newbie skills status

  • sitting ducks? maybe they want to observe and learn? or afk?

  • over score: man this happens due to: skills, knowledge, team, opponent, achieving objectives etc.pp. - how would software like mm ever avoid this? however, I go with the maxim that software/programming/development is no solution for social problems (if this was a social problem - I’d say maybe to some degree)

  • still posting: it is super ok


  • questions unanswered? this sh1$%&t happens to others as well

  • boost table? what if such kind of table sheet cannot be presented, but instead formulas and algorithms? what if this was under adjustment and fine tuning, in beta phase and could only be given later? so in this case you ask wrong question, and ask at improper time. I guess maybe in 1-2 months you may ask again, because the new pilot progression ranking system isn’t implemented yet. Indeed the old one isn’t burried already, see: [Achievement Rating: Top 100](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/36077-achievement-rating-top-100/#comment-420255)

Now the devs like to see if the put ahead condition - the new MM - works as intended to go on with further babystep by babystep

Yozu know what the name of SC v1.5.0 is? Wasn’t it “Journey

Chart of additional bonuses and the way they affect EACH and every ship. Since that chart was impemented, I would like to know what EXACTLY is the impact on each ship so, if you will allow me, choose WHICH ships I will equip.

All I see here is a some speculations, nothing official unless you are a game developer. If not, then state that whatever it is you’re saying are personal assumptions. You seem to have an explation for everything as if indeed you are a game developer.

10 minutes ago, ComWittman said:

Chart of additional bonuses and the way they affect EACH and every ship. Since that chart was impemented, I would like to know what EXACTLY is the impact on each ship so, if you will allow me, choose WHICH ships I will equip.

All I see here is a some speculations, nothing official unless you are a game developer. If not, then state that whatever it is you’re saying are personal assumptions. You seem to have an explation for everything as if indeed you are a game developer.

Off cause it is speculation and opinion that what is called free speach! We have no more, but besides I am well able to analyse all the hints and side notes given out by the devs ![;)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/002.png “;)”)

I nearly always say: Ithink or I guess etc…

I position me on opposite side when I address the developers of this game as “they (do)” etc…

I hope it’s clear now ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) Have a nice weekend!

2 hours ago, ComWittman said:

Think of a new player joining today and going straight to a game Vs r15 ships, they wil simply rage quit and uninstall the game. Is it this what we want, do we need this this ?

Please report such occurrence.

20 hours ago, _terrorblade said:

Would be fine If you can actually divide the matches based on skill level (which is hard, but many games do this… doesn’t have to be 100% accurate)

Like if someone skilled & experienced couldn’t join lower rank games even on r1 ship - that’s good. And if someone who’s awful at the game but has r15 is fighting good r5 pilots - that’s fine too


Currently it doesn’t seem to be working… throwing new players against the best

mwo has such a pilot skill tier system

you start tier 5 and work yourself up to tier 1

you can also fall back, but usually slowly progress forward


of course, at the same time all mechs are endgame mechs, so the whole concept was like that from the start

and you are displayed quite openly, what tier you are, inclusive lots of online guides written over time which help players even adjust to the meta of specific tiers

specific skill levels seem to have different gameplay there, with the same units, which sounds strange


I do like the idea, and I think it’s the right direction for SC to go into a full endgame design, but I am not sure if it would not be easier with a clean cut revamp

overall, i have fun trying r5 and r6 and still getting into r15 games


but as others noted, i am not sure if everyone i encounter belongs in the same cage with me


and teams can be extremely disbalanced, i dunno why i always end up with the frig players while the enemy team has damage dealers

lots of ppl afking or disconnecting aswell