The matchmaking is TOTALLY UNFAIR right now in StarConflict! (Picture included)

a pilot with so called Command module should have money/synergy increase in case of win, as the reward for his services


They already do by having so many buff assists. 

MM works as long it follows its own rules/calc. But some matches are simply forced to give players a match. So far I have not noticed any wait time that gets close to 5min but the result of having a forced match aren’t pretty…

They already do by having so many buff assists. 

I think he is referring to a new special “command” module not the Fighter: Command .

A true command ship

A true command ship



Even if people squad up it doesn’t mean they play well together. We have seen other corps with weak or no team play.

While squading up may help, the outcome still depends on each players skill and team play (looking where the team mates are, helping each other trying to complete the objectives together).

Together does not necessarily mean you have to stick together, there are situations where you can take advantage of other players killing each other to like grab the bomb and plant it … but that really depends on the game play of others (your own team and the enemy team).


 Give any benefits to such a thing and every other Ace will equip those for farming purposes.

I hope for exactly that: Ace pilots will choose mounting such a thing. It’s for them, right? They will still be able to kill someone, plus take care and give RIGHT orders to everyone else. Win = even more synergy. Others will mount good old shield/hull modules instead - more useful to survive and get a piece of synergy/money them selves.


But more important: level the odds and help MM do better job.


Buff assists? I don’t like to see it, but I like to see friends helping eachother. That’s what multiplayer is for. If I have more friends, I wouldn’t sh*t my freakin’ ideas here on forum. I’d fly with friends instead.

I hope for exactly that: Ace pilots will choose mounting such a thing. It’s for them, right? They will still be able to kill someone, plus take care and give RIGHT orders to everyone else. Win = even more synergy. Others will mount good old shield/hull modules instead - more useful to survive and get a piece of synergy/money them selves.


But more important: level the odds and help MM do better job.

You entirely missed my point

And then there will be pugs filled with brainless “commands” that for w.e. reason believe that they are the best player on a team and entitled to command everyone what to do, meanwhile leading the whole team to an absolute destruction, so many times i see pings that do not make ANY tactical or strategical sense and i can see right away that following it will do no good for the team, but quite opposite, yet it find followers. Unless you give those abilities to players with xxxx tons of games on every role in higher tiers + high average states (kills and assists), those “commands” will be absolute abomination for PUBS and pubs that follow those. I would not trust team tactical calls to at least 2/3rd of active population on this forum and those are very good pilots for the most part.

Give any benefits to such a thing and every other Ace will equip those for farming purposes.

Aces will not give away Right orders, most of them are bad orders making your team in even worse situation when there are no stupid orders, look at any military, show me one successfully military that doesn’t have a structure, where every soldier can make a call on strategical/tactical level, inexpirienced players can not make a right call in a pinch of a battle most of the times, wrong call = wipe of the entire team, especially versing organized squad

I know I am quite lonely with this point of view, but i don’t really see how MM is screwing me over, maybe once in a while, but that is what you get for playing solo in any team based multiplayer PvP game.

I see it less now, but it’s not eliminated.  I had a match two days ago where I think our team had two kills total in capture the beacons.  I was the only ship left at the end, and I hadn’t died once.  I was so close to getting their last beacon to save my team from a loss.


One thing I have noticed, I’m getting put into matches more often where almost none of the players have a DSR over 1200.  Even if my team sucks, I know the other team also sucks.

I think MM is fine, the problem is too few people. My only problem is, i never know if i will get into a 3v3 or not. I would wait longer to get a normal match, and would avoid 3v3 at all costs (not now, but before, when i leveled some ships and didn’t have any inties in the roster). Why can’t i tick some checkbox to say, under no circumstances place me in small matches.

I think they changed something recently, that the MM is really fast now. Interesting

It depends. yesterday I queue in a 3 man squad and most of the time it took 2 or 3 min (not sure if the qualifies as slow or fast, but I think fast is around a minute or less).

I’m fine with 2 or 3 minutes, anything less than 5min is okay.

If you queue in a squad it can be sometimes fast if the opponent squad queue at the same time and they are in the next match again…

It depends. yesterday I queue in a 3 man squad and most of the time it took 2 or 3 min (not sure if the qualifies as slow or fast, but I think fast is around a minute or less).

I’m fine with 2 or 3 minutes, anything less than 5min is okay.

If you queue in a squad it can be sometimes fast if the opponent squad queue at the same time and they are in the next match again…


Yes that does happen! 

MM mechanic gives a short-time opportunity to cheat it a little. But, if too many people does the same, it’s not so little any more:


  1. as making my ratio/skill progress with equal (and better than equal matches), it dropped to 0,7 ratio and 1050 skill. It was dropping fast, as I just started.

  2. but I made some money in that process

  3. so I invested in lower level ships, fully equipping them easily

  4. I installed just mentioned low level ships, providing me low level matches with my rather low ratio/skill numbers

  5. I made plenty of kills, making plenty of players frustrated

  6. my ratio/skill is growing now ofc, but slow. So I can do more damage to fairplay, even not wanting it!!


MM is totally blind to pilot’s real experience, calculating just installed ships. I pretend to be tier or two lower so easy! I mean, how can someone be MM rated without calculating TOTAL number of battles?

Here’s my steam profile, FILLED with examples of the unbalance in this game

This was my most recent, HORRIFING BLOODBATH OF A BATTLE


You know what I want in place most?



3>Limit the lowest rank ships in high rank battles, STOP ALLOWING LOW TEIR SHIPS INTO HIGH TEIR BATTLES


5> add missiles to your ships.

6> And ammunition.

7> And a third ship to your roster. You are in Tier 3 - act like it!

8> use legible font one that don’t hurt the eyes, don’t use red colour, it’s reserved for moderation purpose

Also, seaberry, you might be surprised at how big a difference squads can make. I was in a 2-man squad last night, without teamspeak, and we rocked up multiple Slayer of Immortals medals. R11 Mk I solo with no skill vs co-ordinated R8s with Mk IV gear only ends one way.

9> Get some hull heals.

10> Drop the assault rails, singularity or ion emitters will get you further.

9> Get some hull heals.

10> Drop the assault rails, singularity or ion emitters will get you further.

Wolf has railgun bonuses. Railguns are better on it