The matchmaking is TOTALLY UNFAIR right now in StarConflict! (Picture included)

Hello guyz,



Today I went some T2 runs. The point is that the matchmaking is totally unbalanced right now. Why the computer creates matches like T3s against T2s and T1s!? Why??? Because it is absolutely not fun, and ruining the whole gameplay. Playing unfair matches will kill the game very soon, if they won’t change it.  I suggest that only and solely the same Tiers compete in the matches.


My screenshot is included in the attachment. You can see that for about 4 T3 against 1 T3 and the others are T2 mostly and T1…it is pathetic and very outrageous!


Take care, and Happy hunting,




It seems players have been asking for this one since before I even started playing.  It seems the devs are adamant about mixed tiers.  The current spread is +/- 3, which is a 2 tier span.  If a game is rank 6, there can be as low as rank 3 and as high as rank 9 in the same game.  This is complete crap.


Reducing the spread to +/- 2 is an absolute must, and still completely unfair, but would at least make this game playable for me.  +/- 1 is ideal, but until this game actually gets players, it would make queues too long.

Yeah absolutely agree with that. But it is still not okay, that the matches so unbalanced. I think I preferred to wait more then just the matches will be balanced.

Tried flying my Phobos this morning for that 2x synergy bonus on first win. Got matched against Rank 10+ ships.


I’m flying the worst T3 ship in the game, if not the worst ship in the game period, and I’m being matched against ships 3-4 ranks higher than me.


Remind me why I bother playing again?

World of Tanks is still worse, but yes…The matchmaker leaves much to desire.

Tell us something that hasn’t been said in the past 50 matchmaking threads.

Tried flying my Phobos this morning for that 2x synergy bonus on first win. Got matched against Rank 10+ ships.


I’m flying the worst T3 ship in the game, if not the worst ship in the game period, and I’m being matched against ships 3-4 ranks higher than me.


Remind me why I bother playing again?


While it is arguably the worst t3 ship, it is still not that bad, i managed to blaze through synergy farm on this ship without much problems. As long as you change your playstyle on this ship to not fly the same way you would fly on Wolf-M

World of Tanks is still worse, but yes…The matchmaker leaves much to desire.


One again Funky, In WOT, each tanks have a dedicated matchmaking.

One again Funky, In WOT, each tanks have a dedicated matchmaking.

Not really…they are all basicly ± 2 tiers, exept for lights which is  -2+6 tiers

As long as you change your playstyle on this ship to not fly the same way you would fly on Wolf-M


Agreed. Halfway to getting synergy 8/9 on Phobos. PVP stats actually improved compared to when I was flying R6 ships. And it’s true to all ships that I’ve flown in the ‘wrong’ tier like Hydra2 in a high level T3 match. You can still function but you function differently and with greater constraints.


Still if I had a choice - I’d vote for +/- 1 rank so you get max 3 ranks difference even if it’s a mixed tier. Best compromise imho.


for eg. R7, R8, R9 is about the same difficulty as R8, R9, R10


  • R13 is uberOP though.



But in the long run, I’d prefer if power gap between ranks were made smaller. Less issues with MM if an R9 ship could effectively deal with R13’s

Thanks for the agrees. I know that there is a lot of threads about this topic. But the piture I posted was the most fucked up match, maked unfair to me, and I really pissed of because of that. So they HAVE TO correct the matchmaking out.

I don’t think they even read matchmaking balance threads.

Hell, you want proof that the tier system is messed up? Raptor Mk II, Lynx Mk II and Dagger AE (all Rank 4 ships) aren’t considered Rank 4 for the purposes of completing contracts. Nice job, testers. Real thorough job you guys do…

It does seem to put all strong players on one side and weak players on the other side most of the times.

You can hover over players names to see the Destroyed Ship Ratings in battle.

That’s another thing that doesn’t seem right a lot of the times.

I have been planing to post on that. that’s a different topic but related to this. I agree with the original poster.

Comment was upvoted. 


It does seem to put all strong players on one side and weak players on the other side most of the times.



It does seem to put me on the weaker side 99% of the time lol …

Matchmaker is a total xxxx joke in this game. Was it when I last played in february/march and it still is.


The game somehow doesn’t think that a 4 man corp premade with all purple/blue stuff is better than 4 random guys with white stuff.


Here is a disgusting example of the matchmaker

In addition to the high tiers… I notice that on a lot of the match ups they pair randoms with a lot of the corporations. More then one game I played over half the team was WPK or NASA. I feel this is unfair to randoms. I also wish they would limit how many interceptors can be in a match. When the enemy team is half ECM’s they get a lock up on every beacon defense. With it presently at 10 seconds or something rediculous this makes it a one sided battle. One of the reasons I made a post about balancing it. I think I was quickly shot down. Kine up there feels a need to rebalance the Fighter:Tackler and Fighter:Gunboat but, I am still adamant on fixing this.

An interceptor with 2 gun turrets SHOULD NOT be doing more damage then a fighter with 4 turrets. If you don’t believe me try fighting one of them with a Scatter Cannon. Trust me your shields are gone in seconds. Good luck on trying to rotate enough. You will be out manuevered all the time in Rotation and Speed. Even when I am using my Engine Overdrive and holding down the after burners that Interceptor is on my Engine the hole way. GG Fighters. Interceptors are the new dog fighters.

Thank you for the agree responds. Yes, they have to fix the matchmaking issue, or the game will be dead very very soon… :frowning:

Thank you for the agree responds. Yes, they have to fix the matchmaking issue, or the game will be dead very very soon… :frowning:

To be fair the game is almost already dead. Look at how few people are online even at peak times.

Seems, as in every game you have the Veterans Gully as they call it. 


The new guys that are grinding to reach higher tiers are always curb stomped by anyone that is higher than them. 

The wide tier imbalance serves two goals.  The first is that it allows more players to be put in the same match, and when you have a lower player population you need this in order to get people into matches in a reasonable amount of time.  The second reason is to give players who invested time or money a vindication of sorts for their efforts, and to encourage lower tiers to push on or pay up to shorten the grind.  This pattern is in every free to play game I’ve seen, and my guess it won’t go away here soon.