The updated Matchmaking system (Discussion)

51 minutes ago, niripas said:

Please report such occurrence.

He just gave an example.

Which will not happen, in case you haven’t taken time to analyse the news, this whole thing was done exactly to avoid those kind of scenarios, newbies will never run into vets in PvP, but as they, or better said, their stats get better they will, and we don’t know at which point it will start.

2 hours ago, avarshina said:

[stockholm syndrome snipped]

Yozu know what the name of SC v1.5.0 is? Wasn’t it “Journey


Yes, we do seem to be going somewhere, but why are we in this handbasket?


32 minutes ago, g4borg said:

overall, i have fun trying r5 and r6 and still getting into r15 games


but as others noted, i am not sure if everyone i encounter belongs in the same cage with me


and teams can be extremely disbalanced, i dunno why i always end up with the frig players while the enemy team has damage dealers

lots of ppl afking or disconnecting aswell

Pretty much this. I don’t personally have a problem going up against r15s in my Kite or my Phoenix. Kite might actually be better than Peregrine in this meta. When the MM puts me and Zazie in R9 ships up against a couple of random Aces in R3-5 ships, that’s not fun for anyone involved. And there’s not even the option, now, to stop sealclubbing and just play R15 ships, because you still get matched with R5s. I want a decent fight, not speedbumps.

40 minutes ago, Koromac said:

He just gave an example.


Please disable this for t1 and t2 at least. Just fought 2-3 t1 people who joined very recently and had less than 10 pvp games…

It was no fun for either side


EDIT:  they went offline after our second game. Seriously, where is the skill based part of this MM?


37 minutes ago, _terrorblade said:

Please disable this for t1 and t2 at least. Just fought 2-3 t1 people who joined very recently and had less than 10 pvp games…

It was no fun for either side


EDIT:  they went offline after our second game. Seriously, where is the skill based part of this MM?


@niripas, seems it aint just me…

31 minutes ago, ComWittman said:

@niripas, seems it aint just me…


Don’t blame @niripas for this,


He is just messenger. 


In middle age, if a message were bad messenger was killed usually.


I think that we need in-game poll for this.

Question for the poll; 

Do you like current MM where R1 can play against-with R15 ships in same PvP game.



a). Yes, I like it

b). No, I don’t like it.


Since more than 85% players will vote for b. answer we can skip this poll and make new one with starting question;


What kind of tier MM would you players prefer since you actually play this game;


a). I would like to have 4 tiers (T1 R4-6, T2 R7-9, T3 R10-14, T4 R14-17+special project ships)

b). I would like to have 3 tiers (T1 R4-7, T2 R8-12, T3 R13 and up)

c). I would like to have 2 tiers (T1 R4-9, T2 R10 and up) 


As you can see there is no R1-R3 as these players should play just CO-OP vs AI to learn basics of the game until they reach R4 with at least four different ships

and until they get enough learning points. Learning points should be awarded only in CO-OP for beginners.

Queuing in PvP from R4 and up should not be allowed with less than three ships.

7 minutes ago, SunnySweet said:


Don’t blame @niripas for this,


He is just messenger. 


In middle age, if a message were bad messenger was killed usually.



As you can see there is no R1-R3 as these players should play just CO-OP vs AI to learn basics of the game until they reach R4 with at least four different ships

and until they get enough learning points. Learning points should be awarded only in CO-OP for beginners.

Queuing in PvP from R4 and up should not be allowed with less than three ships.

Ooops, maybe I should hide somewhere ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Those are current rank limits:



So if a player took R1-R3 to the PvP battle, he had to reach R5 already. Dunno about the rest, probably this MM needs some tweaking, however it shouldn’t be allowing people with few battles to get R15s on the other side.


1 minute ago, niripas said:

So if a player took R1-R3 to the PvP battle, he had to reach R5 already. Dunno about the rest, probably this MM needs some tweaking, however it shouldn’t be allowing people with few battles to get R15s on the other side.





Probably UFO. You literally cannot select PvP if you have R4 or less.

so many people here saying, new players are leaving!!! New players have to fight with R15!!! The game is end!!!

but, how many of u really try the new MM as a new player?

I did, and what i got is, the new MM is fine.

first, R1~R4, no pvp, coop only, new players have to reach R5 to get into pvp.

than this is the pvp i got.

7vs7, 1 AI on each side, all players are new players.

the highest is R7.

i think as a new player, this is fine.

and let’s guess who will get hurt by this new MM.

T5 players? they are fine.

T3/4 players who play for T3/4 because their favorite ships is on T3/4? they are fine.

New players who just join in the game, as u see, they are fine.

but some players who enjoy to play on T3 with fully load ships to kill those new players who fly on new ships…they have no chance to do that any more.

so the new MM is good. but i may have some bug that need to inprove, if someplayer get their game id ready for three monthes but still only have r1, should they been put into the new players group.














6 minutes ago, Savanna said:

so many people here saying, new players are leaving!!! New players have to fight with R15!!! The game is end!!!

but, how many of u really try the new MM as a new player?

I did, and what i got is, the new MM is fine.

first, R1~R4, no pvp, coop only, new players have to reach R5 to get into pvp.

than is it the pvp i got.

7vs7, 1 AI on each side, all players are new players.


But you’re not a “new” player… me and [@_terrorblade](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/243375-_terrorblade/) was fvcking fighting one in a squad, he logged out after 2 games when he matched with us. They are LITERALLY forcing new players to quit because they get owned by the veterans, and this new mm was supposed to prevent EXACTLY this.

How is this in any way fair to the new players?



1 minute ago, DeathWasp said:

How is this in any way fair to the new players?



as u post registered Feb 21 2017… 5a99a1ab9e662_QQPhoto20180302140916.jpg.a1ed8e1ede05a9eb4f12791c052af4d3.jpg

by the way did he got the new players buff?

if not, than this is because the MM didn’t set him as a new players.

and the id i just registered, have the new players buff,and works well.

so u may say this is a bug for the MM, and the best way is registered a new id maybe.

8 minutes ago, Savanna said:

as u post registered Feb 21 2017…5a99a1ab9e662_QQPhoto20180302140916.jpg.a1ed8e1ede05a9eb4f12791c052af4d3.jpg

by the way did he got the new players buff?

if not, than this is because the MM didn’t set him as a new players.

and the id i just registered, have the new players buff,and works well.

so u may say this is a bug for the MM, and the best way is registered a new id maybe.

I played a couple of rounds on an new account and you actually should get a few battles against new players first, I had two round against low rank ships and one bot on each site. After that I also faced r15 ships, but I wasn’t sure if I get already ranked up because of my stats or because of their mm beefing garbage.

Now after looking at the stats of TheMuffin I think that their mm is just utterly garbage now.

1 hour ago, niripas said:

Ooops, maybe I should hide somewhere ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Those are current rank limits:



So if a player took R1-R3 to the PvP battle, he had to reach R5 already. Dunno about the rest, probably this MM needs some tweaking, however it shouldn’t be allowing people with few battles to get R15s on the other side.




I was just in PvP didn’t make screenshot ( sorry but it is boring to make it each game) but we just had Black Hort in game.

41 minutes ago, DeathWasp said:

How is this in any way fair to the new players?






This is great screenshot here.

This is pointing to main problems in MM that we have here.


Just look at players on BLUE side,

I’m not talking about rank of ships here, just look at names.

How is possible that four best players in this PvP match play on the same side?

Where is MM here? 

Who is saying that MM is fine?


This screenshot is telling all about current MM.

This is what I’m talking about one-sided games, no even games.



That is exactly why I would fire MM developer. 



How did this guy actually managed to get into pvp without being r5? His profile most likely did not get updated

14 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

His profile most likely did not get updated

he probably has one of the 3 special ships which are neither fed / jerri / emp / elly


just a guess.

Listen, I know for at least ten examples, but I will only show one, just to prove my point.


[DeathWasp] and [TERRORBLADE] can tell you more! Yes, this poor fellow was in Tier V with me, against [ESB].





Do you think that this poor guy will be back again for more? NO! I started adding such cases. Let’s see how many will come back for more. I’ll tell you in a week.

Write down such examples, nicknames, then we will compare how many still want to play this game.