The matchmaking is TOTALLY UNFAIR right now in StarConflict! (Picture included)

Want extra team commands implemented into the game? 


No i don’t, imo extra team commands will just be more ways for people to spam. And spam is never fun



Come to think of it… IIRC someone else suggested adding more tools for team coordination a long time ago.


What if they added 5-10 slots in the key configuration set up for chat commands? (i.e. press “y” and you will autochat up to 20 characters like  “go to beacon a now” or “I need help”)


And of course if you are on the squad chat , or corp chat tab it would only chat to them.

The right way to include team commands is with a toggle, like for example pressing ‘C’ to show available commands followed by numbers representing the desired command each. A direct team command will never work right. ‘PINGing’ as it is now works because it’s alone. Even like that whenever i type ‘R’ in chat i ping random sh*t on the map and people wonder ‘wtf is he thinking?’ - that alone is annoying enough. So pressing C will remove module commands and give you access to those team tools temporarily or till disabled (press C again or 10 second cooldown).

The right way to include team commands is with a toggle, like for example pressing ‘C’ to show available commands followed by numbers representing the desired command each. A direct team command will never work right. ‘PINGing’ as it is now works because it’s alone. Even like that whenever i type ‘R’ in chat i ping random sh*t on the map and people wonder ‘wtf is he thinking?’ - that alone is annoying enough. So pressing C will remove module commands and give you access to those team tools temporarily or till disabled (press C again or 10 second cooldown).

Sounds kinda like TF2’s system.

The right way to include team commands is with a toggle, like for example pressing ‘C’ to show available commands followed by numbers representing the desired command each. A direct team command will never work right. ‘PINGing’ as it is now works because it’s alone. Even like that whenever i type ‘R’ in chat i ping random sh*t on the map and people wonder ‘wtf is he thinking?’ - that alone is annoying enough. So pressing C will remove module commands and give you access to those team tools temporarily or till disabled (press C again or 10 second cooldown).


Good suggestion, makes me think of counter strike. 

Funny, I find the modules to be few, I would gladly accept more :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m used to up 6 active items on DotA 2, and experienced MMORPG players (not my case) can deal with tons of them.

4 is about my limit, in tf2 engies have 5 and it screws me up.

I’m used to up 6 active items on DotA 2, and experienced MMORPG players (not my case) can deal with tons of them.

I still can handle 100 APM while playing SC2, so yeah, for me 4 modules seem few. It feels like LoL…

Okay, back on topic. The MM needs an overhaul. 

I’m used to up 6 active items on DotA 2, and experienced MMORPG players (not my case) can deal with tons of them.

WoW Arena PvP.

I didn’t count the 4-6 active spells but still nothing compared to StarCraft or WoW Arena PvP as Ory said.

Okay, back on topic. The MM needs an overhaul.

I really don’t think MM needs an overhaul, if you review MMs logic, it is pretty good, only thing is more Logic Values Checks have to be tuned or made dynamic to accommodate for current online population

I really don’t think MM needs an overhaul, if you review MMs logic, it is pretty good, only thing is more Logic Values Checks have to be tuned or made dynamic to accommodate for current online population


True, we come back down to the fact that the MM system works with large numbers. But with the current small limited population, its working against us and the game. 

True, we come back down to the fact that the MM system works with large numbers. But with the current small limited population, its working against us and the game.

I know I am quite lonely with this point of view, but i don’t really see how MM is screwing me over, maybe once in a while, but that is what you get for playing solo in any team based multiplayer PvP game.

I know I am quite lonely with this point of view, but i don’t really see how MM is screwing me over, maybe once in a while, but that is what you get for playing solo in any team based multiplayer PvP game.


They should really encourage more team play. Mabye better incentives? 5% increase to Synergy gain for a 4 man squad? 

Sounds kinda like TF2’s system.


Good suggestion, makes me think of counter strike. 

I actually thought of Freespace 2 lol.

So many games using it means 1 thing: the system ain’t flawed :wink:

No i don’t, imo extra team commands will just be more ways for people to spam. And spam is never fun

If someone mounts Command module on, rather than a shield buster to keep him safe - maybe he’s got something to say.


He wouldn’t be of spamy kind. Issuing smart commands would be his best defense. He would push pilots to teamwork and help MM to level the odds. So MM would work fine as it is, except it can’t read and value guns/modules level of upgrade just yet. But, it can be fixed, I guess. 


That’s why command issuing (pinging targets included) should be allowed by Command module exclusively. Pinging (and spamming) by pilot with no Command module would be in grey color and in lower priority. If there is no commanding pilot in fleet… well, it’s not up to MM.

Some players need a de facto leader. As some players gravitate and listen to the veterans. 


I remember a T2 battle, Where it was the combat recon, And I said “Frigates, commands, and fighters defend, All else rush into to attack, flank them from the right!”


Needless to say, most obeyed, and we won the match! 

They should really encourage more team play. Mabye better incentives? 5% increase to Synergy gain for a 4 man squad? 

a pilot with so called Command module should have money/synergy increase in case of win, as the reward for his services

If someone mounts Command module on, rather than a shield buster to keep him safe - maybe he’s got something to say.


He wouldn’t be of spamy kind. Issuing smart commands would be his best defense. He would push pilots to teamwork and help MM to level the odds. So MM would work fine as it is, except it can’t read and value guns/modules level of upgrade just yet. But, it can be fixed, I guess. 


That’s why command issuing (pinging targets included) should be allowed by Command module exclusively. Pinging (and spamming) by pilot with no Command module would be in grey color and in lower priority. If there is no commanding pilot in fleet… well, it’s not up to MM.


 And then there will be pugs filled with brainless “commands” that for w.e. reason believe that they are the best player on a team and entitled to command everyone what to do, meanwhile leading the whole team to an absolute destruction, so many times i see pings that do not make ANY tactical or strategical sense and i can see right away that following it will do no good for the team, but quite opposite, yet it find followers. Unless you give those abilities to players with xxxx tons of games on every role in higher tiers + high average states (kills and assists), those “commands” will be absolute abomination for PUBS and pubs that follow those. I would not trust team tactical calls to at least 2/3rd of active population on this forum and those are very good pilots for the most part.

a pilot with so called Command module should have money/synergy increase in case of win, as the reward for his services

Give any benefits to such a thing and every other Ace will equip those for farming purposes.