The matchmaking is TOTALLY UNFAIR right now in StarConflict! (Picture included)

Welcome back Ming

The wide tier imbalance serves two goals.  The first is that it allows more players to be put in the same match, and when you have a lower player population you need this in order to get people into matches in a reasonable amount of time.  The second reason is to give players who invested time or money a vindication of sorts for their efforts, and to encourage lower tiers to push on or pay up to shorten the grind.  This pattern is in every free to play game I’ve seen, and my guess it won’t go away here soon.  


I would rather wait longer than to get put into extremely unfair matches… I have complained about this matchmaking system so much… In fact, the reason I’m on the forum right now is because I was in a squad with me using rank 9s and a rank 10, both my allies had Tier 3 ships and we ended up fighting a T5 group. This is completely unacceptable. This should have been a Tier 4 match at highest…

T4,T5 are completely frakked imo, so I anchored at T3 (shorter wait times, larger battles) and boy was I suprised by THIS match (see screenshots).

Havent played in squad some time now, did I miss some recent changes in mm? Cose last time I did play squad I would regulary get higher Tech level to play against. In this particular match however, the same side with 4! ESB pwnmobiles even had a T4 guard LOL!

(I wanst in squad with the dude from my corp, btw, that was completely random)


Guess ESB killed every T4 out there at the time, so ppl just left/switched, so mm landed them wherever?




Welcome to Star Conflict. Where the MM favours the pets.

MM can be hard, and the outcomes can be surprising. Based on DSR, this should have been a fair match.

Note the chat.




Matches can be weird, and sometimes it’s just play styles and game understanding which MM can’t understand.

This is what we have to live with because the playerbase isn’t large enough to separate tiers like they were before. The introduction of T5 along with segregated Sector Conquest modes means our already sparse playerbase is being scraped even thinner.


ESB pilots have to be able to play games, same as the rest of us. They can’t be blamed entirely if the current ranking system leaves them nowhere to go and fight, save for lower-raking opponents.


The only way this is going to be fixed is if the official launch brings in enough players (without the current MM mechanics chasing them away immediately) to re-populate the tiers so we have a greater spread of pilots for the MM to choose from.

MM can be hard, and the outcomes can be surprising. Based on DSR, this should have been a fair match.

Note the chat.




Matches can be weird, and sometimes it’s just play styles and game understanding which MM can’t understand.

I find alone ESB pilots not so hard to track and harass at least, but if you see two or three of them almost is an insta loose. While it is only yourself to blame that you play worse, seeing 3 ships with lazor bot’s accuracy disintegrates whole team isnt very encouraging to move further. “Skill” can’t be measured the same for the all players. Adaptive algorithms like Left 4 Dead game has (zombie wave size depends on how well team performs) could partially solve that.

Ive never seen an esb squad lose, though im sure they have at some point.

Ive never seen an esb squad lose, though im sure they have at some point.


4 WPK (1 was a recruit) vs 4 ESB + pugs each side, last night.

It’s very doable, but people that know them are just afraid of them. I won’t go into details.

I dont fear them, i just KNOW ill die if i take them head on. I usually try to gank any one that gets isolated

![attachicon.gif](< base_url >/public/style_images/master/attachicon.gif)[screenshot-131231-005751.jpg](< base_url >/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=7247)

4 WPK (1 was a recruit) vs 4 ESB + pugs each side, last night.

It’s very doable, but people that know them are just afraid of them. I won’t go into details.


You beat the no-name ESB squad.   Try that against Starhammer, Zerk1, Cowboybebop, or Maximum…not going to happen anytime this century unless they’re only DSR farming.

T4,T5 are completely frakked imo, so I anchored at T3 (shorter wait times, larger battles) and boy was I suprised by THIS match (see screenshots).

Havent played in squad some time now, did I miss some recent changes in mm? Cose last time I did play squad I would regulary get higher Tech level to play against. In this particular match however, the same side with 4! ESB pwnmobiles even had a T4 guard LOL!

(I wanst in squad with the dude from my corp, btw, that was completely random)


Guess ESB killed every T4 out there at the time, so ppl just left/switched, so mm landed them wherever?

MM can be hard, and the outcomes can be surprising. Based on DSR, this should have been a fair match.

Note the chat.




Matches can be weird, and sometimes it’s just play styles and game understanding which MM can’t understand.

Welcome to the new mismatch maker… don’t be surprised by really unfair matches both ways.

I think MM sometimes just forces unfair matches to let people play.


You beat the no-name ESB squad.   Try that against Starhammer, Zerk1, Cowboybebop, or Maximum…not going to happen anytime this century unless they’re only DSR farming.

I had yesterday a match against others from ESB with SR1500 1700 … on our side it was 1200 and lower. And they were in a 4-squad on our side were maybe two 2er squads.

You beat the no-name ESB squad. Try that against Starhammer, Zerk1, Cowboybebop, or Maximum…not going to happen anytime this century unless they’re only DSR farming.

cowboybebop… I see him about every 10 matches or so. Ughhh

Ive never seen an esb squad lose, though im sure they have at some point.

They do, a lot.  Rule one, go for objectives because that’s something ESB’s not always great at.  The bears aren’t too bad to handle, it’s the pandas to worry about.  They may win most of their matches, but they die and lose like everyone else, it’s just a little rarer.


Welcome to the new mismatch maker… don’t be surprised by really unfair matches both ways.

I think MM sometimes just forces unfair matches to let people play.

By fair match, it was I think two 1300 dsr pilots and a 1200 dsr pilot on my side, I don’t recall exact numbers, vs a roughly mid 1400 ESB pilot and two mid 1200 dsr pilots.  No one in the match was under 1200.  I would never have expected that match to end up being a flawless victory with so many kills.  And yes, after the ESB player died, he went after our beacons since we were abandoning them from the get go.  A proper counter to our pug squad would have been a triple interceptor group to rush beacons, they didn’t do that.  MM couldn’t have predicted that.

Well on the team I was on I had only 1100 and a couple others too and on or two 1200 and 1300. The ESB had several hundred more in SR and the were 4 and there was no 4 squad on our side, the ESB also had better equipment compared to what we had in our slots but not sure. So there wasn’t even the slightest chance even if they had a bottle of vodka that we would win, we were lucky to get maybe a kill or assist, btw. the mod was combat recon so no other objective besides killing each other.


Sure there are matches were you beat the odds and win or had matches they look good for us turn around we still loose. MM takes all those numbers of players on ranks, ships mods, SR etc. and should match players that a really not meant to have any chance of winning.

Sure someone can have a bad day that MM cannot calculate for that but that are not the games I’m talking about.

Was told about this game, was interested.

Came to forums to check out game.

Found this thread.

Read thread.

Stopped downloading game. 

Deleted installer. 

Closing browser tab after posting this.

You beat the no-name ESB squad.   Try that against Starhammer, Zerk1, Cowboybebop, or Maximum…not going to happen anytime this century unless they’re only DSR farming.

You’re funny :lol:

2 of those squads is what we faced alternatively. They were really good games, all i can say back to ESB is ‘GG and thanks!’. That picture is the only won game in the series (just a resoponse to finemw), but the squads were really on par. Now we owned them, then they did, and repeat. Most matches relied on the pugs to win the game because we were slugging it out at the center of the maps.

Was told about this game, was interested.

Came to forums to check out game.

Found this thread.

Read thread.

Stopped downloading game. 

Deleted installer. 

Closing browser tab after posting this.

Do try it, nonetheless. That’s all I can say. The game is worth it if you give it the chance, don’t let us grumpy vets take the fun out of you.

I wonder how long will it take so that all 2000 becoming vets. I mean, ive played WoW for sometime, and the vast majority of “new characters” were being played by vets, and here vets are mostly on T2 and some in T3, so i predict in no time same thing will happen here if we dont get a boom in the playerbase.

Was told about this game, was interested.

Came to forums to check out game.

Found this thread.

Read thread.

Stopped downloading game. 

Deleted installer. 

Closing browser tab after posting this.

The only reason to not play the game is that it’s addictive.  Lag issues aren’t enough to stop us.  The grind issues aren’t enough to stop us.  The match maker issues aren’t enough to stop it.


This game is crack.